Sentences with phrase «one's verbal cues»

Say the release command immediately, so she learns to associate this second verbal cue with leaving the crate.
I will occasionally nod but generally I don't even use verbal cues.
Without access to explanations and guidance from hearing parents, deaf children rely on behavioral observations of others to learn social skills and miss out on verbal cues exchanged by the hearing parties.
The main thing is to reward good behavior and use firm verbal cues for bad behavior.
All of these non verbal cues take place in the first 30 seconds.
What verbal cues are you giving about your personal brand?
This should ensure that your dog is not confused when progressing to verbal cues only.
-LSB-...] prevent this, he said dog owners should teach their dogs to respond to verbal cues before they take their dogs to the park.
And now knowing what triggers his moods, I am able to distract him with games, treats or just verbal cues.
A salesperson can demonstrate empathy through eye contact, body language and smaller verbal cues showing engagement and concern.
Remember to provide verbal cues to your husband indicating what you want to happen.
Help your dog learn verbal cues while you're leaning back on a couch, sitting on the floor, or lying in bed.
In another study of 14 men and women with untreated hypothyroidism, the participants showed difficulty remembering verbal cues (4).
Dogs usually respond to hand signals quicker than verbal cues because pet owners use hand signals consistently.
In other patients, verbal cues sparked language sectors.
However, they may find verbal cues much harder.
If the hand signal and verbal cue differ, almost all dogs will choose to follow the hand signal.
People assume there are standard verbal cues and hand signals for behaviors that service dogs and assistance dogs do.
For mild cases, teaching your dog to respond to certain verbal cues can give him something else to focus on.
Remember to give the stop barking verbal cue at the right time.
Wait for your dog to begin going to the toilet then add a special verbal cue like «business time», «toilet», «pee poop» or «quick».
If you take your puppy out for any reason, other than eliminating, you should use a different verbal cue, to avoid confusion.
Researchers believe that these results show that dogs have the ability to understand emotions in facial expressions and through human verbal cues when accompanied by corresponding facial expressions.
Once your dog begins to respond to the new verbal cue, eliminate the hand gesture.
The attempts can be silly facial expressions or even serious verbal cues.
She is highly intelligent, is an excellent listener and picks up on non verbal cues.
To prevent this, he said dog owners should teach their dogs to respond to verbal cues before they take their dogs to the park.
Verbal cues as well as nonverbal signals (like facial expressions and body language) can direct you on everything from how much to talk, to what to talk about, to whether to go in for a kiss at the end of the date.
While isolating the weak muscle as during muscle testing, the patient is taught to contract and resist as the practitioner gives verbal cues and the appropriate isometric resistance against the weak muscle's direction of movement.
Remarkably, this behavior rarely occurs in clicker training; only in the use of verbal cues does the issue of bribing appear very often.
They photographed 230 volunteers — 130 female, 100 male, and mostly college students — making faces in response to verbal cues such as «you just got some great unexpected news» («happily surprised»), or «you smell a bad odor» («disgusted»).
Many dogs rely on verbal cues from their owners and other dogs (ie: commands from owners, or barking and growling from other dogs).
Use a specific verbal cue that you want your dog to associate with desirable elimination, such as «Go potty» or «Do your business.»
Teachers will develop postural observation skills; learn and practice adjustments that both address common misalignments and encourage inner guidance in a variety of poses; enhance the skill of linking clear verbal cues with tactile cues; and deepen confidence in the practice of giving and receiving as you learn to better help students find joy and ease amidst the challenges in their practice.
Teach your pup or dog verbal cues for eliminating and rewarding him for it.
Craft creative class sequences, treat your students to confident hands - on assists, and give effective and efficient verbal cues
Verbal cues make our lives easier, but to a dog, they are secondary.
Dr. Heather Wittenberg tells Pull - Ups to look for potty readiness signs, such as pulling at a soiled diaper, hiding to «go,» a sudden interest in others going to the bathroom, changing dry diapers more often (which can mean they're holding it longer), waking dry from a nap, or verbal cues telling you they need to go to the bathroom.
Seeing eye to eye Feeding time is also designed to encourage your baby's reception of positive activities such as studying your face, exchanging expressions with you and sharing verbal cues.
Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray of Washington, taking verbal cues from Reid, threw more cold water on the GOP leadership's plan, accusing House Republicans of «pandering to the Tea Party.»
To test which verbal cues dogs really recognize, Andics and his team recruited 13 dogs of varying breeds, from border collies to golden retrievers.
As her experiments grew in complexity, she found she could induce people to «remember» entire episodes from childhood (such as being lost in a shopping mall and rescued by a kindly old man in a flannel shirt) simply by dropping subtle verbal cues.
Nam offers detailed verbal cues and expert hands on adjustments / assists to help his students find a fuller experience in their yoga practice; emphasizing breath and proper alignment in each of his classes.
Instructors use specific standardized verbal cues to guide practitioners through the sequence.
The absence of non verbal cues lessens the amount of information people send and receive.
Here, Josh Hartnett's overly exuberant and dubiously qualified teacher John instructs his adult students on the finer points of the high - five and the hug (accompanied by the appropriate verbal cue: «I'm a hugger, what can I say?»).
We will focus on differentiating verbal cues from hand signals, as well as adding distance and duration to all behaviors learning in Level 1: Marvelous Manners.
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