Sentences with phrase «one by the front door»

Bring a homemade loaf of bread and leave it with a note by the front door of a friend going through a hard time — or just to brighten their day.
Use splashes of color sparingly, «like lipstick,» King says, by the front door or front of the house.
Remember those baby birds in the nest by our front door when I was little?
read that comment, and when I returned from my trip to Kentucky yesterday, there was a box sitting by the front door that included this amazing origami kit.
The next day protesters came by our front door saying, «Out of your homes into the streets.
Among the others, we saw a lady who must have been in her 60s, in shape and dressed up elegantly, sitting in a tiny rocking chair right by her front door.
I have basil, oregano, mint, and parsley in the little flower bed area by my front door.
The only naughty dog story I can think of is my parent's dog who on occasion will get into the kitchen garbage when he's feeling lonely and he likes to leave a piece by the front door so my mom sees it when she comes home from work.
We may not have many chilly days or crimson and gold leafed maples in Southern California, but I can get a taste of Vermont by placing several large pumpkins by our front door and cooking with pumpkin and other winter squash.
(well, we always miss him because he's rushing, but he leaves the presents by the front door!)
One big bag of home grown oranges waited by our front door.
He looks at the Clipper gym bag by the front door of his Williamsburg house, its logo reminding him of his other home in Los Angeles.
In the twilight, by the front door, a sign reads: «Official Practice Facility of the College of Faith Warriors.»
After 48 hours the one by the front door in the garage door show just a little bit of cooling.
I have promised myself that this half term I will be more organised, so I have everything we might possibly need ready by the front door.
Then I have my kids, and it becomes impossible to keep up because she starts yipping at shadows or at leaves floating by the front door.
The Heat Holder socks would be great for me since I sit by the front door of my office and if a lot of people go in and out in the winter, my feet get cold!
A backpack stuffed with supplies like crayons, paper, and glue sticks are waiting by the front door.
I had my bags packed and sitting by the front door a month before my due date.
We have a growing collection of sticks, rocks and pinecones by our front door, so these little trees are perfect.
For example put a bowl by the front door that you always can put your keys in, or if you go to the shops and forget where you parked your car, try and always park near to a shopping trolley bay to help narrow your search!
Our phone is on and we go to bed early, we skip the glass of wine, we make sure our car has gas and we have our doula bag by the front door.
The next day, the story goes, the child was fully trained and standing by the front door with his suitcase packed.
Leave it by the front door so that your kids will see it when they get home on that last day!
This is the bag that normally sits by your front door — ready to go into action if ever called upon.
I've started keeping a backpack with most items I'd need for 3 - 4 hours out of the house by the front door to minimize running around collecting stuff, but it's not enough.
We imagine keeping this stroller by the front door, ready to use at a moment's notice (to make a quick jaunt to the grocery store or dash to a friend's house).
Backpacks are by the front door.
I've tried this approach before where i simply state the scenario, «I notice your shoes are in the middle of the floor and they belong by the front door
Put breast pump bag by front door.
Put lunch in tote bag by the front door.
That's not even counting the candy that you bought for the holiday that's still sitting in the plastic Jack - o - Lantern bowl by the front door.
After I had DS, one of the (breastfeeding) neighborhood moms picked up some medication for me, and when she dropped it on my porch, she sent me this text: «I didn't want you to feel like you had to get dressed or anything, so I left the meds by your front door.
Sequestered behind heavy curtains in the warmth, loaded shotguns by their front doors, watching reruns of Antiques Roadshow, eating roasted peacock, donating online to Conservative HQ via Paypal.
Like laying out your gym clothes the night before, putting your runners by the front door, or putting the vegies on the middle shelf.
Buy an outdoor mat so you can rub your soles free of debris before walking inside, or take off your shoes and leave them by the front door.
We took a picture by the front door, a family tradition we had been told to keep, and headed to the car.
Consider setting up a basket to house miscellaneous items at the foot of the stairs or by the front door.
Let's start the Christmas Home Tour right here by the front door.
A lot of my other shoes and outerwear are kept in the closet by the front door.
These green pots by my front door are completely shaded — not even shade - loving flowers like impatiens would bloom here.
They are perfect next to a chest or credenza, as a floating cocktail table, under a coffee table or entry table to fill that empty space (this is even cuter when done in pairs), by the front door (even to throw keys and mail on it), and to add depth and texture (love that gold!)
So this spring I'm working on adding a few free - standing window boxes on the windows that look out onto our deck, and if I can manage it, I would like to add a few by our front door.
And I actually love them — I never feel guilty about losing them or breaking them, and I have a gazillion pairs all over my life: in the car, in the trunk, in each bag, in the office, waiting by the front door.
It's so convenient having them by the front door:).
I have re-discovered my love for Teva sandals lately — ever since these leather beauties arrived they've been constantly by my front door.
He's right by the front door to greet all our Halloween party guests and Trick - or - Treaters.
I can't believe the electrician put the panel right by the front door!
We can blame me and the epic lack of communication with my electrician remains a VERY sore spot for me because it apparently never occurred to anyone that we needed to discuss the location of the new panels SO they ended up right here, right by my front door.
Recently I've been keeping a stash of coats by our front door and nabbing whichever one is to hand when running an errand.
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