Sentences with phrase «only fair conclusion»

Having read the study report that you linked to in the show notes three times now, I just don't see how what was presented there («Thus, the only fair conclusion is that we can't say for sure which device offers the fastest reading speed.
But when this research is considered alongside our other experience, the only fair conclusion is that competition hasn't dramatically altered district performance for the better.

Not exact matches

After doing that, there is only one conclusion a fair reader could draw: There is absolutely nothing here.
But after hours of research, several eye - opening interviews, and a fair amount of soul - searching later, I have come to the conclusion that no - kill is not only possible, but is also the most ethical direction for our animal - loving society to move.
The only target of a DCP sentence is the previously convicted terrorist — someone for whom a death penalty has already been determined appropriate by a court of law at the conclusion of a fair trial and the expiry of all appeals.
This ground of appeal was rejected by the EAT which held that it would only succeed if the conclusion of the tribunal was perverse and «once intimidation of this kind is found to have occurred, it will be a very exceptional case indeed where it can not be said that a finding of a fair trial is perverse».
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