Sentences with phrase «one's words to someone»

Help children to use words to describe how they feel.
There are hundreds of other words to use other than got.
Lots of words to describe what's going on there: amazing?
I expect the war on words to continue for a while longer, which will keep investors on edge.
Such hard words to hear from daddy's little girl.
Again, you're getting your child to find words to describe how she's feeling, and that will help her move on.
How do I find just the right words to say what I want to say?
Sorry I can't find better words to express this point.
My partner could also learn that I understand love through words of affirmation and my partner can begin to make more attempts in using words to express that he or she loves me.
I am at a loss for words to describe how I feel about that play and this loss.
He will have kind words to other developers, or perhaps an outlook that we didn't entirely see.
The web site's home page includes a section of action words to help you get the most mileage out of your work experience and accomplishments.
A few words to put in you in the mood when thinking of me is calm, interesting, full of love.
I do not then have to go through their resume word by word to see what alterations have occurred.
I actually don't know if that is a real saying or if I just made it up, but they seem like good words to live by.
«Positive parenting» gives words to what parents do every day — challenges included — and keeps the big picture in mind.
The act of putting words to rhythms helps even the youngest learners retain information — consider the alphabet song.
There are seriously NO words to describe how awesome those look!
Everyone has been on a date and struggled with words to say.
I'm a visual learner, but at first I need the written words to explain each icon.
In this guide, we will look at 200 + examples of action words to use on your resume in order to best highlight your experience and stand out.
There aren't enough words to explain how foolish this is.
They should link this vision to specific and measurable national commitments that will signal a global turn from words to action and a new can - do attitude for addressing climate change.
This vocabulary activity is an easy way to bring words to life visually in your classroom.
Last weekend, I finally took my own words to heart.
Choose best words to create fascinating artwork in your profile.
I have only kind words to say about this service.
Not only that, you also need to capture the right key words to get through the HR screening process.
And most importantly, the key to writing an effective resume is knowing which words to avoid.
Across grade levels, teachers get conflicting advice about which words to focus on.
To be honest, I am having a hard time finding words to tell fans what's new.
You don't need more words to make your resume impactful.
Our sunsets will challenge you to find new words to describe what you are seeing.
There are not enough words to thank all those who have made this possible.
How do you know how many words to write?
At 5, they already recognize letters, letter - sound matches, and they start matching spoken words to written ones.
Choose words to demand the attention of a hiring manager with a well - written resume.
It isn't necessary for the first and last words to go together in some way.
Everyone who shares the house must be willing to learn how to help teach the dog good manners, and not confuse the dog by using the same words to mean different things.
I also remind them it takes words to convey value.
One final word to go with these basic winter weather pet safety tips — the best thing you can do to keep your pets safe is to use your common sense.
So let's look at some key words to show, not tell, your leadership skills.
Evidence is the key word to keep in mind while writing argument essay.
How can you select specific words to encourage student excellence and have students want to achieve those things without feeling like it's always a lecture?
I think many people want to cry and want to use very strong words to express their feeling to the people.
They are given a blank piece of paper (or a blank screen), and asked to use just words to make something new.
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