Sentences with phrase «only about abortion»

The stat closest to my experience is only about abortion: that between 1 and 2 percent occur after 20 weeks.

Not exact matches

In the last few presidential elections, the strategy of the Republican presidential candidate has been to only talk about abortion when asked.
This is only the latest example of a subterranean theme found elsewhere in popular culture: namely, tacit rejection of the idea that abortion is only about «my body.»
i saw poll results recently which indicated that 3 of 4 christians felt «strongly» about same - sex marriage and abortion, but only 1 of 4 felt «strongly» about adopting orphans or sheltering homeless.
Gorsuch would not talk about his personal views on abortion or the case, but would only say that the case is now a precedent.
This still only means the real number is more likely around 19 - 20 million annual reported abortions worldwide than your number of 46 million which is based on conjecture about the number of unreported abortions each year.
Their lived experience of the effects of contraception, abortion, divorce, and infidelity on their generation has made them passionate about the need for our entire culture - not only Catholics - to embrace the challenge andauthentic freedom embodied in the fullness of the Church's teaching on marriage, family, and sexuality.
For the sake of liberals who are (understandably) queasy about defending abortion on its merits, Democratic politicians like to pretend that Planned Parenthood offers mammograms (it doesn't), that it is a common source of pre-natal care (it's not), and that abortion represents only 3 percent of its services (the real number is unclear, but far higher — though again, it doesn't help our cause to inflate it to 94 percent).
He could not shut about outlawing abortion even through I provided evidence that it would only increase the number of abortions.
Most young people do know that the Church teaches, for example, that abortion is wrong (sometimes it's about the only thing they do know about the Catholic Church!)
Only azzhole mentally ill delusional believers get worked up about it, conveniently ignoring the fact that 75 + % of all abortions in the USA are had by believers.
The opponents of abortion would have more credibility if they also cared about babies after they are born, not only before.
CNN Polling Director Keating Holland had this to say about the findings: «Only a minority of the rank - and - file members of both [Republicans and Democrats] take an extreme position on the issue, with just 31 % of Republicans calling for a complete ban on abortion and just 32 % of Democrats saying that abortion should be legal in all circumstances»...
I care about the life people like you are attempting to force in to this world, you care about what appeases your god - big difference when you really don't care or consider the child only what your imaginary friend god wants and yet your god cause abortions all the time... you care about a clump of cells, not the actual life of the child and that's much worse than me supporting the rights of a woman to have control over her body, especially if the clump of cells couldn't survive outside of the host.
Finally, only 29 percent of respondents recalled hearing about abortion.
The only thing Mitt is «consistent» about is that he is INconsistent and has flipped on abortion, gun rights, gay rights, healthcare, tax cuts, minimum wage, Vietnam, and climate change.
And the truth of the matter, most slugs making noise about abortion are only concerned with tax money being used, which in of itself clearly shows they do not know anything about the law, and the use of tax funds for abortion, because it is already illegal.
The latest Zogby poll, reported in November 2002, reveals not only that Americans in general are becoming more conservative in their views about abortion, but that young people are significantly more pro-life than their parents.
«I fear that many women are simply not provided with enough information about their options, and so they choose abortion because they think it's the only way out of a difficult situation.»
Only about 15 percent of Americans claim there is an unlimited right to abortion all the way up to birth minus a day, and I don't believe these people are all obsessive ideologues by any means.
If you don't want your money killing children, then the funding of abortions isn't the only thing you should be worried about.
Here's the bottom line: the final decision when it comes to abortion should be left to one person, and one person only: the woman thinking about having one.
Only about one - fifth of the fully secular and less than one - third of the nominally religious are pro-life on abortion.
After that start talking only about religion, God, cultural values, abortion, family values, «common man», and blame all the problems the country faces on liberals, Obama, France, Europe, the Chinese, outsourcing,... in short everyone else, except themselves.
She said she is heartbroken and angry about the Vatican's doctrinal assessment that the leadership group representing most American nuns has been challenging the church's doctrine on homosexuality, the male - only priesthood, artificial birth control, celibacy and abortion.
Now let's see if he can convince the rest of the bishops and cardinals and lay folks... who only seem to want to talk about contraception and abortion... to turn their attention to helping families who are living in motels, sleeping in cars and waiting in line for free dental care.
I'm talking about delaying stem cell research, spreading misinformation about contraception / abortion, denying GLBT rights and highjacking science with christian - only based creationism (not comparative religion).
Justice White was even more emphatic about the grounds on which abortions could be regarded, in his judgment, as not only unjustified, but debased:
Also, some states have cut all funding for organizations like Planned Parenthood, which can be one of the only options for women to get low cost birth control and HIV testing.What about about many abortions occurring for women who already have children?
It called for a dialogue on abortion among Catholics — a dialogue that would acknowledge this situation of pluralism, not only in regard to practice (Catholics have about the same proportion of abortions as Protestants in the United States), but in regard to the ethical state of the question.
Whatever one thinks about its legality, abortion has nothing to do with advancing human «health,» and a large number of Americans regard it as a gravely wrong act of violence, not only against unborn children but also against women.
I've written about personhood before and it's really dangerous; not only would it make getting an abortion akin to murder, but it could also criminalize women for their actions while pregnant, such as drinking or smoking pot (even for doctor - ordered medical reasons) or cigarettes, or engaging in certain risky sports or careers.
Many of these women do reportedly choose abortion, but for those who don't, there lingers not only significant rape trauma, but what to tell the little one once he or she starts asking about their origins.
Part of the difficulty with creating a new understanding of adoption - including the women who chose it, the families who adopt, and the children who are adopted - is combating archaic adoption practices that not only reinforce negative stereotypes, but also do an incredible disservice to what adoption can be - that is, adoption is a legitimate pregnancy option for all women faced with a pregnancy decision, regardless of whether they identify as «pro-life» or «pro-choice,» religious or not, conservative or liberal... In the face of a pregnancy decision, the women who choose adoption feel no more part of the political discussion around it then the women who choose abortion feel about the political rhetoric characterizing their decision.
As for Bramson, what can you say about someone who ran on issues that are only important in statewide or national elections (i.e., gun control and abortion)?
Previously, abortions beyond this point were only legal to save the mother's life, but the «health» standard has raised concerns about a broader law than the initial statute.
But taking misoprostol on its own only induces abortions about 40 per cent of the time, so many babies are born after failed abortion attempts.
In addition to the defective potentialities here, we're also talking about only a very small fraction of the nuclear transfer units, the cloned embryos, actually will make it to term, so that we'll have a very high level of spontaneous abortion.
In addition, those who fall between the «pro-life» and «pro-choice» camps — those who believe abortion should be legal only in the cases of rape, incest, or to save the life of the pregnant woman — are 12 percent less likely to have heard about another having an abortion than are those who believe abortion should be generally available.
Here's the worst of all this - only one day after spending the weekend with him and we had a long talk about our relationship and six days after I had an abortion (that's right abortion) of his baby do I catch him on the dating website.
Not about to have a baby, Donna takes the steps necessary to go through with having an abortion, only to discover the only open appointment at the local clinic is on Valentine's Day.
The Human Contract is so overloaded with clumsily delivered exposition that it's easy to imagine Pinkett Smith giving Clarke a 300 - page rundown of his character's backstory, with the caveat, «Only about 5 percent of this actually makes it into the film, but for instance, the fact that your character wouldn't pay for his high - school girlfriend's abortion informs several later scenes on a subliminal level.»
Please note for but one example that even as Judd Apatow's «Knocked Up» was praised for its realism about pregnancy, it only brought up abortion once — as a joke, as in «Rhymes with «Schma - smortion.»
Abortion Term Papers: Treat Them Seriously There exist some topics, which are rather difficult to write about as they demand a lot of responsibility from the students, and not only from the point of view of the studying process and grade receiving, but also from the point of view of moral and ethics.
the censervtives wake up, McCain is for global warming and only God knows what will his position about abortion in future for the sake of his own interest in the election.
Apparently I am not the only reader to contact the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) and ask questions about's negative review of NARAL's ad campaign against the Supreme Court nomination of Judge John Roberts.
This type of abortion only takes about 5 to 10 minutes.
About the only bright spot for reproductive rights supporters was the defeat in Mississippi of a ballot initiative that would have sharply restricted women's access not only to abortion but also to various contraceptive methods by defining a person under state law as «a human being from the moment of fertilization.»
There are about 1.2 million abortions a year in the U.S., whereas we only complete 120,000 total adoptions a year (60,000 from the foster care system and 60,000 voluntary adoptions).
Because we obtained data on federally reimbursed Medicaid expenditures from CMS, the questionnaire for Medicaid agencies asked about state - only expenditures by the agency (expenditures for which no federal reimbursement was claimed) on family planning services and supplies, sterilization services and abortion services.
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