Sentences with phrase «one's way to the screen»

This is a great way to screen for stock ideas, but it is the first step in an in - depth process.
A quick and cost effective way to screen candidates before inviting them to a face - to - face interview.
Online daters now have a new way to screen potential dates.
The code is also a great way to screen new candidates applying for a position in your company.
There is no right or wrong or easy way to screen tenants.
If scientists can figure out the role of oral bacteria, she said, it could point to new ways to screen for and possibly prevent the cancer.
It's a great way to screen people that belong in your life or need to move on!
These 21 questionnaires provide a low - cost, reliable way to screen infants and young children for developmental delays or concerns in the first 5 years of life.
Telephone interviews are a great way to screen applicants before a face - face interview.
Yes, you can design ways to screen them before you ever talk to them via answering services, better filters, hoops - and - hurdles, etc..
These 21 questionnaires provides a low - cost, reliable way to screen infants and young children for developmental delays or concerns in the first 5 years of life.
As yet, there is no reliable way to screen clone embryos for the regulatory - molecule deficiency.
Online dating continues to be one of the top ways to screen potential dates and to find a partner with similar interests.
The biggest improvement is that the menu structure is now consistent, allowing the user to react the same way to each screen.
This is a rather crude way to screen for stocks that are accelerating their dividend increases.
Is money the only and sure way to screen out potential bad people?
Two recently funded projects continue to build on this work — finding better ways to screen at - risk dogs, and identifying possible genetic links to urinary stone formation.
This is just a quick and easy way to screen out properties where the math does not make sense for an investment property.
However, this isn't the best way to screen prospects because you could put fantastic clients off before you've even had chance to talk to them and sell yourself.
It's an inexpensive way to screen candidates in the initial stages of a recruitment campaign.
It's one more easy way to screen job search applicants prior to the interview round.
There are software companies producing ways to screen candidates before interviewing them.
There are two ways to screen for prostate cancer.
A great way to screen out bad clients is to ask for a detailed brief.
It's an easy way to screen out the wrong readers.
Is there a reliable way to screen out these doctors?
Always be polite, but find a way to ask how generous a sugar daddy can be with you and if he meets your expectations find ways to screen him to make sure he's telling you the truth.
In vitro high throughput screening in drug discovery has typically been accomplished using reporter gene assays, which offer a versatile, cost - effective, and technically simple way to screen in high throughput, and are amenable to miniaturization.
Irregular heart impulses that lead to stroke can be detected with great accuracy using a smartwatch with a specially designed application, a finding that could eventually lead to new ways to screen patients for earlier treatment, according to a study by researchers at UC San Francisco.
The mice, described in this month's issue of Nature Genetics, also may provide a quick way to screen potential drugs for the disease, a disabling condition that afflicts more than a third of U.S. women over the age of 60.
In a statement, leaders will ask the Commission «to examine the need and ways to screen investments from third countries in strategic sectors, while fully respecting members states» competences,» a reference to national sovereignty on the issue.
A handful of such cases have recently been diagnosed in the United States, he notes, and the urine test could be another quick, affordable way to screen for the disease.
Neonatologist Karen Puopolo of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania recently developed a fast way to screen for serious bacterial infections in full - term infants.
STATUS: An initial laboratory trial has shown ApneaApp to be just as effective as hooking up patients to tracking instruments in a sleep clinic, the most common way to screen for apnea.
A BLOOD test that can spot early - stage bowel cancer may be a more accurate way to screen for the disease than current methods.
In one international study, investigators from Penn are exploring the best way to screen male carriers with increased prostate cancer risk.
The research team developed novel ways to screen a remarkable 82,000 synthetic compounds to identify those that would serve as effective antibiotics but not be toxic to humans.
Though there are several ways to screen for it, the gold - standard test is the colonoscopy.
Colonoscopy may be getting all the attention as the preferred way to screen for colon cancer, but a tried - and - true method that doesn't require a hospital visit (or as much discomfort) may be just as effective
Dating expert Stephany Alexander live on CNN TV tonight at 7p EST on the «Issues with Jane Velez - Mitchell» show discussing ways to screen your online dates so you can date safer.
Here are a few ways to screen out the players so you can find great dates who are really interested in having quality BBW dates too.
However, this is a great way to screen calls / texts from prospective rich Sugar Daddies, without providing your real personal contact information.
This Application Form Is the Perfect Way to Screen Potential Boyfriends.
Eventually, our group made out way to a screening room and Debbie Snyder showed us a ton of pre-viz on the «Samurai sequence» where Baby Doll has to fight on her own and take on a twelve foot samurai warrior.
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