Sentences with phrase «one's wisecracks»

This is notable because his real - life presence at a U.S. Ryder Cup dinner at Jack Nicklaus» house Thursday night — following Wednesday's home video of Woods hitting a 9 - iron into a simulator and the CSI: Jupiter treatment accorded it — engendered another round of wisecracks about the state of the health of the former world No. 1.
In the Senate, a string of Democrats introduced hostile amendments, trying to force a vote on issues — like gun control and early voting — that had fallen out of budget negotiations in recent days, and their remarks mixed anger over the lack of action with wisecracks about the late hour.
It sounds scandalous, but before you make wisecracks about about Yagan's «ringing endorsement» of his services, read his explanation: «We were all dating our future wives when we started OkC.
Film Review by Kam Williams Ryan Reynolds Absolutely «Marvel» - ous as Wisecracking Superhero Technically, Deadpool is the 8th installment in the X-Men film franchise, although it's different enough from the others to stand on its own.
His penchant for wisecracking at inappropriate times gets him punched in the nose and the stomach.
The «Grand Theft Auto» series is the video game equivalent of a smartass in the back of the room making wisecracks at everyone's expense.
They all fit so well in these characters, that you want one more wisecrack from Bones, or another raised eyebrow from Kirk.
Method Man's track World Gone Sour (The Lost Kids) will feature while Creed Bratton of The Office fame provides wisecracks on the side.
Thor Ragnarok opens with the mighty warrior in smartass mode, spewing wisecracks at a hellish fire monster.
Though common enough in mainstream cinema today, gay characters are almost invariably relegated to the status of wisecracking best friends with nothing to do in life but act gay and dispense romantic advice.
The premise of Cop Out is that a salt - n - pepper team of wisecracking cops, Jimmy Monroe (Willis, Planet Terror) and Paul Hodges (Morgan, Superhero Movie) end up butting head with their superior once too often, losing their guns and badges.
Dead Heat follows wisecracking partners Roger Mortis (Treat Williams) and Doug Bigelow (Joe Piscopo) as they're drawn into a scheme involving the resurrection of the dead, with the pair's efforts escalating after Roger himself is murdered and subsequently brought back to life.
It goes from heartfelt family drama to dark gangster fare to action piece to wisecracking police material in the blink of a heartbeat.
Reynolds wisecracks like Van Wilder throughout most of the film (probably ad - libbing much of it), although the juvenile crassness of the jokes does tend to take you out of the moment all too often.
Through the»30s and»40s she continued to play cynical, wisecracking girls with hearts of gold appearing in as many as ten films a year during the»30s.
Whether it's Shrek's concern over impending parenthood or Donkey's preoccupation with his kids, these two wisecracking guys appear to be settling into the mid-life doldrums.
To get the competitive edge, Lassard brings back plenty of ringers from earlier films to help train new recruits for the big competition, including Sgt. Carey Mahoney, a glib, wisecracking lady's man played by Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith's towering Moses Hightower and Eugene Tackleberry (David Graff), the franchise's Rambo figure.
Unfortunately, the movie gave him little to do other than make the occasional wisecrack while standing around looking serious.
Smith actually builds a character who isn't just an identifiable wisecracking hero.
It's clear right from the get - go that director Alan Poul and screenwriter Kate Angelo aren't looking to reinvent the wheel here, as the movie initially comes off as an almost prototypical example of a modern romantic comedy - with the less - than - innovative atmosphere cemented by the proliferation of wisecracking characters and the protagonists» initial encounter (which essentially defines the term «meet - cute»).
The tone is often light and bubbly, the script dominated by wisecracks, jokes, goofy situations, and an aggressively upbeat and annoyingly loud score by the multi-talented Alexandre Desplat, often at the most inappropriate times.
When sharing stories, they never manage to delve deeply for too long before the room explodes into wisecracks and jokes.
88 R Wisecracking mercenary Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) joins forces with three mutants to protect a boy from the all - powerful Cable.
Here, Garfield is the cheeky, wisecracking superhero of Marvel Comic lore.
Enjoy Deadpool, as he literally picks up his own lifebar and whacks his opponent around with it, and even has a few wisecracks when defeated in Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, which promises to be an even bigger hit than its older cousin Street Fighter IV.
Grab your best wisecracking donkey pal: Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber invades North American Wii U Virtual Consoles tomorrow!
A New York cop trades wisecracks with a sassy waitress in this evocative slice of working - class urban life.
The movie would be twice as funny with half as many wisecracks — it's so stuffed that there are long moments of zero interplay as one person or another acts as mute sounding board to whomever's reeling off a Dennis Miller - ism.
Alda, 76, made his name in the 1970s when he played wisecracking army doctor Hawkeye Pierce in the hit television series M * A * S * H. Over the years, he has become fascinated with science.
For some reason, he'd like to: Free Fire, a too - pleased - with - itself action comedy, features a bunch of trigger - happy goons in a 1970s warehouse having a violent close - range showdown over constant wisecracks and a briefcase of cash.
There's the guilt - ridden stutterer Bill (Jaeden Lieberher), overweight Ben (Jeremy Ray Taylor), sole female member Bev (Sophia Lillis), wisecracking Richie (Finn Wolfhard), Jewish Stan (Wyatt Oleff), homeschooled outcast Mike (Chosen Jacobs), and hypochondriac Eddie (Jack Dylan Grazer).
And with Mel Gibson adopting his trademark persona of slightly unhinged, wisecracking badass, Get the Gringo essentially feels like an unofficial sequel to «Payback.»
These are your game breaking, wisecracking mutants who have special skills, abilities, weapons; They're players who can single - handedly win you the game.
It's comforting to see Tracy Morgan back in the game as a long - suffering coach, but after a requisite wisecrack about impregnation, he's mysteriously uninspired.
Never having even been aware of the existence of Guardians of the Galaxy until the film was announced, I came to this completely fresh and, despite several reservations, I have to say that it's as entertaining as you could possibly expect from a film whose most charismatic characters are a genetically - modified wisecracking raccoon and a human / vegetable hybrid whose vocabulary consists solely of the words, «I am Groot».
The pitch Nobody asked for a remake of the iconic 1984 comedy about a quartet of wisecracking scientists who set up a business trapping pesky poltergeists.
What made the first Deadpool, and saves this one, is the way they mix emotional sincerity in with the meta - movie wisecracking.
Wisecracks come as naturally to these shambling funnymen as drawing breath.
These days, Nathaniel is even known to make the occasional wisecrack.
Martinez crafts a private eye in the best tradition of hard - boiled futuristic detection, with plenty of beautiful babes and evil geniuses, and written in classic wisecracking first - person narrative.
This whimsical, witty fantasy novel features a feminist protagonist, one of my favorite love stories in YA literature, and a hilarious wisecracking fireplace.
You hear wisecracks about founders letting «the inmates run the asylum» in the name of equality or democracy and that, as a result, those businesses are headed right into the ground.
The Muppets as a gang of wisecracking TV producers.
Most of this film consists of wisecracking kids with (unrealistically) no idea of school, and the motels painted in lurid colors is an annoying gimmick.
He went on to play wisecracking leading roles in such «B «s as Night of Terror (1933), The Nut Farm (1935) and The Mystery of Mr. Wong (1935); the critics paid no heed to these minor efforts, though they always showered Ford with praise for his supporting roles in films like John Ford's The Informer (1935) and Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt (1943).
They are introverted Eleanor (Lili Taylor), uninhibited Theo (Catherine Zeta - Jones) and wisecracking Luke (Owen Wilson).
On the entertaining commentary track, amid wisecracks and anecdotes from co-commentors Englund, Jameson, and Joey Medina, Lee tries to squeeze in some explanation.
The low - jinks have to do with «passive smuggling» and a plan to annex part of Quebec, with dumb wisecracks and insults about shaved testicles and the metric system ensuing relentlessly.
Its crew includes the tough - minded Daniels (Katherine Waterson), wisecracking cowboy Tennesse (Danny McBride), an insecure man of faith Oram (Billy Crudup), and the android synthetic Walter (Michael Fassbender).
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