Sentences with phrase «only dumb guys»

Not exact matches

• Which 4 stock picks that might outperform the S&P 500 • How to invest when real assets have never been cheaper compared to financial assets • Why you are only as smart as your dumbest competitor in a commodity business • How to validate your investment thesis • How Preston and Stig ended up in Bed Bath & Beyond for a guys» night out
Alot of people think Vea is just a big space filler, the guy moves really well, if a team is dumb enough to single block him, they will find out early - only an Elite level DT could, anyone else and he will bowl them over.
«This one time I was approached by a highschool [sic] girl trying to get my contact info, I'm only 22 so I mean I guess I'm passable for just an older guy, but clearly you got ta say no, so me, being a Reddit user, said something stupid, I started to say «Sorry but I'm old enough to be your dad» but that was so dumb I changed it mid sentence to «sorry I'm old enough to be your brother» but that didn't make any sense so what really came out of my mouth was «sorry I'm old enough to be your..
Not only does the movie seem hopelessly dumb, but the fact that it was co-written by the same guys responsible for recent debacles like «Dracula Untold» and «The Last Witch Hunter» pretty much confirms it.
Anything more than 95 minutes is asking for quite a bit, and given that the movie only begrudgingly has a plot at all, what we have is a collection of skit - like scenes of two characters doing idiotic things, which does tend to grow tedious after a bit since every joke has the same punch line — these guys are unfathomably dumb.
Granted, The New Guy is basically a dumb comedy which will only appeal to those who enjoy 7th grade humor, but I think that many will be surprised by the risks that the movie takes to get laughs.
And btw — pointing to the distant horizon and saying «the bad guys went thataway» only fools the dumbest of posses.
* Crazy person tells Fire Guy (who has said on the sly that City hall has been using them to exract $ 650.00 from dumb proletariat while Fire Department only collects $ 35.00 for inspections and become the bad guys to boot) that next time he talks to one of «them» that I was overheard saying that I was going to Dale Goldhawk (CTV / «Goldhawk Fights Back») and that «Dale will love this one; it's just up the road, and there are politicians and lawyers involved».
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