Sentences with phrase «one on cable news»

Gaetz is one of four Republican members of Congress who have told Business Insider that Trump often likes to give them a call moments after they appear on cable news.
After one of Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz's first appearances on cable news, he got a call from someone offering some advice.
This isn't the first time that there has been a correlation between Trump's statements and programming on cable news, of which he is a noted fan.
I heard this one on cable news, too.
For those looking for me on cable news... You'll see less of me on MSNBC as, after a bunch of years, they decided not to renew my contract.
He is a regular panelist on cable news» most popular weekend business show, Forbes on FOX, and was a frequent guest analyst on CNBC's The Kudlow Report.
Giuliani was brought on to Trump's legal team for one crucial purpose: To defend the president on cable news.
Three books later, I travel the world speaking about Buffett's investment strategies, appear regularly on cable news, host the annual «Value Investor Conference,» and teach an Executive MBA course at the University of Nebraska at Omaha's College of Business Administration.
Going on cable news and making a preemptive, point - by - point case for Trump's innocence is the surest method of convincing the base that they needn't pay attention to investigation - related hysteria anymore.
In the run - up to the «60 Minutes» broadcast, Michael Avenatti, Daniels» attorney, said repeatedly on cable news programs that his client would talk about threats she received because of her allegations against Trump.
She is on cable news every once in a while and that's it.
The point of the rest of my post is that all you have to do is turn on the cable news stations and they will always have some person declaring that folks are not devoting every second of their waking days to this cause or that cause.
The argument - replayed and reported on cable news - raised questions about how the Jewish tradition deals with transgression, judgment, repentance and rebuke.
The kind of reverence for history delivered without context like some fool on cable news arguing for the Mayberryization of towns and cities.
Look for him to ignore targeting and grassroots outreach in favor of ginning up coverage on cable news, and despite the RNC's pledge to spend heavily on digital advertising between now and November, his campaign won't take advantage most of the online options that internet political professionals now take for granted.
And while getting your talking heads on cable news can help «win» a few spin wars, it's no way to govern a country.
«Trump spoke with Kudlow twice in recent days, according to a White House aide,» they wrote, «who added that the president has been impressed by his performance on cable news
«She's a top - flight professional,» Cuomo said in an interview on the cable news channel New York 1 over the weekend, noting that Underwood would provide «continuity.»
His remarks were reported in many major newspapers across the country and discussed on cable news channels.
WASHINGTON — After a year spent defending Donald Trump on the cable news networks, Rep. Chris Collins of Clarence finally hit the big time this week.
Democrats didn't know what to do, so wheeled out under - prepared commentators on the cable news channels, who quickly looked as if they were just being nasty Palin.
By feeding true believers a steady diet of similar red meat, blogs and online discussion sites helped to spread these and other less - than - flattering tidbits far and wide, with the most «successful» ending up in endless rotation on cable news.
We're talking about a multi-front war: besides words from McCain and Palin themselves, and conservative bloggers and talking heads on cable news, we're seeing a comprehensive and centralized assault online.
Yes, most citizen - generated media rapidly - forgotten drivel... like almost everything on cable news.
Cuomo spoke in an interview on the cable news station New York 1, where he praised Feinman's abilities.
Cuomo, who has been largely absent from the Capitol lately, weighed in on mayoral control during an interview on the cable news channel NY1.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who has been largely absent from the Capitol lately, weighed in on mayoral control during an interview on the cable news channel New York 1.
The White House, constantly under fire from expected enemies on the right, has been frustrated by nightly attacks on cable news shows catering to the left, where Obama and top lieutenants like Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel have been excoriated for abandoning the public option in healthcare reform; for not moving faster to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay; and for failing, so far, to end the ban on gays serving openly in the military.
It will run on cable news channels CNN and MSNBC, as well as local news channel NY1.
«She's a top - flight professional,» said Cuomo, in an interview on the cable news channel New York 1 over the weekend, saying Underwood would provide «continuity».
He can have sharp elbows at times, especially with the press, but has emerged as a frequent Trump surrogate on cable news.
As has been a pretty regular occurrence since he became the first sitting Congressman to endorse Donald Trump, Western New York Rep. Chris Collins, R - Clarence, made another appearance on the cable news networks Tuesday morning.
Play nice or a Rudy Giuliani will come over to your house and explain to you that what Rudy Giuliani said on a cable news show or to a reporter doesn't mean what you think Rudy Giuliani meant when Rudy Giuliani said it.
The former Trump campaign staffer has often served as a surrogate for the administration on cable news networks and sharply criticized the House Intelligence Committee for investigate Russian collusion claims.
But his allies say his seniority as dean of the New York delegation, his status as the House's third - longest serving member, and his regular presence on cable news, give him prominence no successor could match.
The country's most powerful elected Republicans descended on the district to stump for her — including House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (Congressman Paul Ryan, one of Stefanik's political mentors, stumped for her in May)-- while the candidate appeared in an increasing number of slots on cable news and in national media profiles, including the Weekly Standard, the New York Times, CBS News and the Business Insider.
But Bharara remains in the spotlight, hosting a popular podcast about law, justice and politics, and maintaining a frequent presence on cable news.
This quest for fame among mass shooters skyrocketed since the mid-1990s «in correspondence to the emergence of widespread 24 - hour news coverage on cable news programs, and the rise of the internet during the same period.»
On cable news or via social media almost every complex debate is re-defined in terms of partisan and ideological differences,» Nisbet said.
And that's a hell of a lot more fun to watch unfold on scripted television than it is on cable news.
As Terry watches more and more stories about the war on terror on cable news channels, he begins developing an intense suspicion of his new neighbor Gabe Hassan (Khaled Abol Naga), an Arab exchange student.
And the whole staff is working on a mock debate that will change the way politics are handled on cable news.
This new series centers on a cable news anchor (Jeff Daniels), his new executive producer (Emily Mortimer), his newsroom staff (John Gallagher, Jr., Alison Pill, Thomas Sadoski, Dev Patel, Olivia Munn) and their boss (Sam Waterston).
When she sees adults behaving badly — talking over each other on cable news or hurling insults via Twitter — she often holds them up in class as examples of how not to engage in civil discourse.
Ever since, I've taken a philosophical approach to the heated, scream - past - one - another debates at Thanksgiving tables, in legislative chambers, on cable news programs, and on blogs.
On cable news and talk radio, the Left rants about the Right, and vice versa.
But they're selling and got featured on a cable news finance segment, so mission accomplished?
I found it curious that in an attempt to provide the public with a sense of action and purpose, a spokesman suggested on cable news to not flush pharmaceuticals down the toilet.
Instead of saturating Fox News with «war on coal» ads, the group will send Duncan on cable news and the editorial - board circuit to talk about coal's role in the economy and how to create a «path forward» for with new technology.
Does the media need a visible leader, a mediagenic spokesperson for the movement, someone to put on cable news and interview?
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