Sentences with phrase «one's usual context»

Most comic book characters look a bit silly when taken out of their usual context.
The usual context in which you see a quitclaim is when there's a divorce and one person gives up a claim to a house in exchange for no longer paying the mortgage.
The artist highlights their form and function by pulling these objects from their usual context and placing them within a converted uptown townhouse.
First Mark upends the conventions of viewing art with works placed high and low, reflecting the artist's interest in how found objects fuction outside their usual context.
After choosing more than 200 objects from the Museum's diverse collections, he detaches them from their usual context (a...
In two of Peter Campus» recent works, forms and elements of nature are extracted from their usual context and set within computer - manipulated surroundings.
Fear of Punk / Fear of Art highlights the creative output of current punk artists, bringing their work out of its usual context while exploring intersections between punk rock, art and print culture.
The artist estranges these symbols from their usual context and allows their pictorial quality to assume greater prominence.
When he injects figures from modern art into his work, he is deliberately flattening pictorial space, and bringing up the shortcomings of these figures that look crippled and violated outside their usual context.
Instead of its usual context as interior office furniture, the fountain is placed monument like on a grass island in the center of the campus.
Painting small and showing him in the relatively tranquil atmosphere of Irvington, Mr. Martin for all his apparent insouciance, looks angry out of his usual context and, somehow, more human.
He took objects from the everyday world such as typewriters, lipstick, a flashlight; lifted them out of their usual context; and forced viewers to reassess their preconceptions about the objects.
The Lion and Lamb is a unique opportunity for painters to curate painting shows: perhaps visual essays or a kind of platform where artists can examine current practices in painting, take works from their usual contexts and experiment with new juxtapositions.
Masdar City stands out in part because it seems so different from its Gulf - business - as - usual context.
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