Sentences with phrase «ongoing inflammation»

In addition to the severe pain and discomfort associated with dental disease, other organs and diseases can be caused by ongoing inflammation in the mouth.
-- prevent oxidative damage (which promotes ongoing inflammation) and increase immune function.
But when your immune system glitches and continues to attack healthy tissue, ongoing inflammation caused by the process results in the swelling and joint pain associated with RA.
Food sensitivities create ongoing inflammation that drives chronic symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, and pain.
I wish I knew how to pinpoint the culprit, in order to reduce ongoing inflammation.
Our blood supply is just too important for maintaining the health of all our body systems, and it can not effective support our body systems when compromised with ongoing inflammation.
Although inflammation is a healthy response by the body to repair injury, ongoing inflammation contributes to many of our most common chronic diseases.
Without proper anti-inflammatory actions, even an easy workout can complicate ongoing inflammation issues.
One place we don't want excessive ongoing inflammation is within our blood vessels.
The most popular theory is that the body's immune system reacts to a bacteria or a virus by causing ongoing inflammation in the intestine.
Chronic stress while the brain and central nervous system are still developing can create ongoing inflammation and set the stage for autoimmune disease to more easily trigger later in life.
A. Chronic pancreatitis is a progressive disease characterized by ongoing inflammation of the pancreas.
«Targeting key components of the NOD2 pathway shows promise as a way of switching off ongoing inflammation associated with diseases such as Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis.
Ferumoxytol - MRI images of the patient group showed clear evidence of ferumoxytol accumulation in the pancreas, indicating ongoing inflammation.
Antioxidants — prevent oxidative damage (which promotes ongoing inflammation) and increase immune function.
Elevations in these markers are indicative of ongoing inflammation in the body.
Because melatonin supports sleep, an interrupted circadian rhythm can mean a restless slumber... not to mention the other effects of a distorted circadian rhythm, like belly fat and ongoing inflammation.
Obesity triggers low - level, ongoing inflammation in the body, which can harm cells.
This can lead to mucosal immune activation and ongoing inflammation, which may both worsen the integrity of the intestine as well as increase sensitivity to pain.
It's unfortunate in patients or people who have chronic inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease or auto immune diseases because they have this ongoing inflammation that unfortunately impacts their microbiome.
Any ongoing inflammation?
There is a strong association between chronic, ongoing inflammation in the body and the occurrence of cancer.
And there are serious consequences to this unchecked, ongoing inflammation.
If feline asthma is the real culprit behind the cough, steroids can be used in order to reduce the ongoing inflammation.
Acute pancreatitis in dogs occurs suddenly and is more often severe, while chronic pancreatitis refers to an ongoing inflammation that is usually less severe and may even be subclinical (no recognizable symptoms).
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