Sentences with phrase «only biblical basis»

The only biblical basis I can think of is that of evangilism.

Not exact matches

The Biblical accounts of God - to - human relationship and affairs going from the very obvious to the very mysterious, starting with creation and going through a multitude of stages, the fall, the expulsion and curse, trials and covenants, rebellion and Law, culminating with God's «Ultimate Provision» for Salvation, the «Good News» of the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, the «New Covenant,» the «Millennial Kingdom» to come, the end of time, and the afterlife, are the basis for the Christian Theology on «Time Dispensations.»
Science became a «force of evil» only after the evidence clearly showed that many of the biblical stories didn't have any basis in history after all.
The author sees the nature of the ordained ministry in terms of functions, or what the minister actually does, by examining the biblical bases and the historical development of ministry, and concludes that the church can only function with competent professional leadership.
The alleged subordination of the gospel to Karl Marx is illustrated, for example, by charging that «false» liberation theology concentrates too much on a few selected biblical texts that are always given a political meaning, leading to an overemphasis on «material» poverty and neglecting other kinds of poverty; that this leads to a «temporal messianism» that confuses the Kingdom of God with a purely «earthly» new society, so that the gospel is collapsed into nothing but political endeavor; that the emphasis on social sin and structural evil leads to an ignoring or forgetting of the reality of personal sin; that everything is reduced to praxis (the interplay of action and reflection) as the only criterion of faith, so that the notion of truth is compromised; and that the emphasis on communidades de base sets a so - called «people's church» against the hierarchy.
By contrast, a teaching such as the Immaculate Conception, as with so much Marian dogma, makes claims that not only stand on a highly contestable reading of an extremely narrow scriptural base but also seem to stand in tension with, if not even in contradiction to, significant biblical texts.
These were by no means the only places where Greek philosophy, based on the ontology of ousia, blocked the more natural expression of biblical ideas, but they should suffice to indicate the problem.
Perhaps only a major shift in the established biblical religions, a shift away from their uneasy alliance with utilitarian individualism and toward a profound reappropriation of their own religious roots and an openness to the needs of the contemporary world, would provide the mass base for a successful effort to establish the revolutionary alternative.
The committee felt that fundamental thinking was needed not only on the Biblical basis of missions but also in their practical application.
Of course science has a different story to tell us and until someone refutes the scientific basis for the age of the earth and the evolutionary basis for the creation of life the Biblical explanation should be taught only in religious schools and has no place in secular public education.
fishon, I don't take passages about «sexual immorality» that way and don't mind at all them being read or preached, but my experience is that preachers name homosexuality specifically and teach things that not only are (in my opinion) and poor interpretation of the Bible, but also things that could have no Biblical basis of support.
A religious broadcasters group requests that audiences be told the biblical thriller is only «inspired» and not «based» on the story of Noah's Ark..
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