Sentences with phrase «one's vastness»

The endless repetition of individual elements evoke a sense of vastness of our environment and at the same time generate a state of calmness.
Enjoy the unmatched thrills of Parasailing and lose yourself in vastness of magnificent turquoise waters.
She says that blue is associated with vastness; the skies are blue, the oceans are blue.»
hen you're expecting a baby, and you literally started the final countdown, the sheer vastness of things that you need to take care of can easily dry up your batteries.
Their goal was to create a space where guests might find peace of mind through vastness of space.
But 2001 is also justly celebrated for its visuals and Oscar - winning effects, which combined revolutionary front - projection techniques with Douglas Trumbull's model work to convey a sense of the infinite vastness of space.
Christopher Nolan deserves much respect for addressing these human emotions and desires with the overwhelming vastness of space, and doing so in a time when Hollywood producers would much rather financially back the next superhero or even a sequel to a 20 year old comedy.
In the great vastness of space there are trillions of stories to tell.
The Inanimate Vastness of Sidereal Space, 2015, cotton fabric, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), acetate.
Not many works of art can stand out against such vastness.
There were some valuable dialogues within small group situations but over time even these became tainted with one - way communication, as if the very vastness of the system could not coexist with any kind of two - way conversation.
This «two finger moon ring,» created by Erica Schwartz, who goes by designererica on Etsy, is intended to be a little reminder of the incredible vastness of space and the possibilities that are out there.
I started Mass Effect and was instantly sucked into the beautiful vastness of space.
Waterkloof Guest House, a free - range ostrich farm, is situated in the scenic vastness of the Southern Cape, near Swellendam and Heidelberg.
There's no doubt that Manticore — Galaxy on Fire is a beautiful game to look at, with incredibly colourful skyboxes offering dramatic space vistas, while the structures, space debris and capital ships you're flying close to (you're almost never floating in the empty vastness of space) are all detailed and vivid.
Well obviously an anthropocentric, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnibenevolent enti / ty created the unfathomable vastness of space and time just so that He could make us, the predilect objects of all creation.
Clever design creates the illusion of endless depths, giving visitors a hint of the true vastness of the sea.
A speeding, superdense neutron star somehow got a powerful «kick» that is propelling it completely out of our Milky Way Galaxy into the cold vastness of intergalactic space.
A peril of crossover comics, evident in some of Starlin's cosmic trips, is that no one gets to carry the story, and sheer vastness makes for page - or screen - filling spectacle that's simultaneously amazing and uninvolving.
Candid photographs capture the refugees» exhaustion and the sprawling vastness of the tent city.
Australia's vastness hides the most magical sites and extraordinary experiences that promise you an adventure of your lifetime.
The exhibition features recent videos by acclaimed international artists who use their work to explore the spectacle of nature and the sense of cosmic stupor that captures humans when faced with the sublime vastness of our planet.
Her photography is imbued with elemental vastness and wonder.
(the 3) tiers will establish a structure of representation that can respond to the diversity and geographical vastness of the Kimberley, but, at the same time, provide a process for the integration of the varied needs and interests of its communities into a single Kimberley plan... it should be noted that it could easily be adapted with a further tier to establish a State - wide model of Aboriginal representation and governance.
Given the inhospitable vastness of Antarctica, where temperatures regularly dip below -50 c, counting the continent's most iconic species had long been a challenge, but not anymore.
The game's atmosphere draws heavily on how we know space: an incredible vastness compared to the human observer.
Standard cosmology — that is, the Big Bang Theory with its early period of exponential growth known as inflation — is the prevailing scientific model for our universe, in which the entirety of space and time ballooned out from a very hot, very dense point into a homogeneous and ever - expanding vastness.
But according to Larry Peterson, an Internet researcher at Princeton University and head of PlanetLab, the Internet's vastness now stymies most efforts at innovation.
«They reflect how people thought about the space out West; their last desire was to delineate a little plot of their own because there was so much vastness
A holistic understanding of the business environment — Canada is an expensive place to do business, and not just because of our small domestic market, cold weather and geographic vastness.
Despite this virtually inconceivable vastness, to say that our universe is all there is in reality may be another example of our limited imagination due to our fleeting lives, tiny scale and desperate ignorance.
But we're talking about infinity, eternity, and vastness beyond my understanding.
The physical universe, as Camus describes it, is a res extensa — body, matter and external vastness — that is without reason or purpose.
Daleks are his enemies because they are filled with hate for anything other than themselves and want to assimilate all the wonder and unique vastness of the universe into one homogenous whole.
The fantastic difference between the amounts of the two debts suggests the incomparable vastness of man's debt to God.
For Voltaire, a catastrophe of such indiscriminate vastness was incontrovertible evidence against the bland optimism of popular theodicy.
At the end of The Searchers, John Wayne stands framed by the darkened doorway of a cabin, and with the dry scrub and John Ford vastness behind him he contemplates the house his successful search party has just entered.
The ocean truly is my happy place and I'm not exaggerating when I say that I was moved to tears by the beauty and vastness down on the rocks.
The wall's vastness pushes the limits of existing cosmological theories, but astronomers say it won't break them.
The crackling vastness of black holes and monumental conflagrations, the ineffable something rather than nothing, such an indifference to life as to make us think that if God is involved in its creation he is so fearsome as to be beyond any human entreaty for our solace or comfort or the redemption that would come of our being brought into his secret — this consideration did not seem to be part of Einstein's cosmology.
Astronomy has taught us that Earth is a mere dot in an inaccessible vastness.
Before Cantor, people thought of infinity as an undifferentiated vastness.
The brain notes worlds the size of Pluto, slowly moving through the dim vastness at the edge of the solar system.
Quasars turn out to be prodigious broadcasters of radio emissions, issuing faint whispers of smooth jazz and shadow traffic from across the inky vastness of Space.
At the NASA meeting, the agency's chief Charles Bolden said, «It's highly improbable in the limitless vastness of the universe that we humans stand alone.»
Firstly, the increased vastness of the playground to explore and discover.
Viewers are left to experience the non-verbal, mystical vastness of the film, and to subjectively reach into their own subconscious and into the film's pure imagery to speculate about its meaning.
Actually, 2001 doesn't exactly fit that first camp either: something in its mandarin blankness and balletic vastness, and refusal to trade in the emollient dramatic forms of human interest and human sympathy.
Had Jacquet cut the film's length by twenty minutes and blown it up to fit IMAX screens, the gigantic vastness of the locales would've been far more captivating and the pacing of the movie would've become tighter.
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