Sentences with phrase «one than my wife»

Bill noted that because he has been in the public eye longer than his wife that he is sometimes viewed, from the outside, as the final word about foundation decisions, but he explained why that couldn't be further from the truth.
Although the Institute for Family Studies reports that more husbands than wives admit to being unfaithful, according to The Cut, psychoanalyst and writer Esther Perel cites an increase of 40 % in unfaithful women since 1990, while men's statistics have stayed about the same.
It's just talking; and 2) How in the heck will I find topics that anyone other than my wife will willingly seek?
He resolved early on never to be alone with a woman other than his wife.
I don't care if Donald Trump had consensual sex with a woman other than his wife; that's a matter for him and Melania to handle privately.
--------- And by the way, I believe that Husbands love your wives is MORE IMPORTANT to the subject of wives, submit, than wives submit.
«If you lust for someone other than your wife, what you do is replace that lust with prayer.
I don't have pigtails, I don't date anyone other than my wife, and I wouldn't date Captain Asshole in any event.
Strictly speaking, divorce is a right bestowed on the husband in view of his ability to shoulder the marriage obligations and because of his aptitude for better self - restraint than the wife can display.
And yet he loved that wooden box with strings more than his wife.
For example, according to Strachan, a man who makes less money than his wife or chooses to serve the family as a stay - at - home dad is a «man fail» because «men are called to be leaders, providers, protectors and women are nurturers.»
«No one is permitted to know a woman other than his wife.
That men are physically stronger than women is not universally true (some women are stronger than some men), nor is it prescriptive (men don't have to be physically stronger than the women in their lives in order to please God), nor is it indicative of hierarchy (the fact that many men are stronger than their wives does not automatically endow them with more authority).
only humans would be arrogant enough to believe a super being could really care if you are an adulterer, covet women other than your wife, steal, etc. man created god.
Beside that it is not like that named self as» «pre-ci-se»» proving him self ig - nor - ant but it is that Muslims merry more than wife and not believe in birth control as to the number of children they get, they consider ab - or - tion is a sin... and believe that each child is born, comes to life along with his sub-sis-ten-ce and that God provide that for him and that parents should not fear poverty or the in - abil - ity to support...!
The husbands of unhappy couples tended to say that twice a week was more than their wives wanted but was satisfactory to them; their wives tended to report that it was just right for them, but less than their husbands wanted.
I have found the most effective way to deal with fear is in the company of a compatible companion (someone other than my wife, she has her own ministry) This is why the first disciples went out 2 × 2 and law enforcement people have a partner and soldiers have a buddy or wingman.
Wow... # 10 gets me...» someTHING» other than your wife.
When I told Dan about some of what has been said on the blogosphere about men who earn less than their wives, he laughed, rolled his eyes a little and said, «It's not emasculating to have a successful wife.
I believe that she is the best person and only person (other than his wife - who has apologized for her actions) who knows whether or not his man is actually mentally ill.
It's OK to boff someone other than your wife (or at least you won't speak against it), but it destroys marriage for two men or two women to be married.
Usually the husband has a greater future earning potential than the wife.
Samuel Pepys (pronounced Peeps) was a successful seventeenth - century British civil servant who chronicled nearly every day of his life for almost nine straight years, from 1660 to 1669, including his business interest in ships and the British navy, his run - ins with the nobility, his merry meals with friends and family, his nightly prayers, and his «towsing» (ruffling up, disheveling) of women other than his wife (the latter two activities often on the same day).
Before keto I used to wake 2 hours later than my wife and leave home without having breakfast.
I think I love my plants more than my wife.
One elegant lady dressed in a gown better than your wife's wedding dress glides up to the table with a golden plate adorned with imported French cornichons and slips it between the champagne glasses.
Who better than the wives of Idaho Potato Commissioners to provide tips to ensure your 2004 holiday potato preparations are as flawless, easy and delicious as possible.
Win three times this year and you're automatically on the regular Tour, but there's a catch: Someone other than your wife has to witness it.
As for Ramsay we no Wenger loves him than his wife.
No one had a more appropriate reaction than his wife, Cath, on Twitter.
I do not have a high sex drive, but I obviously have a higher one than my wife.
Look back to what was being discussed when Gen. David Petraeus fooled around with a younger — and much more attractive and thinner — woman than his wife, Holly.
A lot of people made fun of Mike Pence in April when it was revealed that the Vice President won't eat alone with any other woman than his wife, Karen, or even attend events where alcohol is served unless she's there, too.
According to a Canadian study, «Divorce rates are lowest when the husband is two to 10 years older than the wife or when the magnitude of their age difference is extremely large.»
He was no longer turned on by a woman who was a «businessperson rather than a wife,» according to his book.
I loved being with my young children and would gladly have raised them but my job paid much more than my wife's.
His addiction has been going on for so long (basically since his teenage years) that I realized 6 months ago (after crying and bawling and telling him how bad it hurts me that he would rather get his fix through a computer screen than his wife) that it was just who he was and I would have to accept it or move on... I thought I could just accept it....
Oh, not that women are facing a shrinking pool of marriageable men, but that she — and society — is still defining men by how much they make and how smarter they are than their wives, a very 1950s, «Mad Men,» retro and misguided way to think.
Q: Let's say a husband fell in love with his sexbot and decided he enjoyed her company more than his wife's.
And no trophy is more important than his wife.
Finally, his argument assumes that every woman a man cheats with is hotter than his wife to which I have three words.
The Washington Post reported, «In 2002, Mike Pence told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won't attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.»
However in our case it may be the baby needs is more than my wife supply and we need to balance with supplement.
I agree so much with the above comment, I know more about raising our two kids than my wife do.
It's certainly earlier than my wife and I would like to get up every morning.
In 2002, Mike Pence told the Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won't attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.
In a recent, in - depth Washington Post profile of Karen Pence, Vice President Mike Pence's wife, a small detail is drawing most of the attention: «In 2002, Mike Pence told The Hill that he never eats alone with a woman other than his wife and that he won't attend events featuring alcohol without her by his side, either.»
When men stop doing paid work — and even when they work less than their wives — marital conflict usually follows.
I had been doing it and picking up after him and a lot of other things and it was making me feel more like his mom than his wife.
Does your son wake up if you put him to bed and get up (rather than your wife)?
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