Sentences with phrase «only by renewable energy»

Living Products are informed by biomimicry and biophilia, manufactured by processes powered only by renewable energy and within the water balance of the places they are made.

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Darin Kingston of d.light, whose profitable solar - powered LED lanterns simultaneously address poverty, education, air pollution / toxic fumes / health risks, energy savings, carbon footprint, and more Janine Benyus, biomimicry pioneer who finds models in the natural world for everything from extracting water from fog (as a desert beetle does) to construction materials (spider silk) to designing flood - resistant buildings by studying anthills in India's monsoon climate, and shows what's possible when you invite the planet to join your design thinking team Dean Cycon, whose coffee company has not only exclusively sold organic fairly traded gourmet coffee and cocoa beans since its founding in 1993, but has funded dozens of village - led community development projects in the lands where he sources his beans John Kremer, whose concept of exponential growth through «biological marketing,» just as a single kernel of corn grows into a plant bearing thousands of new kernels, could completely change your business strategy Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute, who built a near - net - zero - energy luxury home back in 1983, and has developed a scientific, economically viable plan to get the entire economy off oil, coal, and nuclear and onto renewables — while keeping and even improving our high standard of living
This is done not only by supplying renewable energy from the closed anaerobic reactor, thus reducing or even eliminating reliance on fossil fuels, but also by replacing traditional, open, methane - producing lagoons, and by replacing power - consuming, sludge - producing aerobic WWTPs.
Not only will these projects benefit our environment by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and using renewable energy, but they are also creating well - paying jobs for New Yorkers.
Come November, unless Cuomo doesn't win the primary which he finds unlikely, Howie Hawkins will be the only candidate for governor who is for a ban on fracking and for 100 % renewable energy in New York State by 2030, with all the jobs potential that can realize.
Albany County's new Waste Heat / Co-generation facility in Menands will not only save money by creating renewable energy, it will also cut CO2 emissions by nearly 1,500 tons per year and will reuse 50,000 gallons of water per day to cool the high - efficiency system.
But a recent study in PNAS suggested that wind (and other renewables) will fall short of slashing carbon emissions, because there just isn't enough of it in the U.S. Based on data from a company owned by one of the study's authors, this map's white areas show where wind turbines would be most effective — but because wind isn't available all the time, they'd only produce roughly 50 percent of the energy wind turbines could at maximum capacity.
Obama has asked Congress to increase renewable energy to one - fourth of the American power supply by 2025, but only a revamped grid will be able to handle such a load.
Previously, researchers have produced hydrogen gas in microbial - powered, batterylike fuel cells, but only when they supplemented the energy produced by the bacteria with electrical energy from external sources — such as that obtained from renewable sources or burning fossil fuels, says Bruce Logan, an environmental engineer at Pennsylvania State University, University Park.
But even with that expansion, renewable supplies will provide only a sliver — roughly 5 percent — of the nation's energy needs by 2030, according to the EIA.
It shows the functioning of an electricity system that fulfils the targets set by the Paris agreement by using only renewable energy sources.
«(2) The Secretary shall require, with respect to any single - or multi-family residential housing subject to a mortgage insured under this Act, that any approval or certification of the housing for meeting any energy efficiency or conservation criteria, standards, or requirements pursuant to this title and any approval or certification required pursuant to this title with respect to energy - conserving improvements or any renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar energy geothermal, or biomass, shall be conducted only by an individual certified by a home energy rating system provider who has been accredited to conduct such ratings by the Home Energy Ratings System Council, the Residential Energy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engenergy efficiency or conservation criteria, standards, or requirements pursuant to this title and any approval or certification required pursuant to this title with respect to energy - conserving improvements or any renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar energy geothermal, or biomass, shall be conducted only by an individual certified by a home energy rating system provider who has been accredited to conduct such ratings by the Home Energy Ratings System Council, the Residential Energy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engenergy - conserving improvements or any renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar energy geothermal, or biomass, shall be conducted only by an individual certified by a home energy rating system provider who has been accredited to conduct such ratings by the Home Energy Ratings System Council, the Residential Energy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engenergy sources, such as wind, solar energy geothermal, or biomass, shall be conducted only by an individual certified by a home energy rating system provider who has been accredited to conduct such ratings by the Home Energy Ratings System Council, the Residential Energy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engenergy geothermal, or biomass, shall be conducted only by an individual certified by a home energy rating system provider who has been accredited to conduct such ratings by the Home Energy Ratings System Council, the Residential Energy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engenergy rating system provider who has been accredited to conduct such ratings by the Home Energy Ratings System Council, the Residential Energy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engEnergy Ratings System Council, the Residential Energy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engEnergy Services Network, or such other appropriate national organization, as the Secretary may provide, or by licensed professional architect or engineer.
-- I don't know you so I can only go by your own words, «My particular form of denialism isn't dangerous because it advocates a massive shift to renewable energy forms to avert an economic disaster which will also avert an environmental one.
Second, a recent report by «Bloomberg New Energy Finance» [BNEF] found that under free market conditions (i.e. RE deployed only where profitable) the best that the renewables will achieve by 2040 is sufficient deployment to take up all increase in energy demand, but they would not by that date reduce fossil fuels» overall Energy Finance» [BNEF] found that under free market conditions (i.e. RE deployed only where profitable) the best that the renewables will achieve by 2040 is sufficient deployment to take up all increase in energy demand, but they would not by that date reduce fossil fuels» overall energy demand, but they would not by that date reduce fossil fuels» overall usage.
Green Power for Mobile initiative found that only 1,500 base stations around the world are currently powered by renewable energy.
In order to replace these industries, which are some of the biggest in the World, there is probably only one yearly renewable source of energy which can meet the global energy need, replace the cotton, provide paper and on the same time clean the atmosphere by discharging it of carbon dioxide and replacing it with oxygen.
As to «totally unsupported assertions, without even context» we're only interested here in the one that claims that a 7 + billion people civilization can be essentially powered by renewable energy sources within a few decades...
And this deceitful result is for a limited contribution to the energy mix of the renewables whose intermittence can only be tolerated by the grid up to now because neighbor countries are there to damp the wild fluctuations in production.
A carbon fee + dividend scheme such as suggested by James Hansen would not only go a long way to «curb massively the fossil fuel use», but it would also have the added beneficial effects of slightly redistributing income, improving public health, stimulating the economy and greatly accelerating the inevitable transition to renewable energy.
As a result the Gundersen Health System will be energy independent with only renewable energy sources by 2014.
Today its renewable capacity is only 2 % less than the United States, and it is set to grow rapidly from almost 10 percent of its energy use to 15 percent by 2020.
Not only will models be adorned in solar - powered clothing but they'll also be strutting down a runway assembled with black photovoltaic panels made by SolarWorld, PFW's renewable energy sponsor.
And given that Toyota is by no means the only corporation aiming for 100 % renewable energy in its manufacturing operations, the coal giants are likely fretting too.
Most auto makers agree that fuel - cell cars powered by hydrogen produced with renewable energy sources are the end game since they would rely on no fossil fuels and emit only pure water.
BNEF predicts renewable energy will reach 74 percent penetration in Germany by 2040, 55 percent in China and 49 percent in India, but only 38 percent in the U.S.
If we make the switch and rely on renewable sources of energy like the sun, we can save billions of dollars by avoiding not only the costs of replacing these plants, but also the increasingly higher costs of climate change in areas like healthcare expenses and damage from extreme weather.
The only way to block a project with a renewable energy approval (REA), according to the legislation, is that an appellant must prove the risk posed by the project will cause «serious harm to human health,» or «serious and irreversible harm to plant life, animal life or the natural environment.»
The scientists will outline how only a combined strategy employing all the major sustainable clean energy options — including renewables and nuclear — can prevent the worst effects of climate change by 2100, such as the loss of coral reefs, severe damages from extreme weather events, and the destruction of biodiversity and ecosystems worldwide.
America's overall renewable energy capacity increased by 19.7 %, Germany's by 10.9 % and Britain's by only 4.8 %.
As a result, despite periodic energy price spikes caused by disruptive world events and about $ 50 billion (in real terms) in energy R&D funding since 1978, the United States has made only steady incremental progress in developing and deploying advanced renewable, coal, and nuclear technologies that can compete with conventional energy technologies.
Between 2004 and 2009, wind energy capacity in the United States grew by 423 %, while solar energy capacity expanded by 150 %.30 Yet over the same time frame, nuclear energy managed to increase by only 1 percent.31 By 2020, wind energy will grow by another 82 %, while nuclear power is only on track to expand by 10 %.32 A clean energy standard would help lift the dormant U.S. nuclear industry off the mat while also ensuring that the market for traditional renewables, like wind and solar, continues to grow through aggressive state mandateby 423 %, while solar energy capacity expanded by 150 %.30 Yet over the same time frame, nuclear energy managed to increase by only 1 percent.31 By 2020, wind energy will grow by another 82 %, while nuclear power is only on track to expand by 10 %.32 A clean energy standard would help lift the dormant U.S. nuclear industry off the mat while also ensuring that the market for traditional renewables, like wind and solar, continues to grow through aggressive state mandateby 150 %.30 Yet over the same time frame, nuclear energy managed to increase by only 1 percent.31 By 2020, wind energy will grow by another 82 %, while nuclear power is only on track to expand by 10 %.32 A clean energy standard would help lift the dormant U.S. nuclear industry off the mat while also ensuring that the market for traditional renewables, like wind and solar, continues to grow through aggressive state mandateby only 1 percent.31 By 2020, wind energy will grow by another 82 %, while nuclear power is only on track to expand by 10 %.32 A clean energy standard would help lift the dormant U.S. nuclear industry off the mat while also ensuring that the market for traditional renewables, like wind and solar, continues to grow through aggressive state mandateBy 2020, wind energy will grow by another 82 %, while nuclear power is only on track to expand by 10 %.32 A clean energy standard would help lift the dormant U.S. nuclear industry off the mat while also ensuring that the market for traditional renewables, like wind and solar, continues to grow through aggressive state mandateby another 82 %, while nuclear power is only on track to expand by 10 %.32 A clean energy standard would help lift the dormant U.S. nuclear industry off the mat while also ensuring that the market for traditional renewables, like wind and solar, continues to grow through aggressive state mandateby 10 %.32 A clean energy standard would help lift the dormant U.S. nuclear industry off the mat while also ensuring that the market for traditional renewables, like wind and solar, continues to grow through aggressive state mandates.
In 2004 the secretariat was warned by the SBI on its role as an impartial actor (after the Executive Director attended an international energy conference to endorse renewable energy) when it formally «took note of the concern expressed that officials of the secretariat should take care in their public statements to reflect the views of parties held by consensus, and not to appear to support only one side or another on contentious issues.»
The choice for solar and wind energy only is based on the fact that these are — by far — the renewable energy sources with the largest potential.
It's not the only proposed solution out there, though: recently, there has been a surge in renewable energy sources, as evidence by the growing reliance on solar and wind in a number of countries.
On our existing policy pathway, the District would achieve an 18 % reduction in energy use, with renewables making up only 32 % of our energy mix by 2032 — far short of our 50 % goals.
The Climate Group just released an upbeat report, China's Clean Revolution, which lauds China for trailing only Germany in 2007 for renewable energy investments (US$ 12 billion vs. $ 14 billion), for leading the world in installed generating capacity of renewable energy at 152 GW by the end of 2007, and for being a leading manufacturer across various low carbon technologies.
Traditional mitigation measures such as renewable energies can — even in the optimum scenario — only reduce CO2 by around 80 per cent.
Do the EREC only make money by selling renewable energy technology?
Because by pushing power generators to ditch fossil fuels for cleaner alternatives, the plan aimed to not only protect our planet, but accelerate the renewable energy revolution already underway across the country and grow jobs in the green - tech sector that already employs over 3 million Americans.
Maximizing the use of renewable sources of energy like wind in replacing the power generated by coal produces greenhouse gas reductions that are not only immediate, but sustainable over the long term.
Times News Network: The Centre aims to achieve «electricity for all» by 2027 while 75 million households still don't have access to electricity and only two percent of renewable energy into the grid by 2021.
According to figures contained in Cambridge Econometrics» UK Energy and the Environment report, renewables will account for only approximately 5 per cent of UK electricity sales to final users by 2010, just half of the 10 per cent target.
In 2012 only 22 % of Germany's electricity came from renewables, and their energy revolution, Energiewende, calls for 80 % by 2050, yet the system is already crumbling under the rules that work against fossil fuels.
WE LIVE IN A SOLAR WORLD (RENEWABLES ARE THE GREATEST SOURCES OF ENERGY) Quite frankly, our environmental leaders have inadvertently helped mislead Americans by conceding that renewables are more expensive and lobbying for goals that make renewables only a small part of oRENEWABLES ARE THE GREATEST SOURCES OF ENERGY) Quite frankly, our environmental leaders have inadvertently helped mislead Americans by conceding that renewables are more expensive and lobbying for goals that make renewables only a small part of orenewables are more expensive and lobbying for goals that make renewables only a small part of orenewables only a small part of our supply.
It is now well understood that universal electricity access by 2030 (a core part of U.N. Sustainable Development Goal 7 - SDG 7) can only be achieved if decentralized renewable energy (DRE)-- green micro-grids and rooftop solar paired with storage and ultra-efficiency appliances — gets adequate finance to reach scale quickly.
Approved in 2013, the Yap Renewable Energy Development Project, funded by ADB loans of US$ 9 million, supported the construction of a wind farm capable of withstanding typhoons near Colonia, Yap's only urban center.
«Sustainable» should not only refer to renewable energy — this would be costly and unrealistic target by 2030.
Ralph Cavanagh: PG&E's reputation can only be helped by its energy efficiency and renewable energy leadership in the joint proposal.
Although nominally promising 15 % renewables by 2025, the statute sets a 2007 baseline and contains a sleight - of - hand in the definitions section by which the target is applied only to the amount of energy not produced by nuclear plants.
By that measure, yours truly is one lazy blogger, because I'm only just getting to the renewable energy bills.
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