Sentences with phrase «only folks around»

The only folks around here that want religious war are religious people.

Not exact matches

Not only does physically getting up now and again protect you from the truly horrible health consequences of too much sitting, but taking quick «smoke breaks» (sans cigarette) when you feel your mental energy depleting (for most folks around every 90 minutes seems to be a good rule of thumb) ensures you'll get more done in the long run.
Jesus» original disciples likely never thought of him as anything more than a great rabbi, and some might have thought him a good rallying point for a revolt, they could have even whispered that he was anointed by God, but the idea of his being divine only seems to enter into the gospels around the time many Greek educated folks had converted, bringing their own views of what a «son of God» means into the faith.
It was a few folks from a «member only» church in town standing around a light post, and one was preaching aloud from an open bible.
well hate to break it to you folks but the creature called satan only exists from around 900 -1300 a.d. and forever after that.
Sure, folks have hard water in some areas, but how hard is still varying... but your washing machine may be an old top loader that's been around since the 1970's or it may be a fancy, top of the line front loading machine with weight sensors, santization, bulk cycle, and so many options that the only thing it doesn't do at the end is fold it for you.
Plus, RootsCamp brings great folks in from around the country, and I'm still friends with many, many people I met at my FIRST RootsCamp back in 2006, when was only a few months old.
The only people we had around were folks who had full time jobs who were detailed to help the commission, and whatever directions there were for them to take action — they were directed to stand down, essentially, on the subpoenas — and that's it.»
In Animal Crossing: City Folk, the UFO seems to only fly through a town within the first 10 minutes of an hour [confirmation needed], and takes around 25 - 30 seconds to leave at the other side, at a rate of approximately three tiles per second.
After all, there's only so long that folks with guns can swoop around darkened hallways before it starts to wear a little thin.
The I4's 194 hp at 6,300 rpm and 190 lb - ft at 4,400 is good enough to move around a car full of folks, but can only tow 1,000 pounds.
In fact, the only issues with the driving position are a confined footwell around the left - leg foot rest, which means those with «size - nine» feet will find their left foot doesn't quite fit, and some folk may find the tops of the instruments hidden by the steering wheel.
Folks in this country will able to get the 8 - inch Samsung Galaxy Tab A for cost around 16,990 — 18,990 rubles (WiFi - only) and 20,990 — 22,990 rubles (LTE variant).
This won't solve problems for folks who only have an iPhone / iPad, but it is a work around for those of us who also have Kindle device.
Folks around town bundled up, not only keeping themselves warm but trying to keep their four - legged friends toasty as well.
It isn't yet clear how exactly Correia and the folks at Board and Dice will be translating Superhot's gameplay (which involves strategically moving around a level and eliminating A.I. enemies while taking advantage of the fact that time only progresses when the player moves) into a card game format.
I have not yet solved the problem of plastic wrap around cheese or tofu, the plastic bags from bread, tortillas and English muffins (I bring them to the community garden for folks to carry their harvests home, but that only postpones their trip to the waste stream) or what to do with milk bottle caps and tortilla chip bags.
Mazza also addresses concerns around the food versus fuel debate, acknowledging that there is a very real concern when energy needs start to compete with the need of folks to eat, but he also points out that, contrary to recent headlines, fuels are hardly the only factor driving up the price of food:
Image Credit: The Telegraph UK Prime Minister on Stabilizing Oil Prices Jeff Siegel has already warned on these pages that low oil prices are at best only a brief respite, yet if I look around me it seems folks are returning to their gas guzzling ways,
I had a theft claim, that was worth well over 5,000 in value, but these folks bull crapped me around, fed me 1 million excuses as to why they were only able to pay me $ 433.
This will probably be the third time Apple has deviated from its usual practice of holding events only in the second half of the year, last time around the Cupertino folks had announced 12 - inch MacBook, ResearchKit iPhone framework and also the final version of the Apple Wath.
There's so much inspiration floating around the blogosphere / Instagram / Pinterest these days and we only see a fraction of it, so let's show these folks some well deserved love for what they've accomplished over the past six weeks!
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