Sentences with phrase «only generalized»

The only generalized exemptions to this are reserved for the military and only for military purposes; shooting down a civilian's Phantom 4 with a Stinger missile is no more permissible than blowing up their car with a bazooka.
His lines are deliberately scumbled and sketchy, and the forms only generalized.
Do take note that these are only generalized personality traits based on the breed.
In Seattle, the plaintiffs alleged that school segregation unconstitutionally reflected not only generalized societal discrimination and residential housing patterns, but also school board policies and actions that had helped to create, maintain, and aggravate racial segregation.
Some guys will ask only generalized questions such as what did you do on the weekend or how is your job going on.
Other charter leaders and advocates who attended the rally said privately that they thought that Tuesday could not have gone better for them optically, but offered only generalized press release - type language on the record, to avoid seeming like they were gloating over a rally that overshadowed the mayor's.
Don't have the numbers in front of me, so I can only generalize... we know the moon is moving away from the earth at X-inches per year.

Not exact matches

«Thousands of years of men innovating society and a single generation where women start to do better (in school and so forth) and rather than looking at the big picture, we're free to generalize, so long as those generalizations are harmful only to men.»
GFI aims for diversity in their hires primarily through hiring practices that are intended to help them minimize the effects of bias, such as encouraging staff to score applications anonymously, using generalized ability tests, and meeting applicants only late in the process.88 While they've hired many women, including in seven of nine director roles, they find that their team is lacking in diversity in other ways, and they've met with Encompass to discuss further steps they can take to develop their diversity strategy.89 One staff member we spoke to mentioned that they hoped GFI would be able to begin paying interns, which might help diversify their team by broadening the pool of potential interns who could afford to take a position with GFI.90, 91
There's so much generalized hate against Muslims (instead of directing that hate to extremists and radicals only).
Generalizing all Christians with having these idiotic thoughts is the only thing that is «stupid» here.
From generalizing and assimilation of cases there is progressively generated a description by which all and only cases of experience can be characterized.
If, as Hartshorne does, one uses one's prior understanding of various types of human experience as the source of generalized descriptions which together constitute the final concept of experience, how does one decide whether the generalizations have been radical enough to support application to all — including nonhuman — experiences or were sufficient only to cover human experiences?
Now let me bring in the generalized third party here that think that most believers of a faith only believe because they were raised that way.
Idealized generalizing about «The Bible» is always a huge mistake and only reveals agendas, I think.
Granted this, however, the panpsychist generalizing in Whiteheadian fashion from the case in question must argue either that both mental and physical properties (Or the two kinds of spatiotemporal extensiveness enjoyed by mental images and physical brains respectively) are real and that all entities have both kinds, or that mental properties are real but physical ones only apparent.
Only in a generalized sense of the existential flux which we lose the greater our conceptual clarity.
Real science — meaning a system of generalized, testable principles — emerged only where belief in a rational creator and an orderly creation prevailed.
My own move here would be to generalize metaphysically the doctrine that Whitehead is willing to extend only to our cosmic epoch, i.e., I would insist in my version of the philosophy of organism that it is a categoreal demand that all prehensions be immediate prehensions of contiguous occasions.
Mark did not follow the outline of the collected «Sammelbericht» simply because he was unaware of them as assembled into a chronological outline by Dodd, but knew of them only as he himself presents them: a series of independent generalizing summaries, probably, like the kerygma and the Gospels, primarily topical in nature.
Next time you want to generalize to all muslims (or all christians or all whatever), try to find out if your concern actually applies to all of them or, as in this case, only the ones in the Iranian government...
But only our own specious present is directly experienced with any vividness; and it is from this direct experience that philosophy must, according to process philosophy, seek to generalize its understanding of the non-human world.
This seems to work only in countries with substantial surpluses in international trade, a model that can not be generalized and one that appears irrelevant for the foreseeable future in most of the Third World.
To generalize this point, we should say that a properly constituted interreligious polemic should deploy as methods of argument and proof only tools that are recognized as authoritative and demonstrative by both sides.
If the ethical imperative is that we should offer our lives to an other who is present to us only as a trace (as a sufferer, as we said above) and not in visibility, then, as I have shown, this other is an anonymous and therefore generalized other.
For a generalized other is a totalized other, an other reduced to ourselves, since we can only imagine it by projecting our own subjectivity upon it.
Just as physics generalizes variables of movement so that they can apply not only to a human hunter and his fleeing prey, but also to stars, planets, atoms, and photons, so psychics needs to generalize such ideas as feeling, perceiving, remembering, anticipating, intending, liking and disliking, so that they can apply not only to animals, but even to the real individual constituents of the vegetable and mineral portions of nature.
If human experience is genuinely a part of nature, and if there be only one type of actual entity within nature (an idea whose truth - value must finally be verified heuristically), then, since it is that part of nature one knows most intimately, it provides the best starting point for finding principles that can be generalized to all actual entities.
Not only do we fail to recognize our epistemological limits by generalizing abstractions, we also unconsciously generalize our individual finite perspectives into an infinite universal reality (MT 42 - 43).
«Cosmic order» can only be understood as a generalized representation of a process of successive new patternings of experience.
In a fallen world, it is only the strong who would benefit from the generalized nonviolence Claiborne advocates; the weak and vulnerable would be their victims.
In fact, however, the information (and thus the narrower theory examined here) pertains only to the first of the two implied assertions — that a generalized legal system facilitates the interaction of religiously diverse people.
Freud's teaching is definitely one - sided in that it generalizes from facts that are relevant only to neurotic states of mind; its validity is really confined to those states... Freud's is not a psychology of the healthy mind.»
We can affirm the reality of the others only as we generalize features of our own experience.
I only need to point out the generalizing that goes on.
My concern was more that because Camping is setting dates, it then causes others to generalize to all Christians when only a small percentage believe Camping.
My state has strong homebirth laws and accredited LM's who hold their own credentials and go to school only for L&D issues not generalized med surg.
Fourth, since we analyzed data from only one state, it is hard to generalize our findings.
On this page, Bucharestians not only started confirming their personal intention to participate, but also highlighting the importance of generalized participation in this event, thus building momentum for what was to come.
Because the findings are based on data only from people living in Mississippi and Alabama, Sen says it can not yet be generalized for all people in the United States.
«Studies like this one are extremely important to better understand scientific career [s],» notes Geuna, who recently edited a book on the global mobility of research scientists, although the study's results «might not be generalized to the population as the sample includes only «stars»» and excludes postdocs.
Rich suspects that the animal would have been only about 8.5 centimeters long and a «generalized insectivore.»
With the data from only that one study, it's hard to generalize, Song says.
The authors caution that because they only considered lower strength wines and beers found on the websites of the four main UK supermarkets, the extent to which their findings can be generalized outside of these marketing platforms — for example to billboards or social media — is limited.
«Now that we have this quantifiable result, that with only 12 building blocks we can make more than 75 percent of polyenes, we are committed to figuring out a global collection of building blocks — how to make them, how to put them together — to create a generalized approach for small - molecule synthesis.»
Findings from this study may be generalized only to overweight and obese Latino children, mostly of a lower socioeconomic status, according to the study.
Nolden and Haye's study only used ethanol cut with water, so caution is needed in generalizing how the results apply to alcoholic beverages because in addition to ethanol, almost all contain other sensory - active compounds that may enhance or suppress bitterness.
In laboratory research, rodent models of seizure activity, typically differentiate between absence seizures (a type of generalized epilepsy, in which electrical activity of the entire brain is affected), and mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (a type of partial epilepsy, which only affects one hemisphere of the brain).
Because this is qualitative research among only a small number of individuals, the findings from these two focus groups can not be generalized to represent the entire population of adults in the United States.
The study only included white people, so the results can not be generalized to other races or ethnic groups.
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