Sentences with phrase «one's understanding of time»

Well, the last word, Single, might confuse you but let me elaborate a little further for better understanding of this all time stroller.
This is just one example of many in the bible, where god's words go beyond man's understanding of the times in which they lived.
Great historical fiction gives the reader deeper understanding of the times and people depicted.
Maybe my husband will be more understanding of the time I spend reading blogs if I win this nifty tool for him!
The works not only alter our established understanding of time and the narrative process but also our notions of reality, illusion, and the relationship between them.
The government biologists I work with have a very different understanding of time.
All biblical evidence points to the fact that there was an understanding about the nature of the earth and many other topics far beyond the secular understanding of the time.
But because art is also a record and reflects the questions and anxieties of the time, I would like to see contributions that reflect a Christian understanding of that time.
As your preschooler becomes more aware of the world around her, she can start to get a basic understanding of time and how it passes.
Since children don't have a strong understanding of time, this can be another strain on parents.
And though I hope I've not hurt the feelings of the subject, I'm not sure if I've contributed to a greater understanding of the times.
It's not all that hard to understand, but it involves understanding some of the time delays that exist in modern banking today.
Of course, this is after a potential new owner gains a full understanding of the time, energy requirements, and training that are necessary to own a shepherd.
The court commented however that this was an «old world understanding of time and place», and one based on the «transaction as a purely commercial one».
As a business owner myself, I fully understand all of the time, heart, and dedication that goes into running and owning a business.
This type of model could lead to a better understanding of the time - course for the response to an infection or a drug.
Often times I am looking for a clearer understanding of a time period in Christian history (generally because a modern author has made some wild and confrontational claim about how a certain doctrine or denomination arose).
It's set in the future - from the ARG the year 2028 - but its energy experiment events directly influence the past, rippling across infinite dimensions and completely obliterating conventional understanding of time as a linear construct.
He then went on to say that Jesus would return to earth within that present generation (roughly 16 years in Jewish understanding of that time) and that «many present would not taste of death» until they literally SAW this event; this «parousia», or «coming judgment.»
As it is translated in English — and without a cultural understanding of the times in which it was written — it sounds as if women are saved by means of having children.
To make our process as fair as possible, we give clients a clear understanding of timing, fee structures, and what they should expect, including a personalized program that will best suit their needs.
Determinism conflicts with the common sense understanding of time and is to be rejected on that ground, but determinism is not absurd.
When you are getting ready to make the change from cot to bed, let your child know that this move will happen a couple of days beforehand (one or two days is probably quite enough, as young children have very little understanding of time).
Apocalyptic consciousness... calls the timeless understanding of time that has become so firmly established in theology into question.
By having an intimate understanding of the time, I can shape my exit.»
Pannenberg's notion of prolepsis, I now realize, is fully coherent with usual understandings of time and eternity.
Clearly, for Farrow, this - worldly understanding of time and space is at best analogically suitable for speaking about that astounding reality for which we aim.
However, Bergson believes that this Newtonian understanding of time is misleading.
This [timeless] understanding of time enables theology to regard itself as a kind of constant reflection that is institutionally protected and can not be interrupted by any imminent expectation, without pressure of activity or surprises and experienced in rendering harmless expectations that are open to disappointment, but are nonetheless genuine.18
Yet the required transformations and final solutions strictly revolve upon the respective understandings of time and becoming.
The nine benchmarks also accept the contemporary understanding of time, the role of unpredictability (novelty), persuasion as a higher form of power than coercion, and the priority of evolution and change (instability) over equilibrium or stasis.
In Augustine's epoch the cyclical understanding of time was still common.
This promissory experience of reality reshapes our whole understanding of time.
At this age, kids don't have a good enough understanding of time and delayed gratification to benefit from having their successes measured graphically.
«A better understanding of these time lags, and the role of nutrient legacies in driving water quality, will help policymakers to set more realistic goals and manage expectations for everyone trying to improve the health of our watersheds.»
[7] Human skeletal research is, therefore, vital for a more comprehensive understanding of this time period in Cambodian history.
Vocabulary used in this game will prompt further research to develop a deeper understanding of the time soldiers spent in Gallipoli (eg, bivvy, jam tin bomb, stores, field gun, trench, etc).
Palpably atmospheric, with a remarkable range of characters and emotions, The Clearing displays more powerfully than ever before Tim Gautreaux's masterful understanding of time, place, and human nature.
What I am saying is that we have to have a firm understanding of the time horizon over which the «rules» will work, and an understanding of market valuations, sensing when valuations are high amid a surging market, and when valuations are low amid a plunging market.
When you witness this behavior, you assume dogs have a sophisticated understanding of time.
If all Western painting up to Jensen's time had as its condition an underlying notion of how things are disclosed according to a particular understanding of time and space (perhaps ultimately derived from the Greeks), we sense in Jensen's painting a striving toward another way of being in the world,» wrote art historian Michael Newman.
As in Purple, Rose pushes a non-linear understanding of time in relation to the Anthropocene, undoing internalized notions of progress and encouraging a return to the beginning in carving out a post-human future.
He rejected a fixed vantage point in order to interpret the fluctuating energy in the universe, and sought to transform the traditional understanding of time and space.
By strengthening this narrative, the exhibition also hopes to contribute to a critical understanding of this time period, which also marked the first decade of contemporary Chinese art, and the prelude to the era of globalized contemporary art.
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