Sentences with phrase «one's views on the issue»

Parent opinion will reflect a range of views on the issue of teacher strikes as it does on other issues.
There are no differences in views on this issue by age.
The right to express views on issues of institutional policy.
There are no differences in views on this issue by age.
That includes how it shapes his decidedly conservative views on issues like euthanasia and his personal opposition to abortion.
Also included is a worksheet which encourages students to engage in the topic and consider their own views on the issues raised.
Religious affiliation is also strongly correlated with views on this issue.
Since when is it a bad idea for people with opposing views on an issue to sit down and understand each other?
That said, my personal view on the issue I understand you to be raising is as follows.
There were plenty of groups who have different views on the issue.
During your teens and during your college years, you definitely wanted to change the world and had strong views on issues affecting the world around you.
The notes from both rounds are used in a follow - up classroom discussion and / or for writing an editorial opinion expressing a point of view on the issue at hand.
I would LOVE if you would write your own view on this issue?
She says she has never had a drink or smoked a cigarette, but she holds thoroughly modern and mostly liberal views on the issues of the day.
Suppose a new study has been published which claims to overturn the prior consensus view on some issue.
It was very clear that challenges to the prevailing progressive views on these issues would have been dismissed with contempt.
The statement will no doubt endorse the move for same sex marriage - in line with the PM's hard line view on the issue.
Students should be encouraged to offer their own point of view on this issue too.
A global problem A good way to start a world hunger essay is to give a bird's eye view on the issue of hunger by referring to hunger statistics the world over.
These public perceptions tend to be associated with individual views on the issue.
While many believe that global climate change poses a very serious threat, in many cases views on this issue have not changed over the past five years.
When you and your partner both feel safe enough to discuss your differing views on an issue, it opens up the door to creative problem solving together.
In mediation, the two parties generally have opposing views on the issues, and must exchange proposals back - and - forth until a compromise is reached.
More important, neither candidate's recent statements have made clear the complexity of his own views on this issue.
Ten minutes on the Internet will show you that this doesn't represent the consensus view on this issue.
Hi SR, A rationale and thoughtful view on the issue as always.
Nothing encourages cynicism more than a public body asking for views on an issue that has already been decided upon.
Belief in a just world is a widely researched construct in psychology with demonstrated relevance to public views on issues ranging from welfare reform to crime.
The leadership contest was triggered after Tim Farron said he would step down following the party's failure to make as much progress as he had hoped at the general election, and a series of punishing interviews about his personal views on issues including homosexuality.
The super PAC, For Freedoms, which registered as a political action committee in January, is raising funds for national advertising, much of it based on original artworks, offering diverse views on issues such as campaign reform, racism, gender equality, gun control, reproductive rights and freedom of expression.
Hi SR, A rationale and thoughtful view on the issue as always.
Parties provided views on these issues and other related LULUCF issues (FCCC / SBSTA / 2004 / MISC.8 and Add.1).
This Tuesday Evening presentation offers insight into works of art that rattle and reconfigure historical perceptions, nudging and posing questions about personal and collective views on issues of race, gender, and sexuality.
Other regular segments involve guests with opposite views on an issue of the day perfunctorily talking over each other for five minutes, by the end of which the listener is guaranteed to agree with whoever it was they agreed with in the first place.
The mayor said she has always respected the local Conservative Party and shared the same view on some issues - notably opposition to tax breaks for the Destiny USA shopping mall.
Relying on his prodigious fund - raising, he blanketed the state with television advertising, painting Mr. Astorino as a dangerous «ultraconservative» whose views on issues like abortion were unacceptable.
Bate joined others, such as Fred Smith of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, Grover Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform — key strategist of Newt Gingrich's Republican Party faction), Fran Smith (editor of Consumer Alert - a corporate funded «consumer» magazine) and a number of other business lobby organisations, in taking a skeptical view on the issue of global warming.
The better view on this issue is that expressed by the BC Court of Appeal in Thow.
While Diaz Sr.'s more socially conservative views on issues like abortion and same - sex marriage sometimes pose a problem for fellow Democrats, his district is one of the few heavily Democratic areas of New York City where these positions are not a liability.
In that article, Mr Susskind takes a long view on the issue of the applicability of AI.
Does anyone have the slightest interest in hearing the Chard's views on this issue YET AGAIN?
Do your books Atonement of God and Nothing but the Blood lay out your full views on this issue?
In some cases, folks are so committed to their particular views on these issues they seem incapable of making a distinction between the Bible itself and their interpretation of it, and so any critique of that interpretation is seen as a critique of Scripture itself!
The Democratic National Convention presented an extremist view on the issue of abortion, according to Cokie Roberts, a liberal political analyst for ABC News and NPR.
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