Sentences with phrase «only dog breed»

They're all cute, but they're not the only dog breeds known for using their furry little faces to win over the hearts of humans.
The American Pit Bull Terrier is the only dog breed to have been featured on the cover of «Life» Magazine three times.
The only dog breeds that are completely non-shedding are those that have no coat at all, or the hairless dogs.
From Norway's rocky island of Vaeroy, the uniquely constructed Norwegian Lundehund is the only dog breed created for the job of puffin hunting.
Currently, the American Pit Bull Terrier is the only dog breed that is officially considered to be a true «pit bull.»
In terms of CRD (canine retinal dystrophy), the standard wire - haired dachshund, miniature long - haired dachshund (MLHD), Glen of Imaal terrier and pit bull terrier are the only dog breeds thus far affected, and the genes involved have been identified in all but pit bull terriers.»
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