Sentences with phrase «one's warming world»

People and the places they care about are currently being impacted by the 0.6 - 0.7 degrees C of warming the world has already experienced over the past six decades.
In their view, doubling CO2 may only warm the world by 1.5 degrees or so, giving us many more decades to develop lower carbon energy sources.
«More CO2 = warmer world» is clear only to those with their heads in the sand.
I think it is likely that the dominant difference is the carbon cycle feedback in a rapidly warming world which was not included in the IPCC figure you linked.
A wide range of observed climate indicators continue to show changes that are consistent with a globally warming world, and our understanding of how the climate system works.
Can anyone really argue that a half degree warmer world is harder on the poor than a $ 45 trillion dollar price increase in energy costs?
In global warming world, we can contribute our little green place, too.
We need to ask the question: what will a 2 * C, 3 * C or 4 * C warmer world look like?
They have inherited a country ill prepared for and vulnerable to the realities of an increasingly warming world.
A generally warmer world holds more moisture in the atmosphere.
The science on the potential health effects from rising temperatures and changing weather patterns in a greenhouse - warmed world remains laden with questions.
That said, conservation is going to play an increasingly important role in all of our lives as we struggle to reduce our collective carbon footprints in a quickly warming world.
To keep to 350 ppm, which already means a long - term warmer world, we may have to go to zero or less - than - zero human emission levels.
Sorry, dude, but by any measure, it's a very warm world!
Ultimately, a continually warming world will have no sea ice habitat for polar bears, and that is the rub they face.
Researchers have warned that fires are likely to become more extreme and that the hazard now extends across the entire warming world.
A rapidly warming world brings more heat - related deaths, more disease spread through contaminated food and water and by insects, and more injuries from more extreme storms.
These estimates are critical, as climate sensitivity will be one of the main factors determining how much warming the world experiences during the 21st century.
But it was similarly critical of what it called «contrarian» arguments against the idea that human - generated gases could substantially warm the world.
Two new studies published this week examine the origins of the «pause,» and, surprisingly, suggest that it may persist for years even in our notably warming world.
Just like measuring sea level rise and temperature this all adds to the same picture of a gradually warming world.
One of the many factors causing the global loss of reef building corals is anthropogenic climate change, which is slowly warming the world's oceans.
To date, concerns about climate change's impact on agriculture have focused on drought — another likely outcome of warming world.
So the comment that all climate scientists think we're heading for a 4 degree warmer world may be true but based on a questionable assumption.
At this point, the least amount of global warming the world can hope for is probably 2 °C (3.6 °F).
That would narrow estimates of how much warming the world can expect for a given level of CO2 in the atmosphere.
People will undoubtedly speculate about what this paper says regarding the prognosis for polar bears in a continually warming world.
You can read the whole story titled «In Warmer World Even Inuit Buy Air Conditioners».
Written by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics, the report concludes that the world is on a path to a 4 °C warmer world by end of this century and that current pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will not reduce warming by very much.
The notion that halting the THC will freeze Britain might be true in a glacial era, but seems unlikely in a rapidly warming world due to increased heat delivery from tropical zones.
On October 13, the first Day of Action of our International Federation, Friends of the Earth Scotland inflated a huge globe depicting the dangerously warming world outside Scottish Government building at St Andrew's House in Edinburgh.
Projected change in annual average temperature in an overall 2C warmer world.
Professor Garnaut told a conference of agricultural and resource economists in Cairns that the crisis for markets will not change the extent of global warming the world faces, but will delay its onset by several years.
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