Sentences with phrase «one's very essence»

What's so impressive about these paintings is how the loose brush strokes capture the energy and very essence of the scene.
I didn't want this level of fear in my life, especially around my spiritual life whose very essence was love.
The world of process is made up of units of becoming whose very essence is feeling.
Is God in very essence best thought of in personal terms or is that a human projection on to the Eternal?
Catholic doctrine, by its nature, can not be compromised by the Church whose very essence lies in its mission to proclaim its truths.
We have already mentioned that in the Church, unlike in secular society, there exists no compulsory membership of responsible adults, and that this is, indeed, impossible because it would contradict the nature of the Church as a community of a faith of whose very essence it is that it must be free.
«The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision.
And it's no surprise, because, as Richard Branson puts it, «Entrepreneurship in its very essence is all about taking risks.»
When you contort a business to change this mission, you destroy the very essence of what makes America great.
The very essence of a fashion show is to declare to the world what will be the in thing for the season or year.
Instead of focusing on the biggest market, King might have done better to focus on the markets where the very essence of the game had most local resonance.
It is not «10 Easy Steps to Greatness» but rather a thoughtful reflection on the very essence of leadership.
Kathy Bloomgarden, CEO of Ruder Finn, wrote a compelling article in Fortune about how the healthcare industry is slowly losing the very essence of healthcare: human connection.
He sheds light on the key shifts in economics, demographics, technology, and media that are completely transforming the consumer landscape, and the very essence of how we buy.
This would represent the very essence of a company town.
The city may have gone through some pretty dramatic changes over the last few years, but the pub remains the heart of its social existence, the broadest window through which you can examine and experience the very essence of the city's culture, in all its myriad forms.
Running a startup company is one of the most demanding jobs out there, but is nonetheless the very essence of the American dream; millions of Americans fantasize about being their own bosses.
The hypnotic sounds, along with the lavish, feathered and sequined gowns, are the very essence of the Samba Show.
Friendship, and that includes friendship with God, comes from a deeper level in the human person, deeper than feelings, deeper than logic, from the very essence of what it means to be a person.
Miley is the very essence of trying too hard and that makes it also sad.
And God taught me one of the very essence of being a christian.
Again, the very essence of eternal salvation is completely by - passed for a discussion on «warm and fuzzy» family ties.
According to the Church Times he said: «It certainly does not conform to the ecclesiology, if one can call it that, of those who would like to see power concentrated at the centre, in order to impose a bland, uniform theology, if one can call it that, which runs counter to the very essence of Anglican diversity.
Thank you so much Kerry Egan, for so eloquently putting to the written word the very essence of why we are here.
If you judge people solely upon their beliefs or based upon the group (s) to which they belong isn't that the very essence of bigotry?
The very essence of everything, matter, did not always exist.
And he cites Steven Cohen who wrote that, by the early 1980s, most «American Jews had been raised with the understanding that liberalism or political radicalism constituted the very essence of Judaism, that all the rest — the rituals, liturgy, communal organizations — were outdated, vestigial trappings for a religion with a great moral message embodied in liberalism.»
Gay marriage undermines true marriage in a different and much more dangerous way: It hollows out its very essence, applying the word to something else entirely, a relationship that itself has no potential to generate children, and so can not itself (without help from the law or from outsiders) form a family.
Love is not one of God's characteristics; rather, it is the very essence of who he is < 3
At the very heart of Ramanuja's conception of brahman, according to Lacombe, is the notion that brahman's very essence is to «complete» itself, or «overflow,» or «produce» attributes:
It changes the very essence of the institution.
«With her destiny, which is at one and the same time that of Virgin and of Mother, Mary continues to project a light upon that which the Creator intended for women in every age, ours included, or, better said, perhaps precisely in our time, in which — as we know — the very essence of femininity is threatened.
God, in his very essence, models for us what an attuned, securely attached relationship looks like.
No purely material creature could break the material laws of directionalcontrol that shape and define its very essence.
At the very essence of a utopia is the idea of progressive movement toward a not - yet - achieved perfection.
Indeed, for him the very essence of faith is this conviction, and it is this faith which frees the Christian for total openness to the reality of his time, however dark and empty it may appear.
The doctrine of «inside» and «outside», «Jew» and «non-Jew», «on the Way» or «off the Way», «of the Kingdom» and «not of the Kingdom» is the very essence of the Word.
This is the very essence of pride, which, I fundamentally believe, is the only real sin (at the least, pride is the foundation of every other sin).
Nowadays their very essence is to have always gone away, to have hidden themselves in the hills, or in an alongside universe, a fairyland or an imagined afterlife.
But don't be deceived: anything that steals the very essence of God's calling on you, God's shalom, God's justice, God's way of life and living as a warrior, as a prophetess, as a mother, as a teacher, whatever - your - vocation - or - calling as a woman after God's own heart, is a liar.
Their very essence is that they aren't here and now — and so must be somewhere else.
Prayer is the very essence of the immediacy between man and God, and praying is, above all words, the action of turning directly to God.
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