Sentences with phrase «online pedagogy courses»

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«The major drivers for the growth of Indian online supplemental education space will be engaging course material, inventive pedagogy and (attempts by ed - tech firms to) reach out to the distant locations of the country which have minimal supplemental education infrastructure,» Mukesh Kumar, associate consultant, RedSeer Consulting, said in a statement.
Delivered 100 % online, our subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) courses help to improve the subject knowledge and pedagogy of prospective teachers who are due to start initial teacher training.
Alternatively, at universities where there is less occasion to coordinate across methods courses or limited opportunities within those courses for teacher candidates to discuss writing instruction (e.g., in writing pedagogies and linguistics courses that are also taken by students of other majors), English teacher educators might foster online dialog with teacher candidates at other institutions that teach similar courses.
Rose and Adams (2014) discussed the pedagogy of care for online instructors and argued that the obligations of the online teachers include not only care for the students, but also for the course itself: the technological artifact, with its seemingly endless demands for their attention.
Built to national and state standards by subject matter experts using sound pedagogy and best practices in online instructional design, our courses provide rigorous and engaging learning experiences for students.
About Blog The Children's Book Academy is an online school that has both highly interactive mentored courses with tons of individual attention and a proven pedagogy of pleasure as well as instant access courses.
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