Sentences with phrase «only emergence of»

It is only the emergence of Windows 8.1 along with low power consuming Intel Bay Trail chips that has led to some degree of acceptability to Windows tablets.
The lack of a revolutionary experience, the long history of special ties of English Canadians with England and English symbols of civil religion, and the existence of a large province that is linguistically, ethnically, and religiously distinct from the rest of Canada — all these conditions have militated against not only the emergence of a Canadian civil religion but of any very clearly defined sense of national identity.
Now there is not only emergence of something, but also emergence from something.

Not exact matches

A cycling enthusiast, he did know that the industry had exploded in the 1980s — mostly thanks to the emergence of mountain biking — only to slow down considerably in the early 1990s.
Retail has undergone massive disruption due to the rise of online shopping and the emergence of massive e-commerce only companies, companies which have the logistics and digital prowess to quickly adapt to fast - changing consumer behavior.
This is reflected not only in the emergence of consumer - directed health insurance benefits, which are designed to give consumers more «skin in the game,» but also in an array of direct - to - consumer outreach efforts, many of which aid patients in navigating the health care system and managing their own health and wellness.
And quality is not only wonderful Italian pasta, Scandinavian design or a stroll through the magical streets of Lisbon, quality also is education, competitiveness and the emergence of leading edge global companies.»
And it was only last week, years after learning of the breach and days after the emergence of these explosive reports, that Facebook finally announced it would conduct an audit of Cambridge Analytica to see if it had actually destroyed the data.
With the emergence of the internet, possible target audiences became quite large, even if the product is only wanted by a very small percentage of the people.
With the emergence of telematics and advanced analytics, organizations can not only manage their fleet...
Since then the Foundation has worked steadily to bring home the message that the emergence of Asia as an economic force is reshaping our world in ways that Canadians can only ignore at their peril.
If one follows the history of the emergence of the national Orthodox Churches in the nineteenth and twentieth century, one realizes that the eventual autocephaly of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is only a matter of time.
Ford speaks, it is true, of a divine «temporal freedom,» but this freedom wholly derives from the divine nontemporal decision and thus amounts only to the temporal emergence of a nontemporal freedom: «God's temporal freedom is exercised in his integrative and propositional activity, where he fits to each actual world that gradation of pure possibilities best suited to contribute to the maximum intensity and harmony of his consequent physical experience» (IPQ 13:376; my emphasis).
There are musings about Egypt's contribution to the emergence of monotheism via henotheism (where only one god is worshipped, even if the existence of other gods is not denied) and its possible influence on the Israelites.
And the book also offers a deliberately wide array of approaches to trinitarian issues, including not only historical and systematic theologians, but biblical scholars and analytic philosophers of religion, writing from a variety of theological and communal points of view» Roman Catholic, Protestant, and, in one case, Jewish (the New Testament scholar Alan Segal, who contributes an instructive if somewhat technical chapter on the role of conflicts between Jews and Christians in the emergence of early trinitarian teaching).
Cricks formula that biology is reducible to physics and chemistry is of central importance because, if it is logically coherent then emergence is indeed only an illusion, and the notions of final causation and purpose are dispensable in any intelligent attempt to understand nature.
The orientation which best describes the stance of emergent evolution is neither internal nor external but a subtle interplay of both aspects; but this can make sense only if one takes into account the whole discussion of form and structure which has dominated the holistic thinking of those who speak of emergence and field theory.
Furthermore, Ogden recognizes that there is a definite historical connection between the Christian tradition on the one hand, and existentialism and process philosophy on the other.57 Would one not have to say that both of these forms of philosophy became possibilities in fact only as a result of the emergence of Christian faith in history, and of the particular direction the theological tradition developed?
Great as is the significance of the emergence of self - conscious persons within the very fabric of the universe for any reflection on its possible meaning and purpose, this must not lead us to underplay the significance also of the rest of the universe and of all other living organisms to God as Creator — even though we are able to depict only in imagination the kind of delight that God may be conceived to have in the fecund multiplicity and variety or created forms.
Obviously the only remedy [to the emergence of the new totalitarianism] was a new affirmation and manifestation of universality as an essential characteristic of the Church.»
Because Troeltsch, at the beginning of this century, was keenly aware of many trends that became apparent to most observers only at its end: the collapse of Eurocentrism; the perceived relativity of all historical events and knowledge (including scientific knowledge); an awareness that Christianity is relative to its Western, largely European history and environment; the emergence of a profound global pluralism; the central role of practice in theology; the growing impact of the social sciences on our view of the world and of ourselves; and dramatic changes in the role of religious institutions and religious thought.
Evolution does not deal with the Big - Bang, it does not deal with the initial emergence of life, it only deals the what happened after wards and continues to happen today.
We can only hope for the emergence of a real, populist, and responsible alternative to Trump.
That would mean that in the billions of years before the emergence of the first subject, there were only objects.
Instead, I intend only to treat the one question as to what is involved in the emergence of the rational consciousness.
It only provided the conditions within which that gradual development could begin which led to the emergence of axial man.
However, my interest lies in the actual and effective emergence of a new structure of existence, and as a matter of historical fact, this occurred only by the total impact of Jesus» transformation of Jewish teaching combined with his resurrection appearances.
Not only is the development of consciousness into intellect contingent in the evolution of the cosmos, the precise form it took was utterly unforeseeable, and the story one tells about it is always revisable in light of future emergences (as Hausman has so effectively argued).
What is truly a miracle, in the pejorative sense of an event having no rational connection with what has gone before, is the emergence of a being with consciousness, free will, and a capacity to understand the laws of nature in a universe which in the beginning contained only matter in mindless motion.
I can only give expression to my own intuition that this possible emergence of a new consciousness should be given shape by a utopian vision of a planetary brotherhood at peace with nature and with God, united with all of life in the enjoyment of its potentialities.
For the society is facing not only a new age of information, but also a new technological era which brings with it a challenge to all of the historical religions, and which can lead either to humankind «s next integrative steps toward new religious insights and meaning, or to a collapse of religious development and the emergence of a period of anarchy and despair.
With the emergence of new concern in our own century for the people caught in problems of urbanization, racial discrimination, industrialization, and the like, the churches moved first — through the so - called social gospel movement — to correct the previous emphasis on soul - saving as dealing only with individual persons.
An actual entity can now be described under the aspect of emerging [werdenden] coherence: insofar as such an entity is an emergence of a unified connectedness of coherent factors from incoherent elements, it is the emergence of a totality of meaning whose inner factors have significance only within this whole: «An entity is actual, when it has significance for itself» (PR 38: 21st Category of Explanation).
The emergence, in the course of history, of the ability to think of the other as another subject and to appreciate the moral demand that this lays upon one — to treat the other as an end and not only as a means — is an achievement of civilization that most of us are not willing to abandon.
The emergence of a large body of secular Jews who can only be classified religiously as theists raises anew a question that Jewish scholars have been debating for thousands of years.
At least I saw that «the positing or emergence of this effort or desire is not only devoid of all intuition but is evidenced only by works whose meaning remains doubtful and revocable.
This abrupt turn from a causal theory of consciousness to talk about emergent properties not only leaves the puzzle about causality dangling, it compounds the mystery by evoking still more elementary puzzles about the meaning of emergence and evolution, as well as about how and where to locate sentience in an evolving «physical world.»
Our knowledge of this past would not constitute it as an origin of its sense, but rather would only re-constitute it (N 163) by cooperating in the emergence of its inherent, but latent, sense.
Still, for those of us who have labored in the past to straighten the conceptual kinks in the traditional problem of evil, the emergence of a new theodicy, worked out in something more than only cursory form, is an occasion of special interest.
Pastoral imagination can only in part be brought to the ministry, because deep and sustained experience within the actual exercise of pastoral ministry itself is essential to its ultimate emergence and maturation.
For the emergence of new forms not only requires the «mental pole» as the «organ of novelty.»
To some extent, this attitude of denial has come about because of changes in our society in this century: the marked decrease in the number of deaths at an early age; the development of specialized professions for the care of the dying and the dead; the emergence of geographical mobility, with the consequence that most of us live at some distance from aging and dying relatives, including parents; the growth of separate communities for the aging, not only nursing homes but retirement communities.
It is significant that this period is marked not only by the emergence of the synagogue as a place of worship but by a fresh attempt to recover, codify, and study the law.
«The fragmented, impatient speech of the young» and «their illogical, unsyntactical writing» are only two effects or concomitant developments of «the rapid emergence of an all - instant society: instant therapy, instant religion, instant food, instant friends, even instant reading.
While, however, the biblical history becomes in principle universal history through the framework in which it is set, it achieved effective universality only in the emergence of the Church as a «catholic» body.
The poor, in their struggle, on the other hand, have to believe in another logic; the possibility of the emergence of the «new» which they perceive as the only possibility for their own survival.
It lies also in the emergence of new understanding, which is possible only as Christ brings it to pass.
But for Whitehead, nature's «problem» can be solved only if two mutually - dependent kinds of emergences are occurring: (a) more complex societies of occasions must emerge if there is to be (b) the emergence of higher - grade individual occasions which then are the final loci of actuality and value.
Our hope lies in the resilience of life, which is Christ, the emergence of new understanding, which is possible only as Christ brings it to pass, in the extension of love to all human beings and to other species, which is Christ within us.
The brain functions to exclude the bulk of our accumulated memories, allowing the emergence of only those which help us to recognize and cope with present situations.
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