Sentences with phrase «only global deal»

In 2012 the only global deal for limiting greenhouse gas emissions — the Kyoto Protocol — expires.

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The GE deal vaults the merged business past Halliburton to rival only Schlumberger NV for dominance in the global oilfield service market.
But now, bigger companies that sell in four or more regions are now referred to as global brands, and these businesses will only deal with the buyers in Austin.
As the only provider of enterprise blockchain solutions, Ripple's growing, global network includes 12 of the top 50 global banks, ten banks in commercial deal phases, and over 30 bank...
As the only provider of enterprise blockchain solutions, Ripple's growing, global network includes 12 of the top 50 global banks, ten banks in commercial deal phases, and over 30 bank pilots completed, among many others also using Ripple's solutions.
The deal with Ferrero only covers U.S. confectionary brands but does not affect global brands such as KitKat.
But clearly much can be dealt with only at regional and global levels.
Since in some respects we will, inevitably, have economic issues that can only be dealt with at a global level, we do indeed need some global government.
This social media presence allows clubs to not only broaden their global fan bases, but also acquire additional revenue streams from advertising deals.
Not only is the EU signing these deals, but the absence of the US from the world stage under Trump means it is starting to dictate how the global economy functions.
Of course, the ivory trade is only one part of a web of wildlife crime that is itself part of a global criminal network dealing in drugs, weapons and people.
Joydeep Gupta, editor of and a co-author on the report, said: «Given that India is ranked the second most vulnerable to the economic costs of climate change, only a strong global deal can generate the finance to avert disaster.
The only nagging inconvenience is dealing with time zones on a global level.
AQR's long - short global stock - selection strategy is well worth the money and a better deal than its long - only stock funds.
Authorized users for the Prestige aren't given the 4th night free, Admirals Club access, or the Global Entry Credit, but they do get the Priority Pass membership, which means they're getting a $ 400 benefit for only $ 50, so it's still a sweet deal!
So the project deals with issues of nationalism, anticolonial sentiment and resistance, not only to physical violence but to the financialization of global capital.»
«One need only consider Abstract Expressionism, for just a moment, as just another style to see with a great deal of clarity that, in the Post World War II period, geometric abstraction, or op art, or hard edge painting, or whatever you want to call it was, in fact, the dominant global idiom of that era, the true cosmopolitan language of art.
However, if the loss of Arctic Sea ice has significantly changed global atmospheric circulation patterns, then we are dealing with a different system that has only been in existence since 2007, and we do not know how often to expect crop failures.
Few people on the planet have done more to harm the environment, to thwart the technology - only strategy for dealing with global warming, and to create the political polarization he now (laughably) decries than Newt Gingrich.
Many of the experts (like Dr Hansen) dealing with global warming rightfully only look at what they think is going on and since the concentration of carbon dioxide (although I still have no idea how they can get an average concentration reading instantly all over the world) has increased, the culprit of global warming is this increase of carbon dioxide.
In such cases the number in the index files should be considered definitive, because in that method the full time series is involved in dealing with the data gaps, whereas for individual maps only the data on that particular map are used to estimate the global mean.»
Here's an illustration from the paper showing how Brazil and other countries in the American tropics dealt a huge blow to Aedes mosquitoes in the first half of the 20th century, but then — only partly because of the ban on DDT — dropped their defenses just as humanity's boom in urbanization and global mobility got into high gear.
Current technology includes nuclear fission, which is more than capable of dealing with global energy needs, and at costs lower than fossil — IF it were only deployed.
The earth has had significant Global Warming for some 20,000 years now... The only real argument is to the degree that mans activity has augmented that... We just came out of one - point - five - million years of continuous glaciation with sheets of two mile thick ice down past the 44th parallel... I will cheerfully deal with warming issues over that, any day...
Your input is indispensable to frame a deal that is not only effective in terms of emission reductions, but also makes economic sense,» said Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the Bali Global Business Day.
Mark Bowen, the author of «Censoring Science: Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth About Global Warming» (Fresh Air interview) said he was initially skeptical about the investigation, but was pleasantly surprised that it captured not only the basic violations of the public trust, but also dealt with «the subtler aspects of censorship — the delaying of information, the sorts of intimidation that cause self censorship.»
The «climate pragmatists,» such as Victor, Stern, and myself, argue that the point of Australian climate policy is not to solve the global climate problem, or to solve the problem of emissions from international trade, but rather to achieve politically feasible forward progress on domestic climate policy that can help set the foundation for future global policy (which as you and Victor have pointed out is the only way to deal with leakage, including coal exports).
«But», you could now say to me, «granting, for the sake of argument only, that Miliband and others may be going rather too far, surely there is clear scientific evidence that human - induced global warming presents a serious problem which has to be dealt with.
Distorting subsidies not only do damage economic now, they strangle any possibility of dealing logically with new challenges like resource depletion and global warming.
He's also been pushing his idea that global temperature is following a modest warming trend of only 0.06 deg.C / decade, but we've already dealt with that.
Morano said the «hottest year» was dealt with by scientists appearing in the film and that in any case, the declaration would only sneak above the margin of error for global land - based measurements.
And they are pursuing this agenda despite global warming again being dead last in the latest Gallup poll of 15 issues of greatest concern to Americans: only 25 % say they worry about it «a great deal,» despite steady hysteria; 24 % are «not at all» worried about the climate.
JC comments: When I raise the issue of emphasizing adaptation over mitigation, the response I often get is that the sea level rise issue is so global and overwhelming that mitigation is the only sensible way to deal with the global sea level rise.
Only 32 percent of Americans in the poll said they are worried about global warming a «great deal
Businesses are also moving forward: Auto company General Motors announced it will transition to producing only electric vehicles; 100 of the world's most influential businesses are creating a huge demand for renewable energy; and ten of the world's largest companies have launched a global campaign to expand corporate electric vehicle use and charging infrastructure (a big deal when you consider that about half of the cars on the road belong to companies).
Only the media circus attending the no - global - warming claims is easily a thousand times that dealing with a single otherwise obscure paper in an otherwise (to the general public) somewhat obscure journal.
May 1989 Gallup poll, worries on various issues: 35 % Great deal about global warming, 28 % Fair amount, 18 % Only a little, 12 % Not at all, 7 % No opinion.
In Oregon, for example, Governor Kate Brown signed a bill that will move the state to 50 percent renewable energy production by 2040 and end the state's use of coal power by 2030; in Montana, sagging demand and economic pressures caused Arch Coal to scrap its plans for a massive strip - mining operation on federal land; and in a recent Gallup poll, 64 percent of Americans said they worried a «great deal» or «fair amount» about global warming, up from 55 percent only a year ago.
But given that our herds account for only 2.9 % of global domestic animals, one can only conclude that we did so at a time when the global environment was more than able to deal with it.
Dealing with Congress and federal agencies, Mr. Bookbinder helped lead efforts on both global warming legislation and greenhouse gas regulation under the Clean Air Act, and has testified in front of House and Senate committees on these issues (and may be the only person ever invited by both Barbara Boxer and James Inhofe).
Our 2030 target of only reducing emissions by 11 % from 1990 levels must be lifted before the global deal enters force in 2020.
If only one person burned a little coal, no one would really care about global or regional effects — maybe some local neighbors and some downstream interests would have a problem, or not, depending on how the ash is handled, how the coal was obtained, etc, but in so far as the CO2 emissions are concerned, no big deal.
We wrote a book with the intention of laying out the broad philosophical outlines for a different kind of politics that can address the things that we have to do and address not only global warming but the other large issues that we have to deal with in this new century.
• More specifically, 33 % of Americans worry about global warming «a great deal,» 25 % worry «a fair amount,» 20 % «only a little,» and 23 % «not at all.»
You have to pinch yourself when the government announces another new subsidy for the fossil fuel industry, not only because they so recently said that renewable energy should stand on its own two feet, but also because they're announcing this just days before the latest climate conference in Paris — at which world leaders will gather to try and hammer out a global deal to reduce emissions.
We also avoid any use of global climate models, instead dealing only with real world data.
A reasonable deal within this group would be nearly five times more effective than the current commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, which only covers 15 percent of global emissions.
If international climate policies succeed, against all odds, in sealing an ambitious deal on the confinement of global warming to < 2 °C, then the focus of TE research should actually shift to the social transformations arena: a massive acceleration of innovation processes for the decarbonization of our contemporary industrial metabolism will be the only way to deliver.
Environmental groups say that the only way to deal with the effects of global warming is to make drastic cuts in carbon emissions — a project that will cost the world trillions (the Kyoto Protocol alone would cost $ 180 billion annually).
I operate a body corporate management company and we deal with these issues on a more global basis, and not only do I deal with it on a legal practitioner end but also from the body corporate manager perspective, thus making it more practical alongside the vital legal notions.
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