Sentences with phrase «one's way to the airport»

My husband and I are on our way way to the airport for our annual summer vacation together, and every single way one of us goes about traveling is different from the other.
The quickest way to an airport lounge is through your cabin status.
Initially the couple thought to create an app that would remind you of all the things you need to bring on your way to the airport.
Well did you know it's far more likely that you'll die in a car accident on your way to the airport than you would in taking a skydiving class?
She said that many terminals will carry pressed juice or smoothies, but passengers can also make their own and drink them on the way to the airport.
«I'm excited sitting here,» he says on his way to the airport to catch a flight that will take him home.
This holiday season, 51 million passengers will make their way to the airport to fly to their hopefully festive destinations on U.S. airlines, Airlines for America reported Wednesday.
On a busy suburban street of Delhi, as I was sitting in a taxi on my way to the airport, a street sweeper stepped out into our path, clinging heavily to his broom.
One clear example of this would be the person on their way to the airport for an overseas vacation who gets caught in a traffic accident and ends up instead in the hospital with a broken leg, only to find out that the plane they would have taken crashes and everyone aboard is killed.
The Mount Zion Baptist Church bus from Huntsville, Alabama, was on its way to the airport for a student ministry mission trip to Africa when it collided with another vehicle on a four - lane road.
One day, after wrapping up his business in a certain city, after he left his motel room he helped eighteen people get saved on the way to the airport, dozens more while waiting for the airplane and dozens more who were on the airplane.
We sat on our duffle bags in the back of a pickup truck as we rode through Port au Prince on our way to the airport.
On the way to the airport I asked Kingsley if he'd ever heard a quote from the early church about the blood of martyrs being the seed of the church.
I'll use your recipe & drink some ginger soda on the way to the airport.
Occasionally, a truck would honk a few streets away or a helicopter would whir far overhead on its way to the airport, and they would run for the safety of the coop door, where they stood huddled until the scary danger had passed.
We live a few miles from Dulles International — on our way to the airport I was explaining to Harrison and his friend that the men and women they would be playing for are very special people.
Maybe I make it all the way to the airport before I realize I've left my cell phone behind (which is only made more ironic after strongly asserting to everyone within earshot that if I didn't pack it, I don't need it).
Well, good enough that Bradley turned around on his way to the airport in order to be on the 18th green to congratulate Dufner on winning the PGA Championship.
If you told Sanchez that he had to choose between club or country, he would be laughing all the way to the airport!
«I laughed all the way to the airport,» he says.
Our «done deal» lost his way to the airport and found himself playing in Russia
A lot like the Julian Draxler Chronicles, it ended up with said player signing elsewhere rather than making their way to the airport in Turin and giving us the thumbs up as they stepped into J Medical's doors for the first time.
On your way to the airport: Find information on wait times and tips for families, seniors and passengers with special needs by using CATSA's mobile app.
On our way to the airport, stuck in traffic, the twins started to get cranky.
If you choose to pump before you get on the plane, one option is to do it in the car on the way to the airport.
I'd also have had my coffee in the car on the way to the airport; trying to juggle a boiling - hot cup of it and wrangle three toddlers just isn't a good idea.
Finally, on the last day, we had great looks at three Jabiru's (the largest waders in the western hemisphere) in wetlands on our way to the airport.
Over the course of out two day trip, our toddler slept in the Nano 4 times - on the way to the airport both flights (and one of those right up until boarding), while site seeing on the Saturday, and when we went out for dinner our first night there.
For example, your kids might be boiling on the way to an airport, but start feeling cold when sitting still at high altitudes.
In April, a simultaneous attack targeted a judge and three lawyers at the Banadir high court while a second strike hit Turkish aid workers on the way to the airport.
Each of the them will serve 20 years behind bars after an Accra High Court found them guilty of stealing Akua Donkor's $ 30,000 while she was on her way to the airport.
Mallgraf, a retired World War II veteran and survivor of the USS Franklin, the most heavily damaged ship to survive World War II, was surprised as he and his wife were on their way to the airport to move down South.
On every question in this survey, Lib Dem voters tend to display more support than Labour and Tory supporters towards Mr Assange and Ecuador's government, and more opposition to the idea of the police seizing him, either inside the embassy or on the way to an airport.
I enjoyed what I believed would be my last Festivus - Christmas - Hanukkah - Kwanzaa - Winter Solstice - New Year as a graduate student, but the good news didn't really sink in until I was on the way to the airport, preparing to return to school.
A few years ago I bought a latte at Starbucks on the way to the airport, parked my car and got on a flight for the U.K. Eight hours later I got off at Heathrow, bought a prepay chip for my cell phone and went to buy a ticket for the train into London, when my credit card gave up the ghost and refused to work anymore.
When you book a flight, will it take into account how bad traffic will be on your way to the airport that time of day?
On the way to the airport, I listened to a special recording Grace had created for me, designed to distract and confuse my brain away from its catastrophic thoughts.
On the way to the airport, we met a dear friend at A Matter of Taste for a few veggie sandwiches on the most tender, delicious gluten - free bread.
Even if I am rushing to an early morning flight, I at least follow my breath in the taxi on the way to the airport.
I do not panic or scream obscenities in traffic on the way to the airport, nor do I freak out and sweat through my shirt in long check - in / security lines.
From sitting in traffic on the way to the airport, rushing to make our flight and then jumping on the bus back to the cape.
An example of this is being caught in traffic on the way to the airport and then running late for a plane.
As you read this, Mr. Dressed and I are on our way to the airport.
As you're reading this, we're on our way to the airport heading for London!
Or milk (unless the milk is from a donut shop in a small container purchased on the way to the airport between the hours of five and seven thirty in the morning.
I'm teaching Soul at 4:30, battling commuter rush hour on my way to the airport, where I'm hopping on the last flight outta Chi - town.
So early this morning I made my way to the airport for a meeting and then my flight, so of course only had half a cup of tea... so to Timmy's immediately after I checked in and I ordered a steeped tea.
Needless to say, we stopped by a McCafé on the way to the airport.
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