Sentences with phrase «one's total cholesterol number»

You will discuss your exact total cholesterol numbers, your HDL ratio, the rest of your treatment plan, and any medications that you are on.
Dr. G talks about lower total cholesterol numbers when people consume large amounts of plants.
And according to leading cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, MD it is actually the particle size of your cholesterol that is the most important aspect of determining risk — not total cholesterol number or even triglycerides!
Non-HDL cholesterol contains all the «bad» types of cholesterol; it is figured by subtracting your HDL cholesterol number from your total cholesterol number.
To get a true assessment of disease risk, look beyond your total cholesterol number.
Bottom line: don't worry so much about your total cholesterol number.
To calculate your cholesterol ratio, divide your high - density lipoprotein (HDL, or «good») cholesterol number into your total cholesterol number.
Why your LDL - C and total cholesterol numbers may not be as important in determining your health as your doctor may think
I realize that his HDL being at 101 is raising the Total Cholesterol number.
In the 1980's the total cholesterol number considered safe was 240 and below.
I will say that the authors are critical of Drs who still feel that a total cholesterol number is a good indicator of heart dz concerns but they explain the information well (I am only part way through the book).
In fact, the more buckwheat that gets consumed — the lower the total cholesterol number will be.
As an example if cholesterol is your issue you may want to know our total cholesterol numbers and your HDL ratio.
Do not settle for just the total cholesterol number.
The Total Cholesterol Number or Count is the simple version of your blood situation.
The total cholesterol number jumps to 275 for clients 70 and older.
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