Sentences with phrase «only fragments of»

The makers of navigational charts, more conservative than some of the more fanciful cartographers, tended to leave the region blank, with only fragments of known coastline sketched in.
Slight variations in the subject's position or the camera's depth of field imbue the images with a kinetic quality that reinforces the unsettling sense that we are accessing only fragments of a whole.
Binion's gridded compositions impose rational order on the layers of personal history, showing only fragments of information from his birth certificate, or hints of details about his mother — but never enough to be immediately legible.
Unique takes on classical portraiture created from reclaimed detritus (like pieces of chairs, linoleum, doorknobs, and wallpaper), Shrobe's works often include only fragments of the faces of his «sitters,» their collaged torsos surrounded at least partially by old frame fragments.
Some were created in windowless areas so high up that only fragments of the vast paintings have been glimpsed with torches and binoculars.»
«The pictures show only fragments of possible narratives, but for me, every life has weight and drama, even if its meaning is ultimately elusive,» he explains.
Arranged in a circular composition, each cage holds a stone sculpture of an animal that has been demolished, broken apart and deteriorated so that only fragments of the sculpture are left as if the animals have each been in a quarrel.
With only fragments of his memory intact, Wayne Holden must struggle to recover his past and the answers to E.D.N. III's
Only fragments of the other monastic buildings remain, and very little of the current church building dates from this time; most dates from about the year 1000.
Knight of Cups: For those willing to get on director Terrence Malick's wavelength, this is an ecstatic use of cinema — the story of a screenwriter (Christian Bale) in Hollywood as told through dream images and voice - over, with only fragments of scenes.
In turning to a methodological issue, the new archaeological horizons in the Monte Verde area are difficult to trace laterally over areas larger than ~ 8 — 10 m2 and probably represent only fragments of a broader landscape utilized by people adapting to changing climates and environments in the area.
Mahley added that he was surprised to see that ApoE had left the secretory pathway; his research had found that only fragments of ApoE entered the cytosol (he had not detected these fragments in the nucleus).
Note that from the nature of this screen and the rarity of the transcripts, some of these clones represent only fragments of the presumed transcripts or have may have other artifacts.
This latest and greatest phase is the most poorly preserved: Only fragments of the floor remain because the Spanish razed the temple for materials to build their colonial city.
By the same token, only fragments of representative democracy exist at the EU level: the European Parliament still does not hold the power to propose new laws, whereas the European Commission is far from constituting a proper executive power that would be accountable to the legislative.
In such a school only fragments of theology can be studied; its partial views are never corrected or illuminated from other perspectives than its own.
Bringing forth only fragments of our extended critique of apostolic succession (and acting as if it constituted the whole), Wahlberg fails to realize both the nature and the extent of our criticism.
Like other products of evolutionary change, we only notice what is likely to matter to us: We experience only a fragment of what is happening in the world.
Am I only a fragment of myself, to the measure that I do not give myself wholly to what is revealed in Christ?
I can see you will never be able to comprehend it with only a fragment of intelligence though.
This feeling of separation manifests itself in an obsession with what is only a fragment of the whole.
The Israeli army censored the recordings, allowing only a fragment of the conversations to be published.
While the screen represents only a fragment of Fisher's talents, there are many wonderful performances you can find both in and beyond Star Wars!
With this being the only fragment of truth he knows, he believes that his best course of action is to not cooperate at all.
Only a fragment of this chronology is ever visible to the viewer, pairing Past and Future, leaving Present to its own devices.

Not exact matches

Reviewed by local regulators for almost a year, that local marriage was only step one for the Brahma boys, who saw an industry ripe for consolidation and initiated a strategy to improve margins by buying up brewers, eliminating duplicative operations, cutting excess suppliers, and other steps that formed today's beer market, which is fragmented by brand but consolidated in terms of ownership.
This complete elimination of distractions is the only way I know to get into deep, focused work and avoid fragmented sessions where you're merely doing half - work.
With today's highly fragmented markets, the auctions are the only time in the day when investors receive the benefit of centralized liquidity, which is critical to price discovery and the stability and transparency of our capital markets.
The only actual debates are on certain time frames and locations where we have severe lack of fossils, or figuring out where a partial fragment belongs.
Yes, the earliest manuscripts we have are after His resurrection, but there were earlier writings that were not on durable material, and writings that were destroyed by the Romans and Jewish leaders, but the surviving record captures all the necessary Truths, even though the Gospels cover only a small fragment of Jesus» activities during His time on earth.
But only fragments or secondary translations have been found, so the complete original forms of all of them are still unavailable.
Note: The moderators of this blog have set up a secret forbidden word filter which unfortunately not only will delete or put your comments in the dreaded «waiting for moderation» category but also will do the same to words having fragments of these words.
Only unrelated fragments of info.
There are only 3 known complete Lukes, but all 3 differ in many areas, there are 18 copies of Matthew, mostly fragments though wth ont5 compete.
The number of bones of the Ape - girl skeleton are unique because Lucy had only a few head fragments.
By providing only fragments from biblical books (in this case part of an oracle from Isaiah, a reassurance from Paul, a parable from Jesus), they leave a suggestive opening, not only to other texts...
Only faith derived from Christian preaching is able to deduce the certainty of God acting upon us even from those fragments, which otherwise would remain only a small part of the history of ideas, and quite a problematic part at that.&raOnly faith derived from Christian preaching is able to deduce the certainty of God acting upon us even from those fragments, which otherwise would remain only a small part of the history of ideas, and quite a problematic part at that.&raonly a small part of the history of ideas, and quite a problematic part at that.»
The church also convened an international conference in Crete, but as Patriarch Bartholomew says, «our efforts will be meaningless if they remain fragmented».19 The demands of the world call upon Christians not only to act ecumenically but together with all people of faith and good will.
Once a week WARNING for new commentators: The moderators of this blog have set up a secret forbidden word filter which unfortunately not only will delete or put your comment in the dreaded «waiting for moderation» category but also will do the same to words having fragments of these words.
«Christendom» not only did not decline from this time, but with its famous doctrine of cuius regio, eius religio, its underlying logic received powerful, official sanction, and it has continued on in the fragmented territorial or «state churches» of the emergent European nation - states.
All profoundly religions people are gripped by a vision of reality which is not only beyond the state but beyond the difficult lessons of experience, beyond the realistic analysis of social forces and societal needs, beyond the prudential calculations of common sense, and beyond the fragmented bits of data we get from daily life.
Despite those critics who cite this fragment of Blake's vision as evidence of a Gnostic hatred of the body, we have only to recall his continual and ecstatic celebration of sexuality and the body to recognize these lines as containing a vision of the regeneration and reversal of a fallen sexuality.
When sinners try to construct out of these fragments a natural theology that points to the true God, they succeed only in assembling a picture of what Calvin called an idol, a deity who is not really God but only a cheap substitute for the real thing.
When Plato acted it was probably in the belief that his freedom to act could only affect a small fragment of the world, narrowly circumscribed in space and time; but the man of today acts in the knowledge that the choice he makes will have its repercussions through countless centuries and upon countless human beings.
My point is that we know so very little about our universe that I can say «at the moment nothing we know of is eternal» while at the same time understanding that the universe could be like that electron and wink in and out of existence in some constant renewal, from singularity to singularity and back again, but because we only see a tiny fragment of the process we can only make sloppy assumptions as to the mechanics involved.
«This well - preserved item is the only one of its kind, and one of just two surviving fragments from this medieval Caxton book in existence.
The rich vein of evangelical religion has run well - nigh out; and, though there are masses of apostolic origin lying everywhere, they are but fragments, and are evidently only the talus which has fallen from the cliffs above and scattered itself over the lowered surface.»
Unfortunately, the ideas of Heraclitus and his contemporary Parmenides are available to us only in a few fragments, and these provide merely a hint of their thought.
• The moderators of this blog, Dan Gilgoff and Eric Marrapodi, have set up a secret forbidden word filter which unfortunately not only will delete or put your comment in the dreaded «waiting for moderation» category but also will do the same to words having fragments of these words.
They are placed side by side in close conjunction and therefore bend our minds to a closure: we want to make sense of these fragments as if they were the only pieces that mattered.
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