Sentences with phrase «ongoing survey»

That's why we began with collecting baseline data, and why we've followed that up with ongoing surveys of our city's population.
They may also track brand awareness through ongoing surveys.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest ongoing survey conducted among QuickBooks practitioners and other accounting professionals on the rates they charge.
These results come from ongoing surveys by the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project aimed at tracking growth in the ownership of both devices.
To the best of our knowledge, the Intuit Average Billing Rate Survey is the largest ongoing survey conducted among QuickBooks practitioners and other accounting professionals on the rates they charge.
Ongoing surveys as part of the Natural Resource Damage Assessment suggest that life for the 32 bottlenose dolphin families that live in the Gulf is getting better, although chronic lung disease persists in the worst hit communities.
Over the next two years BookNet Canada will conduct the first comprehensive and ongoing survey on the behaviour of Canadian book buyers.
Student use of alternative and illicit course materials is on the rise, according to new research from the Book Industry Study Group (BISG)'s ongoing survey of Student Attitudes Toward Content in Higher Education.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest ongoing survey conducted among QuickBooks practitioners and others on the rates they charge.
But ongoing surveys by Voyles's team show that, even though the chytrid fungus is still present, there has been a recovery in nine of the 12 species for which they have good data (Science, DOI: 10.1126 / science.aao4806).
L. 109 — 173) calls for the FDIC to conduct ongoing surveys, «on efforts by insured depository institutions to bring those individuals and families who have rarely, if ever, held a checking account, a savings account or other type of transaction or check cashing account at an insured depository institution [«unbanked»] into the conventional finance system.»
As part of an ongoing survey we asked hundreds of thousands of people how they feel about the content in their News Feeds.
The projects running on the ship vary from the ongoing survey of Earth's magnetic field, glaciological and geophysical investigations of continental shelf topography, the oceanographic analysis of Weddell Sea deep water, and the project with which I am involved: surface - water diatom distributions (diatoms are unicellular algae).
The ongoing surveys in the region will also work with the local Tuareg pastoralist community to find out more about the ecology of the cheetah and identify threats to it.
For instance, his ongoing survey of this bottlenose population reveals that 85 percent of their firstborn calves die.
On 10 March, CDFA announced that an ongoing survey of 80 California nurseries has turned up P. ramorum at a 200 - hectare facility run by a company called Monrovia, in Asuza, Los Angeles County.
Tay also is member of the committee evaluating results of the ongoing survey.
All told, the study encompasses about 29,000 households actively participating in the Nielsen Consumer Panel, an ongoing survey that measures spending habits and household characteristics across the U.S..
The researchers used data from 2004 collected by CardioMonitor — an ongoing survey of physician visits conducted by a London - based market research company.
As a general practice, Parallax View doesn't post Word files of departmental MTN offerings such as «You Only Live Once,» the ongoing survey of repertory offerings around town.
«Either neutral or horrified at the thought of taking control» My favourite line in my good colleague Philip Jones» early look at traditionally publishing authors» responses to the ongoing survey was just that: When asked about the possibility of self - publishing, only a minority of authors were excited at the prospect, with the majority (75 %), either... Read More
However, I'm beginning to see value from taking this ongoing survey and interview series in a different direction.
«This ongoing survey provides an opportunity for companies in the book business to stay ahead of these trends as they emerge.»
This will be an ongoing survey so if you are a veterinarian with a good breeder clientele, please let us hear from you!!!
Alley Cat Allies» ongoing survey of cities and counties reveals that by January 2017, more than 600 local governments have implemented TNR ordinances and policies.
The piece seems to be taking an ongoing survey of rare interactions in society.
Less Is More expands Hess» ongoing survey of derelict spaces void of human presence.
His nonprofit group, Oceanites, is conducting an ongoing survey of ecosystems in the area.
More than five out of six owners and managers of real estate companies feel they need to modify their salespeople's commission splits or desk fee programs to stay profitable, according to an ongoing survey conducted by the Rocky Mountain Consulting and Training Group Inc., Denver, an industry consultant that helps real estate companies improve profit performance and agent productivity.
I've had the good fortune to work with and research some of the best entrepreneurs in the world, and invariably, they have an ongoing survey program in place
I've had the good fortune to work with and research some of the best in the world and invariably they have an ongoing survey program in place.
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