Sentences with phrase «one's time on screen»

We spent a lot of time on the screened in porch playing cards and talking.
Too much time on screen is not good for kids at an older age and even for you as an adult.
The dual windows mode allows one to use two apps at the same time on a screen by dividing it.
Children are spending more time on screens than ever.
You star seeing things appearing two times on the screen because you are drunk after all.
The supporting cast is vast and talented, and because the story spends so much time on the individuals, many of these spend little time on screen.
The duo share a lot of time on screen as they deal out a majority of the pain, and they play off one another with charming sibling chemistry.
The affected users claim that they have to swipe up multiple times on the screen for their phone to recognize that gesture.
And, as mentioned many times on this screen, technology, and specifically technologies that employ machine learning algorithms, are changing the way we do everything, including the practice of law.
Allowing unlimited entertainment time on screens (TV, tablets, phones) is like letting toothpaste out of the tube.
As your children get older, allocation of time on screen becomes an increasing bone of contention.
Whoever made the trailer knew the score and made it seem like the fathers were a larger part of the movie — their total time on screen was probably only about ten minutes.
Not his most memorable time on screen, but this isn't the worst either.
More and more companies are using applicant tracking systems to sort candidates to save their own time on screening process and to get more relevant job seekers at the same time.
If we value creativity, that's why we limit screen time because we know that children who do not spend too much time on screens are much more creative and much more imaginative.
The two players don't appear at the same time on the screen and it is not a classical co-op mode.
He completely grounds this film despite a relatively short amount of time on screen.
Deborah - Lee Furness, John Howard and Simon Stone all turn in great work in supporting roles, while the first time on screen for Sean Rees - Wemyss as Tom is a natural performance of great charm.
It is a pity however, that Malin Akerman got such a short time on screen, almost as if her role used to be larger.
The True Tone Display also means you can benefit from high dynamic range (HDR) content from apps like Netflix, although we doubt you'll be watching anything for any serious length of time on a screen so small - Stranger Things have happened though (geddit?).
Rachel McAdams (currently turning in the best work in this newest season of True Detective) makes the most of her unfortunately limited time on screen throughout the film as Billy's wife, Maureen.
The partnership of Ladd and Lake worked well but I didn't think they spent enough time on screen together and Lake's character was a little irrelevant to the rather workmanlike plot.
Amongst many major improvements, all the new digital radios, vehicle or handheld, have built in GPS, and as such can be tracked in real time on screens in the radio room of Big Life HQ.
The problem, as in almost all Hollywood rom - coms, is that the supporting players end up being more interesting than the leads, and yet getting less time on screen.
He won time on screen, and national recognition, by being a glorified dinner party guest.
Priyanka Chopra was one of the biggest fashion stars of the evening seen many times on screen swirling her stunning sheer gown in one of the two strongest bold colors of the evening.....
She generally appeared in comedies and musicals and was paired ten times on the screen with actor Dick Powell, to whom she was married from 1936 - 45.
We've also seen the «Avengers» roster shaken - up a few times on screen, with «Avengers: Age of Ultron» adding the likes of Vision (Paul Bettany) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen), only to have «Captain America: Civil War» tear the team apart.
In fact, much of Garfield's time on the screen resonated so deeply with me because I recognized the personal truth in it.
Paul Dano is sensational in his brief time on screen.
Yes, there are a few minutes of ring time on screen — with some associated sports violence — but the script is far more about relationships between fathers and sons, and the lengths a dad will go to secure those bonds.
The draw here are iconic actors Helen Mirren (Collateral Beauty) and Donald Sutherland (The Hunger Games), reuniting for the first time on screen since 1990.
This often means that while the window dressings have changed drastically, Black Panther's are familiar stories, repurposed for the umpteenth time on screen.
Heist movies, on the other hand, have historically produced some of the most fun and thrilling times on screen.
Florence is involved leading a chamber music string group whose music is given ample and most welcome time on screen by the director.
Reprising her former role, the body - painted female's extra time on screen includes using her torso as a convenient background during an extended close - up of her mentor, Magneto.
Even with their minimal time on screen, both Isaac and Christina Hendricks, who plays Blanche, a woman tied up in Nino's business, manage to make impressions.
[T] hough book buyers stated they spent almost five hours of daily personal time on screens, 25 % of book buyers, including 37 % of those 18 — 24 years old, want to spend less time on their digital devices.
Try to compress your images for speedy load times on all screens, without taking it too far and making the images look pixelated.
Switching between is not easy, thus having both at the same time on the screen makes things quite easier.
The part was small, though Bergman made the most of her short time on screen — particularly in a long, five - minute unedited speech — and won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, the third and final Academy Award of her career.
Becca (Ellie Kemper) and Rita (Wendi McLendon - Covey) round out the wedding party and I wish they had more time on screen together.
Mr. Hoffman did not spend a lot of time on screen in Paul Thomas Anderson's Punch Drunk Love, but he made the most of his screen time in a scene playing a mattress storeowner who swindles people out of money.
Matsi, a native of the island and in her first time on screen, shows guts and solid acting chops as Matilda, but again, without the help of the script.
It's a pretty funny turn for Wahlberg, though unfortunately his character spends limited time on screen.
The Franco brothers have yet to spend a significant amount of time on screen together during their careers.
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