Sentences with phrase «only conceivable»

The assumption seems to be that only conceivable counterweight to human freedom is some kind of «special» event which mediates a possibility not actually present in the past.
Without settling the question whether an actual or only a conceivable set of circumstances need be adduced, Purtill says he inclines to favor the first option — as in the cosmological and design arguments.
Imaging Proxima b with a ground - based telescope several times smaller than an ELT is only conceivable due to a fundamental quirk of optical physics: To produce an image of any given resolution, shorter wavelengths of light such as those visible to our eyes require smaller mirrors and other optical components than longer wavelengths do.
In law such rules are known as Bright Line Rules: rather than 20 million words of tax law, you simply declare «any financial transaction whose only conceivable motivation is the avoidance of tax is by definition illegal».
Slip away into a tropical oasis only conceivable in your dreams.
«The only conceivable way our retirement saver would give up $ 2,300 in expected returns on his equity holdings is if his fund manager had an extraordinarily large number of trades.
To quote Sam Harris: «If religion really provided the only conceivable objective basis for morality, it should be impossible to posit a nontheistic objective basis for morality.
He saw modern intellectual history as a long, losing war against the nihilism implicit in modernism's rejection of the unevaluated evaluator who is the only conceivable source for ultimate premises.
The only conceivable way to catch up with atomic energy is with political energy directed to a universal structure.»
Thought in movement has for its only conceivable motive the attainment of belief, or thought at rest.
The only conceivable relation Christianity could have with this situation was rescue and rejection.
Some of Ellul's sociological books include brief but clear statements of his Christian hope (Changer de révolution) or veiled references to the Christian faith as the only conceivable way out of the tunnel his books describe (Autopsy of Revolution, The New Demons).
The early Romantics eventually abandoned their metaphysical aspirations and concluded instead that the only conceivable source of value and purpose was the autonomous self.
The only conceivable world that would be compatible with the notion of God is one in which there is a possibility of creative advance, of adventure with its inevitable risk of discord.
Humanism is by no means the only conceivable religion compatible with the principle of ontological parity.
While LoBiondo would like to repeal the federal ban on gambling outright, it is not the only conceivable course of action.
The only conceivable way I can see Arsenal missing out on his signature is if we have pulled out of the race.
The only conceivable change I could see to van Gaal's line up is Schweinsteiger coming in to replace Carrick.
«The only conceivable circumstance that can be justified [for a second independence vote] is if there was some strategic change in the United Kingdom.
Boris is the only conceivable person who could threaten David as leader of the party — and he isn't even an MP.
The only conceivable drawback I want to note is that it's difficult to tell that the pattern on the scarf is of bows when it's worn.
The screenplay for this 1985 feature is so riddled with character inconsistencies and unmotivated behavior that it plays like science fiction: the unsuspected presence of body - snatching aliens is the only conceivable explanation for the bizarre twists of psychology the film proposes.
The only conceivable valid use of 3D is in animation, and this is a prime example of it.
I can think of no obvious target audience back then and now the only conceivable market is vintage television junkies.
The only conceivable reason «The Salon» ever got made is so a clever DVD packager can someday release «Barbershop Quartet» - consisting of the hilarious original «Barbershop,» the sequel «Barbershop 2,» «Beauty Shop» and this lame imitation of its predecessors.
As Arnheim's colleague and contemporary Siegfried Kracauer put it, «the good film critic is only conceivable as a critic of society.»
The Infinity Gauntlet, essentially the only conceivable way to wield the universe - altering Infinity Stones, took pride of place in Asgard Odin's vault is home to many a treasure and feared weapon, but, now, this fake's appearance asks more questions than it answers.
Towing is about the only conceivable real - world use for the optional 6 - piston front brake caliper upgrade, too, which doesn't cut down on stopping distance, but does afford better heat dissipation — quite handy when you're pulling several thousand pounds downhill.
The only conceivable usefulness I can see to this would be if a user wanted to quickly switch between reading two separate parts of a book, or between two different books.
The only conceivable reason B&N are doing this is that they feel the Que takes on the Kindle DX and not on the Nook.
The only conceivable reason for the Water Dragon to further test me was to, you guessed it, pad out the game's playtime.
Sadly there is no local multiplayer but the only conceivable way to make it a fair game is keeping the cards and stealth gameplay hidden from other players.
Inspired by American Abstract Expressionism, popular culture, and urban modernity, they recognised abstraction as their only conceivable route.
The only conceivable way to produce that level of reductions is a full - scale, all - hands - on - deck mobilization, what William James called «the moral equivalent of war.»
The only conceivable reason to implement these kind of massive subsidies would be if our country and the entire world agreed that we face an imminent disaster from the CO2 that would be released from «business as usual».
The only conceivable purpose for such an action was (probably coercive) harassment.
The only conceivable outcome was a considerable waste of time, talent and taxpayer's dollars (or rather, pounds.)
Therefore, ignoring certain «absurd» scenarios where only a proportionate part of the information were to be deleted, it is only conceivable that a court seized with a claim for partial damages would still be able to order all remedies that are available under the respective domestic law (paras 126 - 128).
The only conceivable solution to the interlocking challenges of scale and complexity was to throw bodies at them.
At this point, you're probably wondering where the «value» is in cash value — our only conceivable answer is that it serves as a loan source at best.
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