Sentences with phrase «only enough money»

Apparently, the company has only enough money to last six months, despite a sizeable investment from Sprint earlier this year.
With only enough money to maintain 15 - 20 % of these roads, road removal is a necessity, not an option on national forest lands.
Financially there was only enough money to get through the end of the year.
Is there ANY programs that do NOT require you to show your tax return adjusted gross income, but rather proof of not only enough money being made, but also using that to get my home loan?
By the time the company got to the third row, the designers had only enough money left for a single, almost featureless piece of hard plastic as wall decoration.
Rupe told justices that the current system provided only enough money to support proficiency for some of the state's public school enrollment — not all.
I need only enough money to take care of my needs and my future.
Tongues wagged in the education world when FairTest, the Cambridge, Mass. - based watchdog of the testing industry, disclosed last month that it had only enough money to operate through 2006.
Hypothetically you have only enough money to see one of them.
It raises the expectation that if only enough money were thrown into AIDS vaccine research, then a solution would appear in the not too distant future.
Rath is looking for some other bridge replacements but county officials have said there is only enough money for a few replacements this year.
But you don't want the kind of garage sale where you sit in your front yard for two days and come away with only enough money to pay the pizza delivery man.
Another point about 1 Corinthians 9 is it does not say you can make only enough money to survive nor does it say you can not make millions spreading God's word.
I'm a big fan of raising only enough money to get through the core risk reduction in that round, whether it's product market fit or proof of revenues.
Krinzman says the entrepreneurs who pitched the idea of a «Boogie Box» workout DVD likely would have gotten some capital if they'd asked for only enough money «to get to a milestone that would let them prove they can sell DVDs,» rather than asking for full funding for an unproven idea.
Morales himself, who until 1990 drew only enough money to keep his family clothed and fed, controls expenditures by paying employees a cut of profits on top of a base salary; barters for goods and services; and prepares Tomkats» advertising in - house to qualify for an agency's 15 % discount on media buys.

Not exact matches

In fact, I only thought I had enough money for three launches, and the first three bloody failed, and we were able to scrape together enough to just barely make it into a fourth launch, and that — thank goodness — that fourth launch succeeded in 2008.
Finally, having a clear and realistic idea of how long things take, setting intermediate milestones for every 12 to 18 months, and raising just enough money it to get to the next set of key milestones, is not only important to capital efficiency, it is also important for success.
Only when you've done enough testing to figure out how to create a positive arbitrage between how much you pay to acquire the customer and how much revenue the customer is likely to generate should you throw big money at a roll - out.
And AFarAwayGalaxy, the only person in this transaction to never spend a dime, just made enough money for lunch.
It may seem like the only reason to work is to make money, and once you've made enough money, you should retire and stop working forever.
«The only regret I have is that I just don't feel I'm paying enough money for my MBA,» quipped Rose.
These achievers are aware that in life and business, there's always enough (love, money, success and passion) for everyone and believing otherwise only blocks opportunity.
How would you live your life if you could wake up each day knowing there was enough money coming in to cover not only your basic needs but also your goals and dreams?
The new survey found that 44 % of people without a retirement plan are not at all confident that they have enough money saved for retirement vs. only 14 % of those with a retirement plan.
I have no definitive answer, but my only answer is that if this is the case going forward, then I probably don't make enough money and should look to improve my income elsewhere.
Whether you want to get rich or simply save enough for retirement, you have only a few options: Cut your spending and invest a large percentage of your income, make more money, or improve your investment return.
I only spent money on the necessities until I had enough clients to give me some flexibility.
Furthermore, only one in 10 Canadians (12 per cent) say they are using / planning to use an annuity to ensure they have enough money to lead their chosen lifestyle in retirement.
Since I am the only one earning money for my family, I just want to give enough time for them staying at home during off work than getting a part - time jobs outside and travelling so many hours but not satisfied to earn enough money affecting lack of time for family and gives a tiresome day go back to home.
But perhaps our favorite story came from one buyer to whom bitcoin not only gave back time — the bitcoin payment cleared in one hour instead of the several days for a traditional bank transfer — but also enough money to buy a new sportscar.
The only time this has happened in history for a three year period or more was during World War II, when we were obviously printing enough money to finance a lot of deficit spending on infrastructure and public programs.
Regarding «Legislation calls for $ 3B in rebates for electric cars in California» (Aug. 17): Only in California would a Legislature decide a subsidy that has cost taxpayers $ 449 million for electric car rebates was not enough money.
FEMA, for instance, only has enough money to get through the end of September before running out of funding.
It took him two more years to raise enough money to try even that expedition again only for a cracked fuel bottle to contaminate all his food after a fall from an ice ridge.
Once you've raised your money in the very beginning of your business, that should be enough to hold you over until your business is up and running and you're profitable, but if you only raise enough money to kind of get yourself started, then you're gonna be back to raising money again once your business gets underway.
If you are convinced that lowering the interest rate, pumping money into the economy and ramping - up government spending is beneficial, then from your perspective a failure of such measures to sustainably boost the rate of economic growth can only mean that the measures weren't aggressive enough.
Switch to a cash diet, and only get on a plane if you have saved enough money for the air fare.
If your estate doesn't have enough money to cover the loan, it will only impact your family if:
The second mortgage lender only gets repaid if there is enough money from the foreclosure sale.
You only need enough money to cover the price of 1 share, which can generally range from $ 50 to a few hundred dollars.
You only want to contribute enough to your 401 (k) to pick up all the employer match money you can.
The problem is that I only had enough money to pay for my first year of education.
Avoiding this extra fee requires you to deposit enough money to cover not only your original charge but also the overdraft fees you have already incurred.
If only 2 % of the churches in America sold their buildings, and put the money toward solving the world's water crisis, we would have enough money.
If only we had enough money and possessions!
A variant I've seen popping up, is: * Screen the requester; * If they qualify, they get $ x. 00, but only if: ** This is a one time situation; ** The can obtain enough money to pay for everything, even though $ x. 00 is substantially short of the required amount; The issue here is that the person can be five or ten dollars short, and come up empty - handed.
Not only are men supposed to attend morning Bible studies, but they're supposed to get home in time for dinner, spend time alone with each child, date their wives once a week, and earn enough money so that their wives can stay home with their young children.
If you create laws to try to take it from them to «give to the poor» they are smart enough and rich enough to find ways to hide their money, and even then, the money that does get taken from them only gets wasted on governmental bureaucracy, and very little makes it to the poor starving children.
«We only make enough money from the sale of sweets to cover our bills and national insurance payments.»
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