Sentences with phrase «only at bedtime»

It is only at bedtime and the occasional weekend nap (because I am in school through the week).
We can offer you a package of consults to help you get to the goal of your choice, whether that be complete weaning, nursing only at bedtime, or daytime weaning.
For the last year and a half or so of nursing my younger daughter it was only at bedtime, naptime (while she still had naps) and first thing in the morning.
Babies who use pacifiers only at bedtime often jump with excitement into their cribs, anxious to use the pacifier.
- Opening Statement: Do the sleep training only at bedtime.
Instrumental music or nature sounds played only at bedtime can become part of a nightly routine that signals their mind that it's time to go to sleep.
A few months later we started nursing only at bedtime... And lately we nurse very infrequently.

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I don't believe in ghettoizing God in my children's lives: like we only talk about God at an official family devotion or we only pray at bedtimes or only read the Bible at church.
My cravings for sweets are still in control the only hunger issues I've had are at night between dinner and bedtime.
I grew up eating these in Croatia, spending every summer at my grandmother's who had a giant sour cherry tree right outside her kitchen window... as kids, we used to climb it and sit amidst the cherries for hours, only coming down at bedtime, with stained shirts and hands:) Almost seems a sin to cook these in a pie and not eat them fresh...... looks awesome, though!!
They gradually decided they needed to nurse only at naptime and bedtime.
He recently started daycare, so on weekdays he only nurses when he comes home, at bedtime and during the night, which I know is not the best for his teeth, but keeping us both up all night every night would probably be worse in many ways.
My girls only nursed at nap - time and bedtime as they became older which meant only 1 - 2 times / day.
Being pregnant has made nursing a bit uncomfortable, but I only do it now twice a day for only 5 - 10 minutes at the most, for naps and bedtime.
He now only nurses when he first wakes up, before naps, and at bedtime.
Experts recommend giving babies under 1 year old pacifiers at nap time and bedtime to reduce the risk of SIDS — but only after breastfeeding has become established, so no sooner than 3 weeks of age.
Consider weaning to the point of only nursing at bedtime.
Unfortunately, inconsistent bedtime will only lead to kids being more tired the next day and not being able to fall asleep at her regular bedtime.
We have a very solid bedtime routine every night, we read 7 - 10 board books and then sing Piano Man (I know, not suited for kids but it was the only song my husband and I both knew the lyrics to at the time) and we put them down awake so they can settle themselves.
You're a strong mama and I'm thankful for how you've been sharing your knowledge!!!! I've not posted much cause... drum roll... [My child]'s potty trained!!!! He went from only going in his diaper to 24 hours later never wearing a diaper again!!!! We are officially diaper free at bedtime for both twins too!!!
as my milk supply decreased, we dropped feedings until i was only nursing her at bedtime.
I breastfeed and bottle feed but at night before her bedtime i give her a bottle with a little cereal mixed in but she still wants me to breastfeed her to sleep no matter what and will continue to wake a few times at night wanting my breast she is already five months old, it has gotten to a point where she relies only on my breast to sleep all the time.
I have exclusively breastfed since birth, but now I only breastfeed them at bedtime.
I am only using diapers at nap and bedtime.
The only thing I stick to is bedtime for my older daughter at 8 p.m..
And at be bedtime is usually the only time they see momma and daddy together.
I think there might be a causal relationship both ways with sleep and depression in teenagers (speaking as a qualified software engineer)-- and one of the first things the psychiatrist had us / the teenager do was make sure that he had good sleep habits (e.g. your bed is only for sleeping, go to bed at a decent hour, watch out for caffeine in the hours before bedtime, regular stuff).
By then he was only nursing at bedtime.
my bumGenius diapers fit on both kiddos, although my toddler is only using diapers at nap and bedtime.
Whether you insist lunch must be served at noon on the dot, or you never allow your child to stay up a minute past bedtime, militant rules may only serve one purpose — keeping your anxiety at bay.
At the ages of two and three, your child might start to battle bedtime but it can occur in babies who are only a year old.
- «Realize that we do n`t control children «s sleep; we only control their bedtime, «said Dr. Barry Garfinkel, the chief of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
Milk should be served only with meals and not offered throughout the day, at nap time or at bedtime.
This isn't a problem if your trip is only a few hours long and you'll be turning in at a decent hour, but if you plan on reaching your destination much later than your normal bedtime or beyond the few hours of energy that a venti mocha might afford, don't bother.
If a bottle is necessary at bedtime, only water works!
Earlier in the day, before dinner ideally, choose the 3 books you plan to read at bedtime, but them in a special place and only read those books, no matter what.
Continue to reduce rocking or cuddling until you only need to do it for a few minutes at bedtime.
Now that we're down to 5 minutes of nursing at bedtime... funny, just today Elmo argued he thought it was really only 2 minutes, but I literally make a laptop postit note of the start and projected end time when she gets into my lap!
My son is 14 months and I only nurse now at bedtime.
At that point, I began nursing her only first thing in the morning, before naps, and before bedtime.
The only problem you will probably notice is that your little angel will resist going to sleep during her bedtime at night.
# 3 introduce a new soft safe stuffed animal they can only have at bedtime.
Keep in mind that a child may be dry during the day, but unable to hold their urine at night, so in some cases they may only need a diaper at bedtime.
I still had frozen milk to supplement the other bottles but he switched to whole milk at 1 too and was really only doing a bottle in am and then nursing once at bedtime and the rest was solid foods.
You only have two hands, but toddlers at bedtime can be a nightmare!
Simethicone should only be administered orally — usually at bedtime and after feeds.
For example, as Dr. Harvey Karp, a pediatrician who is devoted to helping babies sleep better, states «The Happiest Baby, the Super-Soothing Sleep CD is a great option for white noise, because moms can not only use it at home during bedtime, and also while riding in the car.»
Now his on soya milk until his 1 years old then I will transfers him to cows milk, he willingly drinks more milk 1 in the morning, 3 pm snack at bedtime and sometimes at midnight or he just sleeps right through, which is bliss for me lol my problem is my breasts don't feel empty but not engorged which is very strange because with my first daughter I only breast fed for 3 weeks and it dried up within a few days.
• When you put your child down for a nap he plays or fusses before falling asleep, and then takes only a short nap, or never falls asleep at all • Your child can go for car rides early in the day and not fall asleep in the car • When your child misses a nap he is cheerful and energetic until the next nap or bedtime • Your child naps well for one of his naps, but totally resists the other nap
Ever have the best day with your kids, only to have it all fall apart at bedtime?
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