Sentences with phrase «ones personal beliefs»

Some atheists affirm god's non existence, which is unsubstantiated, but atheism itself does not provide an answer to the question of whether there is something out there which corresponds to ones personal beliefs, theism on the other hand, does answer that question.
This article is another attempt to twist the bible, and Jesus's teaching into something for ones personal belief..

Not exact matches

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One thing that is unique with Personal Capital is their belief in Tactical Weighting aka Smart Indexing.
What is unreasonable is the belief that there is only one path to Truth and that it can be based on personal (or collective) belief.
It is the duty of the chaplain to note what «family» means, (especially after reading this one - sided though heartwarming personal graph), and prep you for the journey ahead, whatever your beliefs, and how to find comfort in a place that knows no betrayal from their earthly «family».
Kevin your right personal beliefs and or religion does not belong in law, and I am not saying that what this atheist organization is doing is wrong or anything, I think what there doing is a good thing, I just think this particular message could have been done from a different perspective, this message makes them appear like the self righteous ones, and it might give out the wrong kind of message, instead it should have said something like you believe in god fine, but don't put it in our laws.
It is one thing to not agree with his policy or views on the critical topics, its another to simply note vote for a candidate because of one's ignorance and views around Mitt Romney's personal belief in Jesus Christ.
and being aware of your environment, being respectful of those of all beliefs and none beliefs, and of our world, and its about personal responsibility, with that said why is is such a bad thing to believe in something greater than yourself, how can somebody live there life without believing in something, what kind of life is that, life is meant to be discovered, its one big mystery, and all the science in the world can still not prove how we exactly came to be?
No one should have to feel the need to impose his or her personal beliefs on another person, whether you are atheist, buddhist, christian, protestant or whatever.
One of Hart's most striking dismissals of the conflation of God and the gods is where he defines belief in «a personal God» or «theistic personalism» as a kind of «monopolytheism,» which «differs from polytheism... solely in that it posits the existence of only one such being.&raqOne of Hart's most striking dismissals of the conflation of God and the gods is where he defines belief in «a personal God» or «theistic personalism» as a kind of «monopolytheism,» which «differs from polytheism... solely in that it posits the existence of only one such being.&raqone such being.»
Until the current deity of choice (The God of Abraham) actually shows himself, I for one will not accept the talking snakes, virgin births, and condemnation of personal freedoms that surround the belief in him — like stoning someone for working on the sabbath, or killing children who curse their parents, or the rules of owning slaves, all concepts clearly stated in the Old Testament.
I know that your personal faith acts as ones own personal moral and spiritual compass, however the president should through out his personal beliefs in exchange for the betterment of all americans citizens not the 2 % of the wealthy class or the corporations, but all americans
This context inspired a new protest, one that we call «pietism,» which emphasized personal experience and response over against mere belief.
I would say that one is justified in believing the veriticality of one's personal experience, unless he is given some defeater for the truth of that belief.
I for one am sick and tired of having to tiptoe and avoid discussing my personal beliefs just so that I don't «offend» any christians, many of whom judge myself and others for not believing what they believe.
I'm not one, but I'm close enough to understand that for most people who do not have a belief in God, it was a personal and private discovery, and not something for bashing other people.
My friends and I love and support one another despite our personal affiliations and beliefs.
This is so because central to Keen's thought has been his belief that all theology, including a theological understanding of play, must be defined solely in terms of one's own autobiography («I may speak of grace only in the first person») 34 This solipsistic reduction of religious authority to personal experience has led Keen to characterize incorrectly both theology and the play experience itself.
A personal belief in one of the thousands of gods out there is fine, as long as it remains personal.
But maybe one day, generations from now, we won't abuse each other over personal beliefs.
Neville you are right in that sense that the holy spirit or anti christ is not mentioned however the whole book is about the return of Jesus and the rise of the anti christ so it is logical to believe that the one being restrained is the man of sin or anti christ.I believe it is the anti christ and the restrainer is the holy spirit that is working through believers.It comes down to personal belief but This article covers all the options What do you believe about preaching the Gospel to all nations and then the Lord will return at this point in time i believe there is around 2000 unreached people groups.brentnz
One of the things I realized as my beliefs started changing and my mind went through it's own transformation... and continues to do so... is that I could never use my personal experience as a validation of the reality of what I experienced.
Don't want an abortion, don't have one but don't think your personal belief trumps the laws that you must bide by in this world and please don't think they deserve respect when obviously they are being use to step on other peoples rights to freedom over their own body.
And for that reason, one is indeed on trembling ground when one tries to make him some sort of prophet, whether it be for disbelief in a personal god, belief in some sort of non-personal god or in favor of socialism, which he supported but may not have understood any better than he did the street grid in Princeton.
I may agree with you there to some degree, but I do think 1 Cor 15 makes a definite distinction), as the means of Justification salvation (I would quantify belief here, as the agreement of the fact of Jesus death for ones own personal sins (Understanding one is a sinner and needs a savior) on the cross, That he was buried, and was raised to life on the third day).
The kinds of questions, I suggest, to which belief in God may provide one possible response, are both highly general and deeply personal.
The fascination with the demonic in modern literature, the tendency of many to turn psychoanalysis or «psychodrama» into a cult of self - realization, and the illusory belief that personal fulfillment can come through «release» of one's deep inward energies all show the peculiarly modern relevance of the «crisis of temptation and dishonesty» which Buber describes.
I, for one and sick of these MILITANT ATHIESTS attacking my personal beliefs.
Their commands are obeyed and their judgments followed not because of the office they hold but because of their personal qualities on the one hand and the attitudes of belief, respect, fear, and trust they evoke on the other.
If no such evidence is forthcoming, then one may fairly conclude that the real backing for the warrant must be found elsewhere than in a public realm of discourse — for example, in the personal belief of the theologian.
Toward my belief system, religion is a personal belief and should not be a sociable consideration... Anyone's beliefs upon religious conjuring séances should be held personally and not be centered by any socialism of the religiously clairvoyant which tends to conjure their weekly seminary séances upon the weakly enamored folks ever forsaking the doctrines oaths... Emotionalisms are where religious circles are deemed rented and the renters pay steeply for a yarn's worth... Therefore keeps one's faith separated from religious teamsters who take and never give their folded flocks any causally rational explanations as to why there are reportedly many more of God's many sons then what Christendom so portends there to be...
One is not excluded as a Christian believer, but one must convince one's colleagues and the administration that one will not introduce one's personal beliefs into the classroom.
For the difference between Jewish or Christian belief and atheism is so profound that it utterly shifts the axis of one's personal life.
But anathemas and condemnations are more than personal insults; they are assertions of a doctrinal identity that marks one group off from another in a division between right belief and heresy.
belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal...
Recovery asks for a willingness to acknowledge that some power other than ourselves (the one who messed us up), whether that power is — Jesus Christ, Jehovah, Buddha, Nature, Mighty Mouse, or a nameless personal belief that there is a higher power that guides us (Philip Kavanaugh, M.D., Magnificent Addiction [Santa Rosa, CA: Aslan Publishing, 1992], p. 132; bold faced added).
I'm not sure if you meant that your personal beliefs are side B, but you want the ministry to be neutral (which I would have great respect for) or that your personal opinion is one of neutrality, but the ministry is a firm side B (which could be rather misleading for people who really do want a safe and unbiased space).
One more problem with James's view arises from his idea that personal religion is based exclusively on feeling and not on cognitive belief.
God has addressed his messages to generations through chosen one's to remind and warn those evil doers and the ones who are astray to come back to the truth but when messanger gives up on his people God would bring upon them heavy natural disasters, losses and grieves... there among any religions or branches of religions you will find people worship and do good deeds for the sake of God and would do all could to raise his name and belief... there are others who careless for it as a religion or faith but taking advantage of the posts for their own personal vast interest or the gangs interests as named by you... «Those are as a Walves using the Sheeps Skins in Disguise for hunting and feeding its greeds».
no one can die for you behaviors and save you... we are not «relgion» Religion is at set of beliefs by man which describe a personal god Judaism is a set of laws by G - d which describes what man should be... (R.Hirsch) G - d does not make mistakes and change his mind....
He mixes fact with his own personal beliefs to come to the conclusion that no one knows if we worship the same God / Allah?
One has to dig deeper and be detached from personal beliefs to get to this understanding.
One big lesson for me is that issues of racial, gender, cultural or class discrimination are not limited to my own personal beliefs.
The fact that people judge different people on their personal beliefs is one of the things that is truly wrong with this world.
«you try to force your personal beliefs on others» It was one atheist that forced her personal belief system on an entire public school system.
For every «personal testimony» in favor of your religion, there is one for every other religion, made with just as much sincerity and belief.
Ben, it is one thing to have your own personal value system and beliefs, it is something completely different when you choose to take the money derived from your commercial enterprise to espouse and promote these beliefs in a political arena!
But we can give a ballpark generic - package, lump - into - one - ball idea: evangelicalism affirms the necessity of personal faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior; it affirms the primacy of Scripture in forming beliefs and convictions; it affirms the centrality of Jesus» life, death, burial, resurrection and rule.
The problem comes when one tries to make a statement about the outside world based on that personal belief.
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