Sentences with phrase «one's way to class»

The easiest way to class up an outfit is to wear a tailored jacket over your favorite shirt or sweater.
Bow: A bow hair accessory is an easy way to class up any outfit.
Upgrade your outerwear The easiest way to class up your winter wardrobe is to wear an elegant coat or a tailored jacket.
I still pray every time on my way to class that I will be able to get through it.
I was attending the state university, and one day, on my way to class, I noticed a large crowd gathering around a man with a sandwich sign strapped to his shoulders.
Whether hosting an event on campus to inform your community about a humanitarian issue happening on the other side of the world, going into your city to help at a local organization or picking up trash on the way to class, getting involved and engaged in any way possible is an important facet to add to your college life.
Without the love, care, and affection of the nonnas, the youth on their way to class, the workers on a break, and other faithful, these buildings will become simply museums.
On my way to class on Friday I drove by the consignment shop where I had taken my son's used clothes and toys which he'd grown outgrown.
I was still a little hungry, so I ate a banana on the way to class.
My hair froze on my way to class today, and yes my hair was dry.
I had an apple on my way to class and after class enjoyed an Chocolate Energy Bite.
Switching your desk lamp to something fresh and on - trend is another way to class up your office.
«Grab - and - Go,» where students pick up bagged breakfasts as they get off the school bus or in the hallways on their way to class
We need to protect our students without making them feel as if they are passing through a TSA checkpoint on their way to class.
Inside the atrium, dozens of students bustle past on their way to class.
As Brown University students made their way to classes on Monday, October 16, they saw a sea of pink t - shirts on the school's main green as members of the football...
Chai tea was one of my favorite drinks in college and many days I'd grab a vanilla latte or a chai tea latte on the way to class.
Today, on her way to class, she heard the news about the Las Vegas shootings.
Star power Madonna, Denise Richards, Drew Barrymore, Kelly Osbourne, Anna Paquin and Ginnifer Goodwin... Our verdict Ditch your doubts and find your way to a class.
I still pray every time on my way to class that I will be able to get through it.
Instant breakfast to eat on the way to class
Unless you are currently in a yoga studio, or on your way to class (or straight home right after) this is not the time to make workout wear - as - daywear happen.
You bump into a cute brunet on your way to class by accident and end up helping them pick up Play free online dating simulation games, virtual dating games for all age, realistic dateing games, and other top best free sim date games for boys and girls.
It's Monday morning and you're greeting students on their way to class when you're confronted by an angry parent shouting abuse, demanding a meeting then and there.
«Prior to establishing our online space, a few keen students would thrust scraps of paper with precious poems scribbled onto them into my hands on the way to class.
A decade later, Simões is trekking across the Yard once again, only now she's on her way to classes at HGSE.
However the point is taken that opportunities to reinforce teachers expectations both in an out of the classroom either on the way to class or the staff room, moving from site to site around the school and the nature of playground duty, does provide lots of opportunites to reinforce and reward expectations around behaviour.
Maryland Tries Putting Truants on the Spot A pilot program holds students directly responsible for finding their way to class every day.
A decade later, Simoes is trekking across the Yard once again, only now she's on her way to classes at HGSE.
Students at the 1,050 - student Salem Middle School, in Apex, N.C., descend a stairway on their way to classes.
We've had those pesky what - ifs wander into our heads: What if I get lost on my way to class?
School breakfast participation is increasing through innovative delivery methods, such as grab - and - go service options, which allow students to quickly pick up their meal from the cafeteria or a hallway kiosk on their way to class.
«Grab - and - Go,» where students pick up bagged breakfasts as they get off the school bus or in the hallways on their way to class
Middleton Alternative Senior High School students make their way to class Thursday.
Students on their way to class stop to watch as the two boys tumble into the walls, knocking down student artwork.
You know the kind: you can't remember the way to class, haven't studied for the Algebra test, and suddenly realize you're still wearing your pj's.
College students on their way to class.
If you went to college as recently as 15 years ago, you probably paid cash for most of your day - to - day purchases, like school supplies or coffee on the way to class.
Most halls offer a service where you can reserve a pre-bagged lunch the night before, pick it up on your way to class, and not have to worry about rushing back to eat during the last 5 minutes that the hall is open.
It's a decision that comes into play for every bill you pay, every tank of gas you buy and every coffee you pick up on the way to class or work.
I drive an hour each way to class every week and would not consider finding a «more convenient» class.
One of my current agility students uses fresh - sliced ham from the deli counter, purchased every week on the way to class.
Plan on encountering traffic and unexpected delays on your way to your class and try to arrive early because we can not delay a group lesson for one student who is stuck in traffic or eating lunch
There is also all different kind of accommodations available, from a Bed and Breakfast, Motels all the way to class Hotels and Resorts.
At the time, Ward was living in the Bronx with his girlfriend, Noemi - later to become his wife - and had to commute for about an hour and a half each way to classes.
At the time, Ward was living in the Bronx with his girlfriend, Noemi — later to become his wife — and had to commute for about an hour and a half each way to classes.
Her goal, to become a commercial artist, was derailed by a Cézanne still life she passed regularly on the way to classes.
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