Sentences with phrase «one's understanding of the subject matter»

This certification indicates a thorough understanding of subject matter and the ability to present those subjects to elementary - aged children.
Nonetheless, the commentators deliver a fine array of notes related to the movie and demonstrate a good understanding of the subject matter.
Based on my own understanding of the subject matter and my experience in the field, I have put together a list of recommendations for designing a systems simulation.
This shows that you're able to develop an in - depth understanding of your subject matter.
This is the stage where a person starts to develop a strong understanding of the subject matter.
I'm often guilty of the same — stressing data that really drives home a developing trend or supports my prior understanding of the subject matter, perhaps reaching a conclusion too quickly.
They are solely intended to provide a general understanding of the subject matter and to help you assess whether you need more detailed information.
As a result, students are gaining a deeper understanding of subject matter, are learning to think critically, and are applying their learning to real - world problems.
The script by McKay and Charles Randolph keeps a lot of the technical aspects of Lewis «book in tact, but helps to assist the average film goers understanding of the subject matter with vignettes that are as much hilarious as they are informative.
Is it possible for the students taking the PBL course to demonstrate deeper conceptual understanding of the subject matter as measured by an assessment of deeper learning when compared with students experiencing the traditionally taught course?
We give teachers the tools to take their students beyond rote memorization to give them a deeper and more complete understanding of the subject matter - setting kids up for success in high education, careers, and life.
I disagree with some points there imo Naomi Watts was irrelevant in this movie and Emma Stone stating sixty years old was probably just teenage angst with no actual understanding of the subject matter.
This despite the state's insistence that students who do not pass the MCAS demonstrate no more than «a minimal understanding of the subject matter and do not solve simple problems.»
Both businesses and employees benefit when Big Data is used to create effective courses that ensure thorough understanding of the subject matter which can be combined with hands - on practice.
Translation requires a fine understanding of the subject matter, along with linguistic expertise.
Graphic organizers are some of the most effective visual learning strategies for students and are applied across the curriculum to enhance learning and understanding of subject matter content.
Months earlier, when I presented my 15 - minute sample lesson at the Teach For America interview, I was confident that I had a solid understanding of my subject matter and an entertaining approach to teaching it.
This means that we, in c California, especially for low income, low performing children, need to bring back individual state testing such as the star test so that schools and teachers can be checking children for their individual understanding of subject matter and not blending grades I not a four or five student hodge Podgorica of a group grade on this or that.
This helps teachers understand a student's true understanding of subject matter despite an uncharacteristically low score on a particular test.
College professors use writing assignments to gauge their students» understanding of subject matter along with their academic maturity.
Madagascan tribal sculpture will be paired with Picasso works on paper; masters of photography from Man Ray to Mapplethorpe will be set off against 19th - century marbles and antique reliefs; in turn creating juxtapositions that will enliven and deepen collectors understanding of this subject matter.
In my experience, their choice of method was dictated by one key constraint: They has to pick a method that didn't require any actual detailed understanding of the subject matter.
Max, I have told before that I mostly accept the content of WG1 as presenting the present understanding of its subject matter.
They can even help physical institutions personalize student learning through gathering data about attendance, engagement, real - time understanding of the subject matter and other things.
Her thorough understanding of the subject matter helps the reader understand what and how they need to go about crafting a strong and salable resume.
Used a building - block approach, where you can proceed sequentially through the book to gain a better understanding of the subject matter.
Educational studies suggest that the essential qualities of good teachers include the ability to be self - aware of one's biases; to perceive, understand and accept differences in others; to analyze and diagnose student understanding and adapt as required; to negotiate and take risks in their teaching; and to have a strong conceptual understanding of their subject matter.
They treat space as something real, constructed, fake or simply deceit in order to describe their own understanding of the subject matter and to translate their personal and social experiences into the work of art.
We give teachers the tools to take their students beyond rote memorization to give them a deeper and more complete understanding of the subject matter - setting kids up for success in higher education, careers and life.
«Jukka is the best data protection lawyer in Finland; he has an in - depth understanding of the subject matter and a unique ability to tie it to the client's business needs.»
This type of approach helps students develop a deeper understanding of subject matter than is possible through classroom study alone; it also helps develop their capacity for critical thinking, their application of knowledge in complex or ambiguous situations, and their desire to engage in lifelong learning.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that dissertation writing is a very serious project and it requires a lot of diligence, many hours of research, thorough understanding of the subject matter, and even advanced skills in organizing and managing your notes.
Chaudhry expects to see a fleet of new applications that assess, in real time, a student's understanding of subject matter and adapt the lesson on the basis of the student's comprehension level.
NCSCM's experience reveals that seminary professors are often profoundly shaken by what they learn of ministry from interacting with our students, while many of our adjunct faculty, both clergy and lay, display superior teaching skills and understanding of their subject matter and contemporary ministry.
All academic classes are infused with art to encourage creative thinking, inspire self - discipline, and deepen the students» understanding of subject matter.
And, they may be preventing the teacher from gauging the student's understanding of the subject matter, she added.
Expertise is necessary to make sense of all the data: no computer algorithm can substitute for a deep understanding of the subject matter, nor can it replace sound causal inference.
Differentiated instruction in eLearning meets the individual needs of learners by custom tailoring not only the eLearning content, but also how the information is conveyed and how learners demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter.
A curriculum that prepares students for life and work in the 21st Century is likely to be one that includes an emphasis on: — deep understandings of subject matter and the ability to apply what is learnt; — the ability to communicate and solve problems in teams; — the ability to think critically and to create novel solutions; and — flexibility, openness to change and a willingness to learn continually.
According to Merseth, some of the challenges standing in the future of math education include changing the way the culture perceives math, improving teacher's understanding of the subject matter, and listening more closely to the students.
Students and teachers need online tools to create projects, dispense information, and deepen their understanding of the subject matter.
eLearning interactions may include multiple choice quizzes, tests, eLearning scenarios, simulations, animation videos etc, that help learners to deepen their understanding of the subject matter through experimentation, dealing with unpredicted circumstances, or even learning from their mistakes.
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