Sentences with phrase «ongoing genocide»

The phrase "ongoing genocide" refers to a continuous and deliberate act of killing or harming a specific group of people based on their nationality, ethnicity, religion, or other defining characteristics. Full definition
The systemic prejudice within the states statutory authorities and services are examples of an ongoing genocide which will one day eradicate Christianity from Pakistan if left unchecked.
It said that election boycott «is the only legitimate tool left in the hands of oppressed people to register their displeasure with the ongoing genocide, arbitrary arrests and torture across Biafraland.»
The General Secretary of CAN, Dr. Musa Asake, said Buhari's silence over the ongoing genocide in the last few weeks «speaks volume over perceived official endorsement of the dastardly and ungodly acts.»
While commending President Muhammadu Buhari for his relentless war against the Boko Haram terrorists since assumption of office, CAN however, said it was pained by «his silence over the ongoing genocide in the last few weeks.»
Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) president, Rev Dr Samson Olasupo Ayokunle, has reacted to the «ongoing genocide» in Benue and Taraba states.
Kendall, now a visiting research professor at Northeastern University in Boston, has maintained Reisner's old excavating concession through two civil wars: the recently settled 20 - year - long conflict in the south between Sudan's Islamic fundamentalist government and the rebels, and the ongoing genocide in the western Darfur region.
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