Sentences with phrase «one's waves»

There are others where you will need to defend someone for a certain number of waves of enemies.
The constant sound of waves in the background was music to the ears.
Are your sales down during the dark days of winter or the heat waves of summer?
As they spiral in towards each other, they should emit a burst of gravitational waves with a particular signature.
He insists there is a new wave in fashion creating new codes, but he won't be drawn on who they are.
Impact of heat waves on cognitive function among young adults.
The finding is the first direct confirmation of gravitational waves as well as the strongest evidence to date that black holes exist.
Changing the way people borrow and repay money is the kind of thing that can make waves at every level of society.
Just over the horizon, hordes of frustrated surfers were fighting each other for waves at the famous surf spot that would have been our destination.
Also, like has been said, they come in waves for some reason.
You will learn and progress quickly, so you can enjoy the incredible feeling of riding waves as soon as possible.
The pair had inadvertently discovered the first radio waves from another planet.
He was able to get me standing up and riding waves by the end of the lesson; I couldn't have been happier.
Many people use the analogy that their grief is a lot like being out in the ocean and constantly being hit by waves which pull them under.
Let the sound waves crash over you as you recline on your yoga mat and emerge refreshed and renewed.
You can get good waves on the outside no problem!
The goal of the experiment was to discern a source of radio waves with great precision.
Tiny air bubbles form in the ocean when waves break, then rise to the surface and burst, releasing gases and aerosols into the atmosphere.
Do you like watching waves crash from the hammock in your back yard or terrace?
Additionally, many newcomers are probably also investing in alternative cryptocurrencies with the hopes of catching the next wave after failing to buy bitcoin for double and even triple digit prices.
This functionality is cool, but our arms quickly became tired after waving them around in the air, trying make sure we were in the camera's line of sight.
The changing direction and end of big waves makes it the perfect spot to surf especially to newbies.
The catastrophic drop in shark populations across almost every species has sent shock waves through ocean ecosystems globally.
No surfers in the water with wave height in the chest to over head range.
It's not all about a certain upcoming sneaky, stealth - based title that is set to lead the upcoming tidal wave of new releases within the final third of 2015.
Whilst perfect waves make surfing an unforgettable experience, the clear waters allows you to sample the beauty of incredible underwater treasures.
Again, morality is just brain waves for atheists.
The sound of the ocean waves breaking on the shore is the first thing you hear after a peaceful night's sleep.
The prospect of the first major default connected with the Chinese shadow banking system sent shock waves through the financial markets of emerging economies.
Practice catching waves here over and over until you feel comfortable popping up and staying balanced on your board.
I remember lying awake at night when waves of fear would roll over me.
A white barrier, still quite far away, stretching the entire breadth of the horizon, hills breaking like waves against it.
American second wave feminism at this time often had limited sympathy for the struggles faced by women of colour.
What's more, different light waves create different responses in the body.
This translates into you making sections you previously couldn't make, and surfing waves for longer rides, with more speed.
The current heat wave comes after record or near - record temperatures last month in many parts of the country.
How does long wave energy absorbed by GHGs differ from their normal thermal energy?
The study blamed the loss on a combination of sea - level rise and high wave energy.
Some point breaks there were going off with shoulder to head high waves rolling for 200 yards.
Unfortunately that means that it's not a swimming spot, but if you're into waves then make sure you stop here.
Just a few steps from great waves with the tropical rainforest in the background, the spacious and tastefully decorated bungalows are privately set apart amidst lush gardens full of color and natural beauty.
Yet these same authors will take that baby and sell it for next to nothing and then wave goodbye as the baby goes away forever.
Then create waves by curling hair vertically with a one and one - fourth - inch iron.
But it very much plays like double dragon with a character who attacks with varying moves against waves of enemies and bosses.
There was the occasional slight bigger set wave hitting Middle Reef.
The impact of a truly big move will be like a tidal wave over your debt — or any other big financial goals you have.
Most earthquake damage results from the shaking caused by seismic waves passing beneath buildings, roads, and other structures.
On the southern side of the town there's a 3 km long golden beach where waves break on a daily basis.
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