Sentences with phrase «only fails»

AFA 2006 not only fails to recognise the judgment in Hood but goes further by conferring COs with more sentencing powers, and actively encourages minor offences to be dealt with internally by the CO (as the judicial power) as opposed to being dealt with by the more «independent» forum that is the district court martial (DCM).
«Discrimination in employment or in the provision of services not only fails to meet professional standards, it also violates the Ontario Human Rights Code and related equity legislation»
This thought experiment illustrates that the EF not only fails to provide a robust measure of ecological sustainability, but also offers poor guidance for policy - makers in identifying and evaluating options to improve use and management of natural capital.
Thermal equilibrium for the silver no longer means the same thing as thermal equilibrium for the gas — heat only fails to flow in the silver when it is isothermal, but heat only fails to flow in the gas when it exhibits an adiabatic lapse in temperature that leaves it explicitly not isothermal.
The agreement not only fails to make this financial flow legally binding but also introduces a sneaky clause that states that this new climate agreement provides «no basis for any liability or compensation» in the future.
But after a terrible hangover, he not only fails the test but destroys the monster compound.
On its own, Ni No Kuni: Revenant Kingdom is a great game and only fails to meet expectations when compared against its predecessor.
Only it fails to live up to any of those goals.
Therefore a motorcycle engine / design not only fails to produce the meaningful values of (inertial and composite) torque where it is needed in order to perform the tasks of heavy vehicles - but the torque it does produce is largely combustion - force dependent, and as such (even with modern gearbox design approaches) is still too susceptible to changes in weight and vehicle ascension / gradient for the tasks required.
If our goal is to ensure that all students learn at high levels, then replacing core instruction with remedial assistance not only fails to achieve this outcome, but also tracks at - risk students into below - grade - level curriculum.
It means that choice through decentralization is worse than a red herring: It not only fails to solve the problems at the core of its mission (improve a nebulous and poorly constructed paradigm of student achievement through competitive incentives) but creates an entirely new set of problems with which students, parents, teachers, administrators, and elected officials have to cope.
Dick Startz this morning discusses one of many experiments indicating that performance pay for teachers not only fails to improve student outcomes, but also doesn't do much to change teacher behavior.
The contract not only fails to resolve these issues, it raises new ones (described below).
It only fails when charter schools and traditional public schools are not communicating.
And the push for universality, alluring as it is on the hustings and cherished as it is by President Obama, not only fails to solve the problem: It diverts resources and creates windfalls in ways that diminish the likelihood of ever solving the real problem.
It's further true that to judge a school simply on the basis of how many of its pupils clear a fixed «proficiency» bar, or because its «performance index» (in Ohio terms) gets above a certain level, not only fails to signal whether that school is adding value to its students but also neglects whatever is or isn't being learned by (or taught to) the high achievers who had already cleared that bar when they arrived in school.
The paper - grading ritual not only fails to improve student learning, it also cannibalizes the after - school time available for the teacher's highest level job function — planning tomorrow's lessons — with the teacher's lowest level job function — yesterday's clerical work.
Escaping the Paper Grading Trap The paper - grading ritual, says Dr. Fred Jones, not only fails to improve student learning, it also cannibalizes the after - school time available for planning tomorrow's lessons with yesterday's clerical work.
Tools for Teaching: Escaping the Paper Grading Trap The paper - grading ritual, says Dr. Fred Jones, not only fails to improve student learning, it also cannibalizes the after - school time available for planning tomorrow's lessons with yesterday's clerical work.
Haywire not only fails to live up to this hype, but is a vast disappointment on just about every level.
Stone not only fails to challenge Putin, but essentially cedes him the floor, allowing the cunning ex-KGB operative to spin more than the president's toupee in a tornado.
A horrible disappointment that not only fails to capture the magic of its predecessors but seems oblivious to what made them popular in the first place.
The sound is clear, but does not have the boastfulness or power behind it a crazy film like The Hangover deserves and the DVD's Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround only fails further as it is crisp, clean and clear; yet overall is bland.
Despite of that, it a good offering that only fails on its combat system.
Conventional HRT not only fails to measure hormones and use physiologic doses, it uses synthetic, not - found - in - nature «hormones» that are foreign to the human body and cause a long list of unwanted side effects.
In June researchers from the Women's Health Initiative Memory Study added a dismal confirmation: estrogen - only replacement therapy in postmenopausal women who've had a hysterectomy not only fails to prevent memory loss but may also increase the risk of dementia.
«The effects of alpha - synuclein on mitochondria are like making a perfectly good coal - fueled power plant extremely inefficient, so it not only fails to make enough electricity, but also creates too much toxic pollution,» said Dr. Greenamyre.
Research has shown that the kind of stretching routine most of us have been doing since we were in grade school (holding a stretch for 20 or 30 seconds, supposedly to prepare muscles for exercise, or static stretching) not only fails to do what it is supposed to do but may actually weaken muscles and hurt athletic performance.
This state of affairs not only fails to engage with the core issue at the heart of the culture of death, it also tacitly encourages agnosticism about life after death, human freedom, the ultimate nature of evil and the human need for prayer and religious practice.
it not only fails basic literary guidelines (reading in context) and basic biblical scholarship, but it fulfills what he says directly after.
Whoever attempts to reform the Church by such means, the same means by which one would reform a temporal institution, not only fails in his enterprise, but ends up infallibly outside the Church.
In short, any book designed for those just beginning to study the Bible is a tool, and it had better be a good one, because if it fails, it not only fails me, it fails my friend.
That not only fails to honor their tradition, it fails to honor them as humans.
Last week however, Clark announced another housing policy that not only fails to address any key contributing factors to the affordability crisis, but will likely make housing costs and the overheated market worse: the BC HOME Partnership Program (BCHP).
For those who set goals and sometimes fail to achieve them, the act of goal setting can lead to a sense of, not only failing, but of being a failure.
You only fail when you give up, and giving up is something that winners never do.
But Krugman tells us that ordinary OMOs will only fail if they are perceived to be temporary — if the public doesn't believe central bank promises to make the monetary injections permanent.
«Twelve years later, the government has not only failed to keep this promise, it has done the opposite; reorganization and restructuring initiatives have eaten up money that should have improved services for Aboriginal children and youth, improvements the government promised never arrived,» said James.
The stock was cheap, but the business was so lousy that the management team not only failed to keep it operating, but also lost all of its cash and assets.
In an article published on its website last Friday, the century - old think tank cautioned that «there exists a very real danger that the petro will not only fail to cure Venezuela's economic woes but will also weaken the integrity of cryptocurrencies writ - large.»
This is essentially the story of QE, which not only failed to bring about economic recovery, but also failed to stop asset prices from falling well into 2003.»
For population science was not only failing to help people, Connelly argues, but also actively harming some of them — and in a way that summoned some of the baser episodes of recent historical memory:
Mrs. Houston, fresh from the spiritualist's haunt, is relieved by the departure of an ambulance: «The street again put on the aspect of a place where things could only fail to occur.»
Any such movement to just rid of all religion will not only fail to quench the religious turmoil, it will actually add fuel to the fire since it will be just adding one more belief - based faction into the flame.
When we by contrast present Scripture in the first instance in terms of some particular theological framework or in the light of specialized or critical issues, we not only fail to address the questions that trouble us, but we may also place a barrier between the reader and the text of Scripture.
When we do this, we not only fail to advance the rule and reign of God, but instead help advance the influence of the ruler of this age.
It only failed at being what you wanted it to be; I have a purse made out of this, and it's awesome.Keep trying!Katie's last blog post..
As Pope John XXIII wrote in his encyclical Pacem in Terris (1963), «Any government which refused to recognize human rights, or acted in violation of them, would not only fail in its duty; its decrees would be wholly lacking in binding force.»
Churches not only fail to challenge but often reinforce the deadly individualism that permeates Western culture.
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