Sentences with phrase «one's tome»

Being in the company of tomes of every color, shape and size still holds me in awe.
(Did I mention I own an entire book case of tomes on writing craft?)
This is most obvious in the accompanying publication, a beautifully produced, hardbound, fully illustrated, 200 - page tome in which all the texts and images have been blurred and recalibrated to the point where they are all but illegible.
All told, 87 players (34 who played last season) were called out in the 409 - page tome for their links to the procurement of illicit substances — including sure - thing Hall - of - Famer Roger Clemens, most recently of the New York Yankees.
I reviewed the new tome for The Washington Post, writing in part:
Quaku Praise by his performance has also won for himself an opportunity to travel to Sao Tome with the former Deputy Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Hon. Abla Dzifa Gomashie.
Any new tome by Jeremy Clarkson can be guaranteed to hog the highest reaches of the non-fiction chart for months.
You write a memoir because you are Somebody or because Some Big Thing has happened to you, and this is how we end up with tomes by the Kardashians and... Snookie.
Nearly seven decades since it was first published in 1936, the book remains a bestseller and has inspired thousands of other tomes about human nature and personal influence.
If you think that the FCC has gone dry on e-book readers of late, enter the Pandigital Planet — a 7 ″ device that sports a TFT LCD display, this Android - powered e-book reader will also come with Wi - Fi connectivity so that you are able to gain access to the Barnes & Noble bookstore to download your favorite digital tomes from there.
Wells describes his massive tome as «an attempt to tell, truly and clearly, in one continuous narrative, the whole story of life and mankind so far as it is known to - day [sic].»
My experience with multi-book formats suggests it's easier to market and sell a series because you can play around with free or 99 - cent «loss leaders» while leaving later tomes at full price.
I haunt the Half - Price Books for older tomes on writing and found a lovely one by the Asimovs.
At the moment, you fork out $ 79 each year for unlimited two - day shipping and access to movies and TV shows, so to see digital tomes included might be another bonus.
By Ferris Jabr * Part 2 of a seriesIn the offices of psychiatrists and psychologists across the country you can find a rather hefty tome called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM).
And there is Penrose the author, most recently of a 1,049 - page tome called The Road to Reality, which is modestly subtitled A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe.
The many pleasures within Isaacson's thick tome include gorgeous illustrations, beautiful and precise writing, surprising glimpses into Leonardo's thinking and, perhaps most satisfyingly, a stunning survey of the artist's best - known works.
From the first day you step into the law office, to your last day appearing in court, you will have to schlep files, yellow pads, pens, laptops, and legal tomes around with you to court and client meetings.
Vitrines contained source materials, some of them quite nasty, displayed with ancient tomes from the Morgan's collection.
Of course there are gods they exist in their religious tomes as do all fictional characters.
Simply Kelina Nesie's Place Bedazzled Reading I Heart Reading Tome Tender Bright Street Books Bookish Madness Indy Book Fairy Compelling Beasts Blog Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents Stormy Night Reviewing Editor Charlene's Blog
Some people make the leap from paper to e-books effortlessly and never look back; some people kick and scream in resistance... and then defeated, happily sink into the couch with a heavy tome of paper pages in their hands.
Kobo's way is more open than Amazon's, though arguably not as polished, with new additions to the experience including Reading Life - stats on what you're reading - which you can share on Twitter and Facebook... as if... along with 17 separate «awards» for doing strange things such as reading after midnight, using the built - in dictionary, or reading a proper - long tome like War & Peace.
«We've deciphered the mouse book of life, and translated this huge tome into a meaningful edition for the research community,» says Jane Rogers, head of sequencing at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge.
The 220 page tome shows numerous examples of painting and sculpture from 1960 to the present.
Similarly, professors of theology are conceived as hoary, dignified old men (always men), devoid of humor, surrounded by thick tomes of biblical knowledge and frowning over reading glasses at theological neophytes.
Dickens» dusty tome finds new life in this ravishing adaptation about an orphan pushed and pulled into high society.
But I don't love accidentally dropping huge tomes on my face as I read, which happens just about every time I try.
That the film should present Shakespeare's oeuvre as a stack of leather - bound tomes saved for a politically opportune moment, filed away like cadavers in de Vere's «secret writings of Oxford» drawer, is bad enough.
Father Luther's careful handwriting, small and precise, gives both his own personal thoughts and the notes he made to remind him what he wanted to say in his lectures when he had the great tome in front of him on a lectern, and the young men, not so very much younger than he, looking up expectantly from the benches.
This is a pretty hefty tome which outlines all of the rules for conducting litigation in the UK, and is essential reading if you want to pass your Civil exam.
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They range from small (a softback published for a gallery show with a print - run of no more than 300 copies) to coffee - table tomes featuring specialty papers and binding, and limited - edition prints with print runs of more than 5,000.
As demonstrated in the hilarious faux commercial above, he can be used as an e-reader (reciting salacious tomes like Fifty Shades of Grey), for research, playing games (featuring a blow - by - blow of Angry Birds) and browsing social media.
The Subaru auto repair department at Brandon Tomes Subaru offers a variety of services to help keep your vehicle running smoothly.
Ray Tomes, I guess that I am not all that impressed when people rediscover — for the nth time — the Fourier series.
«I've been in this game for a long time, and I've been talking to a lot of sales VPs,» says sales consultant Robert Miller, author of the classic tome Strategic Selling.
Exclusive embossed slipcase holds this hardcover tome in a clever package that resembles a classic NES Game Pak!
Five years ago, David traveled all over Africa, researching the continent's architecture and published a seven - volume tome titled «African Metropolitan Architecture.»
How many tomes do I want to write?
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