Sentences with phrase «only as a treat»

Beach pails and shovels can be found at dollar - type stores and are great not only as a treat itself, but, to fill with things as well.
To keep little ones» mouths healthy around bedtime and avoid «baby bottle syndrome,» it's a good idea to restrict sugary drinks and foods to a minimum, using them only as a treat.
Fortunately, carrots can serve not only as a treat, but as a healthy dietary supplement.
It can be a good idea to offer your golden puppy some wet food, even if only as a treat.
Yes, but in limited quantities and only as a treat.

Not exact matches

If they are successful, this means that neural motes can not only monitor health, but actively serve as electroceutical therapies to treat brain disorders such as epilepsy.
The company reported only a couple of injuries — «two employees were treated for ringing in their ears» — for the launchpad incident that nearby residents described as earth - shaking.
Clients or customers who only want to buy from you because you are the lowest cost provider will treat you as such.
Lingzi's roommate and friends waited for hours at the hospital, only to learn, as Krystle Campbell's parents had, that the patient being treated was not Lingzi.
Retirement is the universal long - term goal, but it's often treated as the only goal.
«No one likes to be treated «instrumentally» — as someone whose only value is in what they can do for you.
But, as of today, the only court ruling on the matter concluded that Puerto Rico should be treated like a state for 11th Amendment purposes.
If only one spouse files, make sure you understand what property will be treated as part of the bankruptcy estate.»
You should not treat any opinion expressed by Cramer as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of his opinion.
In a trust economy where honored relationships form the basis for developing and maintaining business, treating communication as a perfunctory exercise will only result in a gratuitous diminishment of credibility.
This target is treated with caution and used as a guide only because these price projection methods are not quite as reliable as they are with index and equity charts.
Entrepreneurs are faced with a unique opportunity to not only build innovative products but also to build companies that break the cycle and do not play off of fear, false superiority, or treating work as simply an exchange of labor for money.
Individual episodes have conventionally been treated as independent events, so that only data from an ongoing episode are considered pertinent to evaluating eruptive potential.
Gen Y has not only demonstrated a propensity to use loads of technology as consumers, but young people today also like how tech companies treat their employees.
But for years, SEOs have treated links as the only SEO ingredient that you need, and that's changing.
Throughout history, the only way of restoring stability is to write down the debts That is treated now as if it's something that can't be done.
You may treat as ordinary loss any excess of the adjusted basis of the stock over its fair market value at the end of the year, but only to the extent of the net amount previously included in income as a result of the election in prior years.
In the PLR, the IRS expressly states that it will treat the battery as property that «uses solar energy to generate electricity,» provided only solar energy is used to charge it.
only amounts received in excess of your basis will be treated as taxable income.
Not only do we want to have great business managers but we want see they treat public shareholders as partners even as though don't know them.
Buffett knows that his reputation as being business owner friendly is golden only as long as he does not treat the businesses he buys with respect.
From what I read in the information on Bill 6, the government isn't going to tell you your kids can't help on the farm, it is more concerned with large operations that are «farms» in name only but still treats their employees as the old style farm help.
Albeit in footnotes, but perhaps most significantly, the Coinflip case put the CFTC on record as concluding that Bitcoin, while a commodity, is not a currency.6 In summarizing the facts of the case, the CFTC explained that Bitcoin is «distinct from «real currencies»» of the United States or another country.7 In addition, the CFTC Order in the Coinflip settlement specifically noted that the Bitcoin options were not eligible for the CFTC's «trade option exemption» in CFTC Rule 32.3.8 Since the CFTC's trade option exemption can only be claimed for an option that would result in delivery of an «exempt» or agricultural commodity, this violation in effect serves as the CFTC's finding that it will not treat Bitcoin as a currency.
And so you have a system where not only are the banks allocating credit in the economy, but it's the corporate sector itself, the industrial sector, is treating companies, industrial companies, as if the purpose was to squeeze out a financial surplus to pay bondholders and stockholders.
Considering that only 800 to 900 tax filings a year between 2013 and 2015 addressed cryptocurrency capital gains despite the IRS's announcement that they be treated as property, this pretty clearly shows that a lot of folks purposefully ignored the capital gains tax implications.
Elsewhere, roughly two - thirds of those surveyed believe Ethereum will not be treated as a security by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and 47 % think further clarity on token classification will only come in 2019 at the earliest.
Trey — I would have a very hard time attending a church where Cindy and I weren't recognized as a couple, treated as a couple, and not only free, but comfortable and even encouraged, to be ourselves, just like any other couple in the church.
Only those with special needs children will really understand as they seek to get the rest of the family to treat their child the same as others but to also understand and help in certain ways.
«Women's health,» Dr. Mielnik told me, «is the only area of medicine where physicians have stopped trying to diagnose and treat appropriately the underlying causes of a woman's reproductive health problem» and as healthcare consumers, we have allowed this to happen by not expecting more.»
They treat the subject as if God can only be sold in Christian bookstores, but truth is truth anywhere it is spoken.
While some programs also encourage abstinence or noncoital sex, most are concerned with teaching techniques for «safe sex»; offspring (and disease) are thus treated as (equally) avoidable side effects of sexuality, whose true purpose is only individual pleasure.
But I believe, and am of strong conviction at this, that this country is provoking the judgment of God on itself, by treating it's poor, under - privileged and those who fall through the cracks as a burden, and as a nuisance that is only in the way of it's «at all cost» coveted image of «greatness», instead of giving a hard and honest look WHY is it the way it is in this country?
Pelikan summarized the Protestant way of putting the argument: «If the Holy Trinity was just as holy as the Trinitarian dogma taught, and if original sin was as virulent as the Augustinian tradition said it was, and if Christ was as necessary as the Christological dogma implied, then the only way to treat justification in a manner faithful to the Catholic tradition was to teach justification by faith.»
The act of reproduction should only be treated as an obligatory, cold, passionless ritual... more of a job, like animal husbandry.
The mythos behind King's work, as clearly laid out in his magnum opus The Dark Tower, is fundamentally unchristian, for Christianity thinks it is the singular Truth, whereas King treats it as only one of infinite truths, ans simultaneously one of infinite falsehoods.
We showed respect for ourselves and the living by refusing either to desecrate bin Laden's body or to treat it as only fish food.
When Blankenship set up his practice in Atlanta to treat sex addicts, he used the same name as Laaser's ministry, «Faithful and True,» adding only the word «Atlanta.»
The intention behind the law simply is: caring about others as you care about yourself — this is pleasing an idea to God — Creator of the creation — and basically the scriptures only want us to deal with this delicate balance of «treating others» kindly.
These people only preach and practice peace and treat another human as a creation of the same ONE GOD.
Even humankind itself can be treated as an instrument, since the individual does not matter, only the future, the cruel deity adjudicating over one and all.
In explanation of this shift from treating God as a «principle» to treating him as an actual entity, I noted that Whitehead must have recognized that only something actual could perform the role of the principle of limitation.
They have virtually disappeared from standard economic textbooks, which treat labor and capital as the only significant factors of production.
Whitehead thus emphasizes the transcendence of forms in a way that prevents him from treating them only as forms of entities — at least, entities of the world's actuality.30 A strictly Aristotelian exposition of the «ontological principle,» according to which all forms are situated in the world's actuality, is thereby excluded.
Traditional metaphysics treats being as primary, and becoming as only derivatively existent.
They only slam Christianity while claiming to treat all religions as equals.
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