Sentences with phrase «only because»

Rob came to the attention of publishing giant Zondervan not only because his church meets in a shopping centre, and not only because it's in the same city as their headquarters, but because out of his church came «Nooma».
He can win only because voters are drawn to the Republican brand as it has been shaped by Paul Ryan and others.
I believe that altruism for the sake of positive feedback from those that you help is far more rewarding than «Well I will help you, but only because jesus won't let me in if I don't».
but only because their countries are messed up by your politics supporting corrupted régimes and worthless rulers against the will of the majority of population!
As a pastor I've been getting help for years, from a psychiatrist, from a clinical pastoral course I took years ago, from small groups over the years, from dear friends who are honest enough to speak into my life, from my medical doctor, from the elders in my church, from my wife (mostly) from an adult children for alcoholics group I started only because there was nothing in place in my community.
Austin God is just, but only because he says so, and all of his believers are too afraid of him to question this claim.
I tend to use «agnostic», only because it seems to be less offensive for many.
I say this only because Cameron Crowe's documentary, which showed the Pearl Jam's alleged heroic testimony before Congress as they called out the monopoly of Ticketmaster in setting prices for concert tickets, made this band something other than a rehash of «70s stadium rock with a lead singer with a Bono complex.
The far left has a problem with Mormonism only because Romney can beat Obama.
Priceless... only because they also have this major taboo fixation on sex too.
So, just because of the situation that someone was born into, in your example a person born to Muslim parents in a different part of the world than you, where that person took on the religous traditions and practices of their parents (as many of us do when we're children), and just never had an opportunity to learn about christianity and Jesus, again only because of where they were born... you contend that person is going to «burn» in an eternal lake of fire?!
The point is, my guess is that you are a Christian only because your parents were.
Take note, it is ONLY string theorists who even give fine tuning the time of day... and that's ONLY because they have the multiverse to lose the implied significance that resides in the observation.
But I do know that I can answer to the idea that we believe only because it gives comfort or security.
Rome conquered only because YHVH told Daniel a Hebrew Prophet of ELOHIM to prophecy about the end.
The Okhrana, the czar's secret police, gave him the code name «the Dark One» — not only because he was mysterious, but also because his influence on Russia was so baleful.
We all know the protestants broke off only because Henry the eight wanted to get a divorce and by starting his own church, he could do so.
Thus the whole to which his thought is dedicated is a temporal whole: reality is now unified only because it will be a coherent narrative when history is brought to its conclusion in the Kingdom of God.
We deny a being which can cure us of our selfishness only because we fear some suffering in this godless world.
This rule will see at least one organization taken down by people who join for no other reason than to make a mockery of the organization if only because you've got enough cause heads at any major university to see it happen.
Because she really believes love is a real living thing that you are in and if you think you are out it is only because you think you are.
But Social Security should not be let go so easily, only because your fight to keep your own will help others too, now and later.
But that's only because she thinks before speaking.
Are stories good only because they are a way to sneak the gospel into the postmodern conversation?
We think this ad is perfect, if only because there are few people we can imagine we'd enjoy seeing hit with a giant log more than Rosanne.
It is a «leisure» activity, not only because it belongs to the occasions when we are set free (or set ourselves free) from «work,» but because it is performed in a «leisurely» manner.
I get David's vision but only because when I attend church I know that my views and ideas are different than the majority — and I think that's okay.
whatever, Atlas exists and if you can't see him, its only because you're not looking hard enough, give me evidence that he's not there... there, now the burden of proof is on you to show me that atlas, zeus, etc..
Only because, NOW, the blinding light of TRUTH of atheism can be SHOWN freely.
Ashamed, Nick admits that he did, but only because others with him were signing, too.
He worries that to do so may make Rorty more significant than he is, but he justifies the attention he pays to Rorty's cheerful nihilism not only because of Rorty's influence but because Rorty's is one response to the truth about life.
I ask only because I'm not familiar with that phrase and would like to better understand your points.
(I.E., 2 + 2 = 4) Ironically, it is in this arena that you are proclaiming your willingness to set aside all evidence and believe something only because you WANT to believe it.
yes mom I broke the vase but its only because Jimmy through the ball!
Everyone keeps saying «there are large issues», only because the issue at hand doesn't have to do with them and or they don't support gay marriage.
If you oppose liberalism only because it isn't delivering the goods fast enough and yearn for someone who will do liberalism your way, you are missing the larger point.
It's only because he is a Christian, that he is being labled, a liar, and a coward.
One suspects that some conservatives supported Rubio not only because they thought they agreed with him on the issues, but also in the hopes that nominating Rubio would lead to Republican gains among Hispanic and young voters.
As a Christian, I was frustrated not only because it meant that maybe my classes were a little dull, but because I knew there were other faculty members and plenty of students who weren't believers that also noticed this slacker for Jesus.
We believe Christ is the way not only because scriptures say it, but because His Spirit speaks to mine and confirms what scripture says.
They do not it's only because people are not open minded but are to rigid to see another point of view.
It is relevant to the conduct of monetary policy in Australia, if only because some commentators persist in their mistaken beliefs that the Reserve Bank is not independent and that can flow over to broader perceptions of the Bank's anti-inflation credentials and credibility.
Often the assumption, actually or perceieved, is that people of faith are either dumb, in psuedo - intential denial, or just on the road that will eventually lead to unbelief (usually only because many atheists are assuming others will «progress» only along the same path they did).
However, such esoteric hipster knowledge (esoteric, if only because it played on inside knowledge that was common knowledge and what everyone knew merely 15 years ago or so) comes across as mere pandering to an electorate of Gen Xers who in their indecisiveness are at best a vote on the margins — at least in terms of their actual numbers.
I grew up in an ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY and I guess the only thing that infuriates me is these ultra-orthodox Jewish «chasidim» individuals will look upon a person, such as myself, as a gentile vs. a Jew only because I don't worship or practive the faith as they do.
We should seek to avoid US - style housing busts, not only because they harm financial stability, but also because they impose great social costs.
From what I have said about the Bank's approach, it should be clear that any differences between our judgments and the markets» judgments can occur not only because our inflation forecasts might differ, but also because our basic objectives are much broader than the markets», and our horizons are much longer.
Social media marketers should take advantage of this not only because it saves time, but also because it will contribute to your original video's views and comments, thus indicating to Facebook's algorithm that the content is engaging and should be given better organic reach.
Slow growth worries me as a central banker, not only because it reduces our room to manoeuvre to achieve our inflation target.
That gives First Solar greater share - price appreciation potential, if only because an eventual merger offer seems slightly more likely to come from SunPower, or its parent company, than from First Solar.
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