Sentences with phrase «one's very roots»

I would say I'm very rooted in how product is a key driver in telling a story for us, an online experience to drive a brand story.
In terms of setting, I'm very rooted in my geography and I have a very strong sense of place.
It's a story that looks very rooted in the friendship between Victor -LSB-...]
They also get very root bound and must be repotted if that is the case.
Like in Africa, they are very root chakra, they are connected to earth.
It's a story that looks very rooted in the friendship between Victor Frankenstein and Igor, who tries to save Frankenstein from his very own monstrous creation.
This unique combination of advanced and archaic features suggests something profound, Hublin said — he's convinced the Moroccan specimens «represent the very root of our species.»
His works and discoveries have opened doors that were shut by convention; requiring scholars and theologians to redefine the very roots of their beliefs.»
The notion that everybody must believe as I do, goes against the very root of the oath I took when I served in the military and what I learned growing up as a Christian.
It is here that we encounter the very root of the problem proposed to our scientific understanding by the existence of living planets.
The alienation from God which results from this idolatry is at the very root of man's aloneness and anxiety.
Hence everyone has, of course, the duty to transform and renew from their very roots all these inherited traditions of Christian life, piety and education according to modern needs.
Rather they mean the very root, what Nishitani calls the very «home - ground,» of a self's existence (Nishitani, 151 - 52).
This tension between the preacher's duty to speak for God, on behalf of God, and the enormous presumption, indeed the impossibility, of doing so is at the very root of Barth's theological discovery.
The very root of shalom has to do with shalem, to pay.
Any efficient treatment has to be radical, i.e., to reach the very roots of the evil.
The first time Prozac lost its magic for her, Slater wrote: «Prozac had betrayed me, but not before its belief system had leached to the very root of me, the belief that, when all is said and done, we are beyond the grace of stories, that only chemicals can cause hurt, and thus only chemicals can cure.»
At its very root it reflects an unwillingness to face the harsh realities of life and nature, to refuse logic and science, the nature of your own being and existence as a complex pile of organic matter.
When someone schooled in Hellenic culture encounters the Christian, he should feel a sense of solidarity to the very roots of his erotic being.
But this Force lurking at the very root of matter... That was quite a different affair... the atheists of tomorrow may be in the making, and all unconscious of it as they read through two dozen lines of cold print about something that has happened two continents away... it strikes at our sense of cosmic discipline... (p. 8)... I suspect that the atom will be the totem of irreligion tomorrow, as the amoeba was yesterday.
He was treating our wound at the very root: reconfiguring human nature to His own Person, Christ restored us again to our true environment, who is God.
Unfortunately Craig Giddens you demonstrate some of the very roots of the Calvinism / Arminianism debate problem.
By investing in the progress and application of these fields, foundations boasted that they could delve down to the very roots of social problems, rather than merely treating their symptoms.
Some of us believe that God is fictional down to the very root, the bible.
The most complex machine will not exhibit any purposiveness, yet the determinist and the teleological arguments are intertwined into the very roots of nature.
By helping parents to do that which they basically want to do but often can not — namely, raise children who are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy — the church would help to prevent alcoholism at its very roots.
The word «father» implies not only generation, but also the very root essence of personhood: the capacity for relationship «that makes generation a possibility.
Pure chance, absolutely free but blind, at the very root of the stupendous edifice of evolution: this central concept of modern biology is no longer one among other possible or even conceivable hypotheses.
I'm sure there is a better solution to the issue, but I suspect it lies somewhere at the very root of F1's engine rules, which in itself goes against the nature of the sport as a prototype formula.
By authorizing unbridled corporate electioneering and allowing donors to conceal their tracks, Citizens United threatens to damage the very root of American democracy.
On the other hand, however, Kurdish supporters of the PKK in the diaspora often view nationalism, statehood and capitalism as the very roots of the political inequality that Kurds have historically been (and continue to be) subjected to.
Addressing the mammoth crowd at the 36th anniversary of the 31st December Movement, Rawlings chided persons who have taken up the task of vilifying him for pointing out the very roots of the party's woes on a number of occasions and, «protecting the interest» of their opponents, the NPP.
Federalizing the police attacks crime from the very roots.
«Once in a while, however, we encounter exposure of an exceptional dimension that appears to strike at the very root of democracy, questions the validity of an entire electoral system and even erodes confidence in the integrity of the state.
As the researcher explains: «When research is going nowhere, it is important to call into question the criteria at the very root of the disorder.
These follow - up studies will test different aspects of their evolutionary theory for infant - directed song, potentially resolving not only its origins, but also the very roots of music in general.
The question gets at the very root of what it means to be human: Fire is one of the things that pushed human evolution along.
Iron is at the very roots of modern society.
Although these shifts might sound like small beans for mobile animals like birds, which can pick their environment with relative precision, for the very small, the very large and the very rooted, such a pace might be impossible.
Moments of complete sensual awareness; consciousness of even the most subtle pleasure and pain; a clear channel from the tips of my fingers to the very root of my heart.
As the homeland of yoga and spirituality, India is endowed with yogic treasures in its very root.
For some, these allergies are at the very root of their chronic health problems.
I know, everyone in the world «knows» that diabetes is a functional breakdown of the body's ability to effectively utilize and remove excess sugar (Glucose) from the blood stream, but does that mean that sugar is at the very root cause of the disease?
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