Sentences with phrase «only first horror film»

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First off, it's the only horror film to win best picture.
Being dull as dishwater is only the first crime of Ulli Lommel's The Boogeyman (1980), a pass by a Fassbinder protégé at American slasher flicks of the late»70s (Halloween especially, but also The Amityville Horror, Carrie, and The Omen) that produces predictably pretentious results without the pang of brilliance accompanying many of the films of Lommel's betters.
Not only did we get the first 6 minutes of Maniac but we've got this great behind - the - scenes featurette for one of the year's best horror films, Resolution.
In fact, unlike the home invasion plot of the first film, «Anarchy» has shed itself almost entirely of all horror elements, aiming for something more along the lines of a retro John Carpenter movie, only not as good.
Responsible for adult - only horrors like Hostel and The Green Inferno, this is director Eli Roth's first film appropriate for youngsters.Hide
I've only seen Hush and Ouija 2 thus far — it looks like Before I Wake has been delayed yet again — but I can say that when taken with his first two films, the moody Absentia and the excellent Oculus, Flanagan is already at the forefront of the new American horror revolution.
Derrickson is a director who built his name on horror films, and while Del Toro actually only directed the second Blade film, he matched the tone of the first film, while improving on the style for the sequel.
This is what makes his first and only feature, Martha Marcy May Marlene, such a brilliant exercise in psychological terror, and despite the fact that it's neither a horror film nor much of a thriller, it generates a more foreboding sense of dread than a majority of the most recent entries in either of those genres.
Entertainment Weekly has the first poster for The Endless, an upcoming scifi / horror film about two brothers who escape a cult only to learn the group's otherworldly beliefs are factually true.
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