Sentences with phrase «one nighters»

Europe's leaders, who make a habit of all - nighters, surely will suffer through a few more before a decision is reached.
After having one (or ten) too many drinks at the bar last night, or pulling an all nighter to study for your chemistry test, many of us can understand the puffy eye struggle.
And most likely, you'll be pulling a few all - nighters before an important test, while finishing a term paper, or just hanging out with friends.
In fact, if you're like a lot of entrepreneurs, you're probably going to find yourself pulling a few all - nighters to get one done before heading into your first pitch for funding.
We've all done it — pulled all - nighters to study in school, to finish up a project or a presentation for work, or to deal with a medical emergency or a trip to the hospital.
Think pulling the occasional all - nighter and eating Ramen noodles gives you a sense of what entrepreneurship is like?
This year, DentsuBos in Toronto is creating an all - nighter event on Friday to combat mental illness dubbed the Darkness to Light challenge.
The ability to pull all - nighters moved three BYU students to the front of the competitive QR - code category.
After all, an overweight colleague who successfully manages work - life balance may be infinitely more productive than their thinner counterpart who pulls all - nighters and seems constantly frazzled.
A late - night burger run might sound like a good idea, but if you don't want to pull an all - nighter, it might be a good idea to think beyond the drive - in.
Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do because we know they're for the best in the long - run: fire someone, cold call a stranger, pull an all - nighter to get the company server back up, or scrap a project and start over.
To prepare, we did our due diligence and even pulled a couple all - nighters.
Le, Do, and the research team pulled an all nighter; they took turns wearing a standard electrode cap — sort of like a bathing cap coated inside with gel to improve electrical conductivity — while watching movies, listening to jokes, arguing, and more, all while a graph on the screen tracked excitement.
For many people, the defining image of a startup culture involves some combination of all - nighters, weekend work and intense, bleary - eyed young people bent over their keyboards, cranking out code.
But when Marissa Mayer makes headlines because she claims the road to Google's success was paved with 130 - hour work weeks, regular all - nighters and employees who make vacations few and far between, we have to ask:
Mark Cuban spent all - nighters learning how to code and didn't take a vacation for seven years.
Late - nighters are not going to dig on this, but according to a University of Toronto study, early risers are happier and healthier than people who like to stay up late.
If you're getting a business off the ground, you may think that pulling all - nighters or always being on call will inspire confidence in your employees, but that lack of sleep really just makes you less of a charismatic leader, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.
I was used to pulling all - nighters in insurance, like when the TSX needed numbers the next day, but this was way more involved.
Last summer, Goldman Sachs made headlines when the investment banking firm announced it would no longer allow its interns to pull all - nighters during the week, dictating that they must be out of the office from midnight to 7 a.m..
Occasionally you may need to do an all - nighter or a weekend slog.
Throughout 2016, Li says, late nights turned into all - nighters punctuated with breaks for beer, barbecue skewers, and cigarettes.
The engineers at SpaceX are passionate about commercializing and colonizing space; profit is a significant byproduct of their extraordinary effort to achieve that goal but not enough to get them to pull the thousandth all - nighter.
Former Huckabee colleagues remember her willingness to perform any task, pull all - nighters and speak frankly with her father.
Remote workers are more willing to do what is necessary to meet deadlines, including pulling all - nighters.
All - nighters work for me.
Pulling all nighters, going from class to a part time job and vice versa, eating free pizzas or having the munchies at 2 a.m. on a...
Don, pulling an all - nighter on a pitch for Kodak, listened to Harry's ruminations on the Lascaux cave paintings, «seventeen thousand years old»: There were «all of these handprints, tiny by today's standards, with paint blown all around them.
The morning after an all - nighter in the office, I was the best - groomed woman at the table.
(It could have adopted a «first in the door» policy, but that would have penalized late - nighters and club - hoppers, often the most desirable patrons.)
Obviously something more then just a one nighter of beating up on Lot and his guests, for sure!
Make margin to rest and relax, but don't get so caught up in a routine that you're no longer open to spontaneous outings, a late night diner trip or the occasional all - nighter.
After pulling a dramatic all - nighter, delegates at the U.N. conference on climate change left beautiful, lush Bali for the real world with an agreed text on their laptops.
I get it — there's a time and place for all - nighters.
If I hadn't been days away from a pretty important all - nighter of my own, I probably would have stayed to help.
As a college student I have no doubt it will be a bit challenging, especially during late - night cramming sessions and morning - after - nearly - all - nighters, but Jesus gave up his life for me so the least I can do is make this small sacrifice.
I tend to feel the need to scream into a pillow, squeeze a stress ball and pull all - nighters far too often.
The reason why you might turn to a bar of chocolate during an all - nighter at your desk!
After months and months and months of the kind studying, stressing and panicked all - nighters I only vaguely remember from college in part because I am very, very old and in part because, no, I did not graduate with a 4.0, my friend Alice finally took her very big exam this past weekend.
carrot cake with maple - cream cheese frosting After months and months and months of the kind studying, stressing and panicked all - nighters I only vaguely remember from college in part because I am very, very old and in part because, no, I did not graduate with a 4.0, my friend Alice finally took her very big exam this past weekend.
Otherwise, I must buy more frozen cherries and do a 2nd all - nighter in a row baking pies.
It's the snack you need to boost your energy in the afternoon or pull off that all - nighter.
Seventeen is geared to college - aged women and we have an upcoming article about what might help if you stay up late partying or pull an all - nighter.
Because this is how overnight success happens, one all - nighter at a time.
Now, late nighters can have their favorite Jack in the Box food delivered to them with just a simple tap or click on DoorDash.»
Two days later and I'm still recovering from pulling an almost near all - nighter of chasing him around, buffering falls, head - bumps and cleaning up his path of destruction that included throw - up from belly aches that lasted all night.
The blankest of slates, devoid of any habits at all, he was the Commodores» model student, perpetually asking questions and pulling all - nighters to go over the playbook and game film.
And by this evening, you'll be on a private jet to Las Vegas to pull a celebratory all - nighter while sportswriters in San Diego write columns that pair your name with the word «savior.»
Damn, I said I didn't want to talk about the scoring, but I'm about to pull an all - nighter for work and was trying to put off actually starting... onwards, I guess.
Indy will have too much firepower for New Orleans in the Thursday - nighter, Cowboys to beat the Giants in the Sunday - nighter (but it'll be a lot closer than people think), and in the Monday - nighters I'll go with the home clubs, Bengals and 49ers.
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