Sentences with phrase «one's version of the story»

Earlier versions of this story incorrectly said that previous studies indicated cats kill about 500,000 birds a year.
Editor's note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that the community board rejected the proposal.
A previous version of this story incorrectly said it was worth $ 82 billion.
Correction: An earlier version of this story said there was a merger of the county and city water operations.
Due to an editing error, an earlier version of this story stated incorrectly that the position is unpaid.
Includes a pupil friendly version of the story of Job and questions designed to be appropriate for pupil ability whilst providing stretch and challenge.
Over the last several days, I've read versions of my stories in my social feeds again and again.
Everybody has their own version of the story about the future of crypto that they want to believe in.
I will let them enjoy the innocent childhood version of the story for a while longer.
The online version of this story drew more than 400,000 readers to the magazine's website.
Responsible for production and final version of stories on - air.
Repeat this exercise for different situations, and create condensed summary versions of each story as the foundation of your executive resume.
A simple version of the story with animations and sound.
A previous version of this story gave an incorrect figure for the number of educators the program serves.
One of the big advantages of this is that every time you play, no matter which character you play, you're getting a new version of the story.
The best way to do that is to ensure you're sending the best version of your story out into the world.
As a couples therapist, I've heard countless versions of this story from my clients over the years.
That was in the book, and in our first version of the story, but you couldn't see it for all the rest of the stuff.
A previous Web version of this story said 1,000 megawatts of electricity could power about 1,000 homes.
Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story ran last year, as part of a series about the faith lives of the leading Republican presidential candidates.
An earlier version of this story listed an incorrect time for the launch event.
It will provide an audio version of every story created specifically for its members, and will also be made available for some of the best posts on Medium.
Some PBS stations ran a filmed version of the story earlier this year and others are doing so now.
This tale is a fascinating piece of herbal history; however, there are so many versions of the story, with corresponding recipes, that you must decide which one to believe.
An earlier version of this story used the incorrect unit of measurement when describing blood lead levels.
Updated with correction: An earlier version of the story mistakenly carried a fan - made trailer.
He said the missions were good, but he was disappointed that the new strikes are just alt versions of the story missions.
The links in the online version of the story offered portals giving those wanting the opportunity to dive in.
Once I did that, I stopped being afraid to share the real version of my story.
It all sounds so happily - ever - after, except that there's a darker version of the story.
Instead, it allows you to jump between versions of the story that are written from a left, right or «impartial» perspective.
We have read various versions of the story 1000 times to our own kids.
But don't imagine you can write your English term paper if this is the only version of the story you know.
Unfortunately, it feels like the least interesting version of this story and premise.
It is wonderful to read a fictional version of a story and then research the person's life - in the library, on the internet, etc..
A text version of the story can be read over on the creator's website and you can drool over her gorgeous artwork on the site's blog.
That being said, there is a radio show version of the story on the DVD.
Everyone knows that the movies that make it to the theaters show the cleaned up, edited, stylized version of the story.
When you open a title you can click on the headlines and get a very e-reader friendly version of the story.
Children make connections between one work and another, compare books by an author, contrast versions of a story, or relate a story to their own lives.
I'm currently working on a free audiobook version of the story, with a new chapter being released every other week.
Just be sure to put up both ebooks and paperback versions of your story.
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