Sentences with phrase «one challenge the idea»

You can feel free to challenge the idea, the length, or the structure.
Leaders can sometimes get carried away by their own status and positional power and feel duty - bound to challenge ideas, and keep everything on track.
It's ok to challenge ideas and push back when a concept seems weak.
The San Francisco - based publishing house known for its snark and devilish sarcasm has challenged the idea of what it means to succeed with a crowdfunding campaign.
The We - Vibe has always been made from medical - grade silicone, challenging the idea that sex toys are by definition cheap, plastic and sold in stores with neon signs and nylon bunny costumes in the window.
As the goal of the business is to generate as many customers as possible, companies have to try some challenging ideas to ensure success in their endeavor.
Each was not afraid to question conventional wisdom, to remain open - minded, to adopt a child - like curiosity, to work hard, to seek wisdom from other disciplines, to learn from others, to challenge ideas and to be willing to admit and learn from mistakes.
Well in the cryptocurrency world the traditional rules rarely apply, and the creators of new tokens and coins have found a way to challenge the idea that free stuff always comes with a catch with a little trick of their own and it's called an «Airdrop».
«We challenge the idea that people are more willing to go into debt for a longer lasting thing,» Sharma says.
In his mind, he is always right, and therefore, the tolerable one, whose aim is (David's # 2), to «challenge ideas that he thinks are harmful to people,»
Not only is explicit in challenging the idea of the locus of God's activity being in Israel and with its people, but it is also very anti-temple.
Supporters say he has preached a message that's financially empowered his parishioners and challenged the idea that Christians should be ashamed to be rich.
Without scholars from the mainline willing to challenge the idea that the Torah was written by Moses, the creation accounts, the Flood, and the Exodus may not have been historical events etc...
The most challenging idea of this book may be that the Powers are redeemable, and we humans are part of the means by which the Powers will be redeemed.
And as it turns out, though many of the believers in these churches know their Bibles well, few of them actually live out what they know in their day - to - day lives, nor are they reaching out with the gospel, which challenges the idea that these sorts of churches are actually doing a good job making disciples.
It's a challenging idea, I know, but it is what we are seeing here in Jonah, which somewhat explains Jonah's frustration with God.
Obviously, it challenges the idea of original sin and being born in sin.
The scientific method encourages challenging ideas and theories, and if a theory is disproven (i.e. the world is flat) new theories are constructed to address the new findings.
For example, on page 73, after writing some challenging ideas about heaven, hell, and life here on earth, he raises questions about the kingdom of God and the afterlife:
I teach some challenging ideas in my discipleship group, and question some fairly traditional church teachings.
theory of relativity,» for example, uses the speed of light being a constant, faster than which nothing can travel, as a fundamental axiom, and to date nothing has challenged this idea.
What I've decided to do is live freely myself while challenge all ideas, beliefs, traditions, powers and systems that threaten the well - being and liberty of all people everywhere.
And maybe it's a new and challenging idea for you too.
He is basically getting at the idea of challenging the idea of exclusivity... which is fair.
Multiverse theory (now quite mainstream science) challenges the idea that the Big Bang was in fact the beginning of everything; then again, thermodynamics and the Borde - Vilenkin - Guth theorem suggest that there must have been some beginning of everything only a finite time ago.
My goal was to playfully challenge this idea that the Bible prescribes a single lifestyle for how to be a woman of faith, and in so doing, playfully challenge our overuse of the term «biblical.»
Some members of the group were eager to challenge the idea that it was possible for someone to identify as both Christian and gay.
You are challenging the idea that change is incremental.
We don't see God, therefore we challenge the idea of God.
Washington (CNN)-- Televangelist Pat Robertson challenged the idea that Earth is 6,000 years old this week, saying the man who many credit with conceiving the idea, former Archbishop of Ireland James Ussher, «wasn't inspired by the Lord when he said that it all took 6,000 years.»
What you're saying here is that there are different ways of reading the Bible and that will challenge that idea.
This is a challenging idea on multiple levels, and if true, the ramifications are far - reaching.
It does n`t handle complicated or challenging ideas very well.
Gnostics challenged the idea that a lone deity would embrace both spirit and matter.
Only if there had been a strong sense of tension between Christianity and the integrative American culture — a tension that was embryonically suggested by neo-orthodoxy but never substantially applied to challenge the idea of a culturally integrative science — might there have been a search for radical alternatives.
Cartoons are supposed to challenge your ideas.
I wanted to challenge the idea that «biblical womanhood» could be reduced to a list of roles and rules, and I wanted to do it in a creative, disarming way.
But I do want to challenge the idea that if I struggle, it means sabbatical time.
People say all the time «The Lord told me» or «God showed me» but this is just a tactic some people use to make sure nobody questions or challenges their ideas.
A third risk is that we select out bits of the Bible that suit our ideas about mass media but ignore other parts that would challenge those ideas.
I want to challenge that idea.
Some Christian athletes enter with a perspective that explicitly challenges the idea that Olympic success would be the pinnacle of their lives.
Love the challenge idea!
another good challenge idea: reubens from scratch!
Modern research, however, has challenged this idea.
So to all of the tofu skeptics out there, this tofu steak recipe is one that will challenge your ideas and beliefs about what tofu can or can not be!
Sharon Chinn - Heritch (42) has two sons, William (7) and Stephen (5), who came into her life to challenge her ideas of parenting after a career in law and real estate.
When Margaret Mead pushed the envelope with challenging ideas in America about maternal health and breastfeeding, her notions denoted several big changes.
If your daughter or niece thinks she needs to look like a certain female celebrity, challenge the idea by asking how many people she sees everyday that would measure up to that standard.
Are you ready to challenge your idea of success?
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