Sentences with phrase «one's work for free»

We're good, really good, and we don't work for free.
This means the average woman in teaching effectively works for free for even longer — more than a quarter of the year, or 97 days.
She also does a lot of work for free.
Be prepared to do anything you can to develop the work experience you need even if it means working for free on a work placement or as a volunteer.
Remember, it's not like people are just working for free in the non-profit world.
Don't be afraid to work for free at first.
This means that our aggressive and experienced team of attorneys will work for free until we have recovered a settlement on your case.
I haven't found an attorney who works for free yet.
And all this after some have even worked for free or cut their commissions to the bare bones.
Of course volunteering abroad is not for everyone and some rather spend their time working for money then working for free while some people just rather donate their money.
In exchange for essentially working for free and taking the risk that a recovery will be made, the lawyer receives a percentage of what is recovered when the case is over.
Every person in our organization works for free because of our love of animals.
And by the way, don't most bloggers work for free as well?
No one works for free, and someone has to pay you, don't they?
But since nobody works for free the topic is unavoidable.
However, until people start working for free, there's no way to avoid it.
But an entrepreneur that started a business from the scratch will be willing to work for free just to see his business succeed.
I hope you never work for free out of guilt.
And their first developer worked for free to earn internship credit at a local art school.
I know it's hard to give away all your hard work for free, but at the beginning no one knows who you are or whether you can write worth a damn.
Again, don't allow a potential client to corner you into working for free.
I spend most of my time working for free and not promoting my books.
Did you ever work for free and would you recommend others do as well when they are starting off?
Should I offer to work for free so a company can try me out?
Plus, it's important to remember that literary agents work for free a lot of the time — sometimes for years when they're getting started, just like writers.
Like most lawyers, they do not like to work for free unless they feel that there is something in it for them.
In fact, when I was in law school, I never considered that I might someday be asked or even expected to take on legal work for free.
This also works for free applications as well, of course.
An agent who pretty much works for free simply can not do costly promo.
You could take the same four years, save that same $ 100,000 and go work for free for the person you most admire.
I've really worked for free for the last six months so we could get to the [private - equity] funding level.
Someone working for free has no incentive not to perpetually leave your property on the back burner.
You should remember though that no investment firm works for free.
If the property isn't making enough to pay a manager and you are self managing than you are working for free right?
She offers up some of her own, too, taking issue with a recommendation to swap work for free office space.
I still offer free introductory sessions, but no longer work for free for individuals, preferring to volunteer my creativity coaching to groups whose missions I value.
You know the type — they promise you the world if you do extra work for free or keep your day rates at the same price.
Working for free turns you into a value creating machine.
You can browse jobs, get notifications for new openings to your inbox and send up to 15 proposals for work for free before signing up for the premium plan.
If hospitals worked for free, you wouldn't have the «quality» care you see today.
He's not afraid to call a chef every day for a month to ask if he can come work for free.
To what extent did the production rely on goodwill on the part of the community and the cast, who I understand worked for free?
The idea here is to find someone who wants «skin in the game» and is willing to work for free upfront in exchange for a 50/50 split of the royalties.
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