Sentences with phrase «one's territorial integrity»

Every such state has the right to territorial integrity which means that another state may not occupy parts of its territory.
Given the extraordinary events in the region over the last few months, the focus became Ukrainian territorial integrity.
Meanwhile, former Military President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, has described as courageous, the capture of Sambisa Forest, even as he reaffirmed confidence in President Muhammadu and the military to crushing any challenge against the «territorial integrity of Nigeria».
«While we continue to fight for the unity of our country, while we continue to fight and defend territorial integrity, while we equally operate to maintain law and order in support of the civil authority, there is one very important aspect of the soldier's life, and this is what we will be showing to you today.
In particular, Moscow allegedly tries to circumvent the 5 +2 format by working closely with Germany and tabling joint proposals, which envisage an equal status for the two parties and omit the provision for territorial integrity of Moldova.
Given the distinct Mahri culture, identity and language, developed over many centuries of autonomy, not to mention widespread disenchantment with Yemeni rule (ever more corrupt since the union of Yemen's south and north in 1990), Mahra's territorial integrity remains important.
America has no interest in Tibetan or Uyghur independence movements and should reassure China of its support for Chinese territorial integrity.
Ukraine's priorities are maintaining its own territorial integrity to the greatest extent, and they'd be more willing than anyone to make a deal (they just don't stand a chance if war escalates).
«Defense Minister says that Pakistan will issue a determinate response if territorial integrity of KSA is threatened.
Any discourse from either EU countries, the US or Russia about respecting sovereignty and territorial integrity today and operating through international norms rings very hollow in light of recent historical experience, not only in the former communist space but also more widely.
Emotionality and historical baggage will affect their conduct to a large extent and they will remain, in essence, preoccupied with survival and territorial integrity above all else.
It supports that idea of territorial integrity as a theoretical concept, because if it's eroded, China's own geopolitical position is threatened as it currently occupies (or wants to) several areas that would like to cecede from China proper (Taiwan, Tibet, Uighur areas, eventually possibly Hong Kong, disputed areas between China and Vietnam and China and Japan).
«After a catalogue of complaints by the Mahin people of different communities of the acts and omission of the present Amapatu of Mahin, particularly with respect to the kingdom territorial integrity, land use, chieftaincy matters, including the issue of the Alaboto of Aboto and minor chiefs in Igbokoda; the meeting supported the decision of the Mahin kingmakers passing a vote of no confidence on the Monarch and declaring the seat vacant for the time being.
Nwachukwu reiterated the commitment of the military to end insurgency, protect lives and property as well as protect national territorial integrity.
Tadić advocated integration of Serbia into the European Union but also territorial integrity of Serbia with sovereignty over Kosovo and Metohija.
Most Chinese people hate Russia, and the Chinese government issued a statement supporting «territorial integrity of Ukraine», i.e. veiled denouncement of Russia.
The most vocal challenge to BiH's constitutional and territorial integrity remains the President of Republika Srpska (RS), Milorad Dodik, who is calling a referendum to challenge the authority of the state judiciary and the OHR.
It is also a breach of China's Cyber Security Law and the Advertising Law, which prohibit any individual or company from activity that «undermines the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity,» it said.
Of course, none of them would be stupid enough to make such a mistake as they well know that they should respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of a country when doing business there.»
Foreign companies operating in China «should respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, abide by China's laws and respect Chinese people's national feelings,» Lu said.
«It would definitely be considered as having infringed on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the United States.
It said the H - 6K bombers had conducted numerous drills around Taiwan since April 18 «to improve its ability to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity
«We have the resolute will, full confidence and sufficient ability to foil any form of Taiwan independence separatist plots and moves and to defend the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity,» Ma said.
«The amendment to the underlying Iran sanctions bill maintains and substantially expands sanctions against the government of Russia in response to the violation of the territorial integrity of the Ukraine and Crimea, its brazen cyberattacks and interference in elections, and its continuing aggression in Syria,» said Republicans and Democrats on the committees.
«Let me be clear: This is one part of our efforts to deter Russian aggression, ensure the territorial integrity of our allies and maintain a Europe that is whole, free, prosperous, and at peace,» U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General Tim Ray, deputy commander of U.S. European Command, said in prepared remarks.
«Marriott International respects and supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China,» Sorenson said.
«We don't support anyone who subverts the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China and we do not intend in any way to encourage or incite any such people or groups.
«No force and no person should underestimate our resolute resolve and strong ability to defend the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity,» the office said.
«The companies that come to China should respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, abide by China's laws, and respect the feelings of the Chinese people.
«The system,» Freeland said, «had at its heart the core notions of territorial integrity, human rights, democracy, respect for the rule of law, and an aspiration to free and friendly trade.»
Antioch is seeking to defend its territorial integrity against militant Islam and incursions by a sister church.
Ukrainians who seek to preserve the territorial integrity of their country, in return, regard all this talk of the Russian world as a threat to their country and its peace.
The council called on the new government to «restore constitutional order and affirm citizens» political, economic and other fundamental rights and freedoms» and to assert «the territorial integrity of Ukraine, whose independence is a gift from God and is valued by our entire nation, which is why we have no right to allow for its separation, as this would be a sin before God and future generations.»
Because Russia's actions effectively abrogated the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, according to which Ukraine agreed to give up all its Soviet - era nuclear weapons in exchange for a guarantee (signed by Russia, the United States, and Great Britain) of its territorial integrity and borders.
China's chief political concern is territorial integrity.
It's hard to see how Syria's sovereignty and territorial integrity has not been systematically violated throughout the nearly five years of this conflict, by the very states that make up the US - led coalition.
The Brexiters are effectively asking the EU to give up its territorial integrity.
... subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, territorial integrity or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals,...
... «Do we have a policy if Iran's territorial integrity is threatened?
He warned about the dangers that ethnic chauvinism posed to the territorial integrity of the Russian state: «I am convinced that the attempts to preach the idea of a «national» or monoethnic Russian state contradict our thousand - year history,» he averred, «this is a shortcut to destroying the Russian people and Russian statehood, and for that matter any viable, sovereign statehood on the planet» (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 2014).
They also include matters pertaining to territorial integrity: Tibet, Taiwan and Xinjiang, along with the Diaoyu Islands spat with Japan.
Ilham Aliyev reiterated his condemnation of the Russian annexation of Crimea and stated his opposition to Russia's efforts to undermine Ukraine's territorial integrity.
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