Sentences with phrase «one's vast universe»

I entered that very vast universe of people with one kind of cancer or another.
They're exploring the same vast universe in parallel; perhaps you'll make your mark on their worlds as well as your own.
The story is very good and expands in an already vast universe.
They're exploring the same vast universe in parallel; perhaps you'll make your mark on their worlds as well as your own.
I am so small, Lord, a speck of dust in vast universe, and yet, You tell me that I'm loved by You and that You have prepared a place for me where You dwell in majesty and glory, that I could share eternity with You in your presence.
If you're wondering how on Earth a coherent plot featuring so many characters from vast universes can be written, the answer is not very well.
The great God of so vast a universe, focusing divine attention upon the human creatures of earth?
I often find that the only way to truly fathom just how vast the universe is, or to successfully communicate the insane enormity of it to other people, is to illustrate just how small humanity is.
The bottom line is this: The capital markets — that vast universe encompassing private and public investment arenas as well as the U.S. and international banking communities — have changed in many far - reaching and deep - rooted ways.
The Fermi Paradox makes many assumptions and appears to effectively disregard the obstacles of interstellar travel and communication in an incredibly vast universe.
The player starts as a microbe in a cell - eat - cell world and gradually advances onto land, evolves sentience, develops culture, forms tribes, cities, and civilizations, and finally acquires the ability to move freely through a breathtakingly vast universe of planets, stars, and galaxies.
``... merging two spiral galaxies to make an elliptical [galaxy] is statistically improbable [in today's vast universe]
«No Man's Sky» has an immensely vast universe, yet two players managed to meet in the game.
(That's billion with a Q.) In this impossibly vast universe, planets run the gamut from dead planets to garden planets, every animal is a platypus of scales, hoofs, wings and tentacles, and every geological outcropping and piece of plant life has evolved to survive less in harsh planetary conditions and more on the covers of mid-20th century sci - fi novels.
The Amazon Kindle Fire is an affordable Android - based slate with 7» display, whose main selling point, besides the sub - $ 200 price, is the tight integration with Amazon's vast universe of entertainment and shopping services.
Stepping into any of her mirrored rooms, I can instantly feel Kusama's intention to make me ponder on my own insignificance in vast universe she created with lights and illusion.
God is so vast the universe can not contain Him, yet fully present on the point of a pin.
Seeing the UDF image triggers that realization in people, especially kids, of just how vast the universe must be easily makes the UDF my favorite.
Now, media entities like BuzzFeed have to track dozens of different metrics across a vast universe of content and platforms.
Those willing to take the plunge and set up shop in China, however, will discover a vast universe of technical expertise.
«There's this vast universe of limitless energy and limitless resources,» Tyson says.
Or other Type II and Type III lifeforms exist and we're a tiny, insignificant piece of a vast universe full of life.
Merely being a member of a vast universe like Facebook does not mean that you're going to form a connection with everyone in that universe.
I am pretty much with you in that, as humans, we don't have the know how or the mental capacity to even start to know anything about the vast universe.
You are making - huge - claims about a vast universe that we haven't even - begun - to learn about and you're going to say that, instead, your faith should be put in a God that made everything so that a bunch of primates on an average planet near an average star could be saved?
-- seeing energy can not be created nor destroyed, then before, during and after the big bang energy was the only thing there was, so why wouldn't 100 % of energy in this vast universe be capable of creating the minut amount of matter that fills it?
Being Christian seems as self - centered as mast - urbating, and arrogant too, in that one's own personal edification and benefit is of such high importance in the vast universe.
To believe this vast universe mostly filled with utter nothingness was somehow «made for mankind» is the ultimate nonsense.
In this great sermon, the preacher argues that the one who created the vast universe and all that is in it has the power to restore the Hebrews as a people.
just raise your head 45 degrees into the sky and be stunned from the creator, God, seeing the vast universe around us and how everything is calcuated in a precise way such that the whole universe is sustained.
Yeah, but until we find some other humanity in that vast universe, we are stuck with his humanity as the only one we've got.
Topher, I think Joey is talking about the relative probability of life also forming elsewhere in this vast universe, not necessarily saying that aliens seeded the earth — although it is possible that life formed elsewhere in the solar system and came to earth via meteors etc..
If there was a God that created this vast universe, would it communicate to these beings on a small speck we call Planet Earth?
We are small minds in a vast universe.
If there is an infinite God, he has infinite more important things to do in this universe than to kill off some insignificant living things on an insignificant little planet in this vast universe.
Since when has the Pacific Ocean been poured into a pint cup, that the God of this vast universe should be fully comprehended in human words?
If there is a creator of this vast universe the if it created another dimension to punish the ghosts of varying shades of pink monkeys that would be just silly.
Your understanding of logic is just a tiny star in his vast universe.
It is hard for man to have the honesty and humility to admit that he is, for all his gifts, but an animal — a localized fragment of things, a mass of specks in a vast universe, which can not in good sense be supposed there just for him.
But now that we know the earth is nothing more than a tine speck in this vast universe (smaller than a speck in fact), the war between Satan (whose only job it is to tempt man) and God (who created the entire universe) hardly seems like a fair fight.
No matter how much we learn and advance on all levels, we are but a tiny speck in this vast universe, hence a Higher Power, a Supreme Being, IS behind it all.
Divinity is a romanticized notion that exists only in the mind of man as a self - defense mechanism against the paralyzing terror of the uncontrollable chaotic unknowns of our vast universe.
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